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[Guess Who updated their phone? I did! I I I I finally I can type I]

[Also Sorry but Angst]

Patton could feel his eyes getting teary.

Thomas felt more uninspired than he ever had been.

Logan. Logan was legitimately slipping a few years.

And Virgil...Virgil had disappeared. He wasn't going to stay, he couldn't. He wasn't going to stay for all the attention that would be put on him, that he knew would he put on him, the looks of pity and pats of pity. He knew that would be what would come after they received the news that Roman was...passed- in other terms- ...dead.

Virgil had raced from the room, and nobody stopped him either, they knew nothing good would come of it.

So, Virgil sat. Alone. In his room. He felt nothing, he felt numb. He Felt...like he was in some sort of Alternate reality that didn't really exist...it was all a dream...it had to be- right? It had to be...

Virgil laid on his back for close to an hour, staring up at the ceiling as he willingly allowed the shadows of the room consume him. He finally began to twitch when he could feel his back stiffen from effort of staying still before he turned over onto his side. However, he paused when he felt something under his back when he turned and forced himself upwards the grab whatever it was; but, when he brought the item into his lap- he froze.

Princey the Bear.

Virgil's hands began to tremble as he looked down at the simple plushy, feeling a lump form in his throat as a sea of emotions that he had been stalking up in bottles all exploded in one little scream as he threw the bear across the room and collapsed on his knees onto the ground as the sobs began to pour out. With the sobs came screams and shouts until Virgil pounded two fists on the ground and began shaking in that position. He let out a few bleats of a cry before getting up and crossing the room and tiny whimpers escaped his lips. He hated feeling this weak, he hated feeling...anything like this....

Virgil looked up at the bear he had thrown and felt a fresh set of tears roll down his cheeks as he bent down and picked it up, hugging it tightly to his chest, "I-I'm so sorry...please...please don't leave me..." Virgil sat hunched over with his eyes shut, red and puffy letting out tiny gasps between cries. He felt a weird sensation like he was falling for a moment before landing. As he opened his eyes his heart rate picked up to see that he was in Roman's room. He looked around for a moment in bewilderment as the room seemed a bit hazy. His eyes then widened as he saw...himself...on...the edge of Roman's bed?

Virgil got up to approach himself, stopping and looking down at his sitting self, "...Me?" He reached forward and helped as his hand went through his own self. He blinked in confusion before his mind settled on a conclusion, "My room...it's...shape-shifting itself...into-" He paused as the door opened to Roman's room and he turned around and instantly dropped the bear, "...The past." Virgil's voice cracked as he saw Roman at the entrance to the door.

"So, jack, had enough of a time out in here?" Past Roman put his hand on his hip.

Past Virgil looked up and attempted to scowl, "One minute in this room and I'm already wanting to sing- can I leave now?"

Past Roman grinned and sat down beside Past Virgil.

Virgil, real Virgil, looked over at the two and carefully sat down beside Past Roman.

"Is it really that bad?" Roman snickered.

Both Virgil's felt their heart melt and then soar at the sound of Roman's voice so joyful.

"Why wouldn't it be- especially for me?" Past Virgil scratched his arm awkwardly.

"Don't you enjoy being happy once and awhile?" Past Roman sighed.

"I mean...it's not like I'm always unhappy..." Past Virgil mumbled.

"Oh? You sure show that a lot." Past Roman's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Shut up, royal, I can be happy."


"Yeah! I'm happy-"

"Happy when?"

"When I'm with-" Past Virgil paused and shook his head, "Whenever I'm with my hoodie...it makes me feel safe."

Present Virgil slammed his hand on the frame of the bed, "Damned fool, that's not what you meant." He skunk down to the floor as the memory whisked away, but not soon before another appeared in front of him. Roman was on the floor in a trembling ball and Present Virgil immediately felt the urge to get up and protect him. He knew he needed it but when he went to touch and hug Roman, his hand simply slipped through, and once again sorrow filled his chest.

However, there was soon a quiet knock on the door. Present Virgil and Past Roman looked up to see Past Virgil shuffle in.

"...Hey I um...I was just returning...some stuff I stole...Roman, are you alright?" Past Virgil murmured.

Present Virgil let out a choked laugh, "Liar, you heard him..."

"I- Yes- I- simply- just- watched a bad Disney movie..." Past Roman mumbled and turned away from Past Virgil.

"A bad Disney movie, huh?" Past Virgil approached Roman.


"Well...what was it about?" Past Virgil sat down by the curled up royal.

"Just...a...boy...thinking he...isn't good enough for the b- girl, he loves." Roman sniffed, "Because h-he's always so mean...to her that is- and she never appreciates his charm! And I just- it-"

"Ah, that one." Past Virgil nodded, "Well, you obviously didn't watch the ending then."

"I-I didn't?"

"Of course you didn't. See, it wasn't that the girl didn't appreciate his charm...she just...wasn't sure if the boy would be okay if she recognized it,"


"Mhm. And as for him being mean to her, she confesses later that...she didn't really mind the teasing and- the nicknames, she saw them as a sort of...cute, idiotic way of expression." Past Virgil smiled.

"Does...does the girl end up with the boy?"

Present Virgil smiled, "Yes...Yes She does..."

The memory was whisked away in an instant, but this time, it wasn't replaced by another memory, it was replaced by...Roman...just...one, single Roman...

Virgil looked up at the figure and sighed as he walked over, putting his hand in the other's. He expected it to go through him like previous times...but instead it actually...he was actually able to intertwine his fingers with the other. He let out a small gasp and met Roman's eyes, "Princey...? Can you- are you there?"

Roman looked into Virgil's eyes with a sincere smile, "Yes, dear..."

Virgil felt tears form at the brim of his eyes before he grasped Roman in an embracing hug and sobbed into his chest.

Roman simply ran his fingers through the boy's hair with comforting words.

Virgil sat back and wiped away his tears with a sniff to look at Roman. His eyes were dull...but it still looked like him. It broke Virgil's heart further, "I...I realize...that this- that you...you're not real...not here at least...Ro...Roman you're...you're dead..."

"I know, Virgil, I know." Roman sighed but continued to smile his same smile, "That can't be changed...I'm simply a fragment of your memories of...Roman...but...I do know that..."

Virgil shook his head and connected his forehead with Roman's, "I love you..." He murmured with pain in his voice.

"...It's only a matter of time, my love..."
Roman murmured as his figure began to fade.

Virgil held him tighter, falling into his chest, though soon finding himself actually falling, to his knees. And when he opened his eyes, he was back in his room.
And Roman was gone.

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