Withdrawal: Part 2

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TW: Depression

"What do you mean we're delaying the video?" Logan scoffed.

"I mean. We're delaying. The video." Thomas sighed.

"Well, we've delayed our videos before, it'll be fine, the fanders won't mind." Patton smiled reassuringly.

"But, we're already two weeks late- and yes, they'll always forgive us, but we have to stay committed at the very least." Thomas frowned, "We haven't come up with a single idea and it's not like we can record it despite that."

"Why's that?" Patton blinked.

"Well, for one, Virgil isn't coming out of his room, and for two, Roman has been in his room trying to figure out this situation for as long as Virgil's been gone." Thomas shook his head.

"I told you, neither of them function without the other." Logan sighed.

"Please- just- please figure out how to fix this." Thomas groaned before waving and disappearing from the mind-palace.

"What do we do...?" Patton whimpered.

"Why is this always left to us to fix?" Logan glanced towards Patton.

"It doesn't have to be, does it?"

"Of course it does, we're the only ones- oh- oh-" Logan grinned.

"Oo, idea?" Patton gasped happily.

"Coulumb's law states that Opposites attract," Logan began, "Thus, Roman and Virgil are essentially magnets to each other. Virgil being the negative magnet and Roman being the positive magnet. They naturally attract to each other, and with that have an almost tug towards each other. Magnetic force will attract the positive and negative to create a connection."

"Aren't we the magnetic force though?" Patton cocked his head.

"That's our problem."

"It is?"

"It is," Logan nodded, "We've provided a magnetic force to Virgil and Roman for the past- however long- however, this has now created a dependency on us, the magnetic force. So, I propose, that this time, we allow them to find their own magnetic force, and create that with a partial amount of each of themselves, thus fixing our situation!" Logan concluded.

"...English?" Patton squeaked.

Logan sighed, "We have to step out of the situation so they can figure out how to cooperate with each other by themselves."

"Oh...and that'll work?" Patton blinked.

"Well," Logan sighed, "It has to."


Roman laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling while biting one of nails and spitting out the edge of it. It was a horrible habit that he tended to do when he was nervous and hated how nubby his fingernails looked afterwards. However, he found it seemed to help him- despite it totally not.

There were piles upon piles of crumbled up wads of paper that were scattered across the room with little clips and blips of ideas that deemed themselves useless. It seemed like every idea he crumbled up was another tear in his chest. He could hardly stand it but was too stubborn to admit he did indeed need Virgil.

Despite all of Roman's efforts to cope without the other aspect around, the guilt and longing was piling up to an almost unbearable level. He was kept from seeking out Virgil at the thought that possibly the other aspect was going through just as much pain as he was and the he would soon arrive. However, if that was the case, he was sure taking his precious time.

Roman groaned and rolled over onto his side to look over his room. The Disney posters that were scattered along the walls of his room would usually cheer him up, however, they were now simply a solemn reminder that he was going to have to have a one person Disney-movie marathon for the time being. It had been two days and Roman was still keeping up this stubborn, foolish act. He truthfully hated it and wanted it to stop, the whole of solitude eating away at his heart bit by bit. He had expected, at the very least, Patton to come in and check on him. But, alas, nobody had visited him since he had spat that awful phrase at Virgil.

It wasn't true in the very least, and Roman knew that the moment he said it. Why he said it? Even he was having trouble admitting that.

Sure, Virgil bothered Roman from time to time, but he always prevailed in just...being there. I'm being there when it mattered most. For the most part, it would seem that Roman would be the Prince to Virgil's peril. But truthfully, Virgil was Roman's prince to peril. Virgil was like an anchor to Roman, he kept him on solid ground and kept a firm sense of reality and judgment going. Without Virgil, Roman's peril was consuming him. And, it was quite noticeable.

And by that, really, it was quite noticeable.

It startled Roman at first when the walls of his room turned from a bright cream to a dulling grey. However, he soon got used to it as the Disney posters began to curl away from the wall and fall into a scattered mess on the floor. He felt like the room was some how coping in a sense to his inward emotions.



Not the right word.

It was coping to the lack of Roman's inward emotions. This initially concerned Roman, but bit by bit, the concern subsided into minimal worrying, and the worrying subsided into accepting, until all that remained were throbbing black walls and a curled up Roman in his bed.


Meanwhile, Virgil wasn't doing that well either. His eye-shadow had turned a brilliant, dark shade of black and his room was turning that of Roman's. His heart stung and his eyes brimmed with tears, as Logan had predicted, Roman's words hit him like ice-shards every single second, and it wasn't helping his, or his room's, state.

He let out a small sniffle as he arched his back, pain scorching from his chest, throughout his body. Then, all of a sudden, the pain began to get physical, to a point where he could feel burning along the exterior of his body, he let out a few gasps of pain as he looked down to see his veins turn to that of charcoal, and it felt as if glass-shards were running through them.

Virgil gasped out in pain before he let out an ear-piercing shriek.

[Part 3 coming soon...]

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