Your face

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"How?" Virgil glared at Roman.

"How what?" Roman flashed a grin a Virgil from where he stood in his signature prince pose with his foot up on the living room's couch, much to Logan dislike as he now had to scoot over to read from his textbook on 'Fantastic Feasts and Where to find them: A foodie's guide' he wasn't particularly interested but it had been on the shelf.

"You just said your face was the royalest out of all of us- we all-"

"That's not a word." Logan murmured.

Virgil rolled his eyes before continuing, "We all have the same face, How is yours better?"

"My face is more royal because, well- it is! We all have different faces, you can't tell me otherwise." Roman crossed his arms over his chest.

"Ah, but I can," Logan stood up, "We're all projections of Thomas, therefor we project his facial features." Logan sat back down.

"How do you explain Virgil being shorter then?" Patton cocked his head, earning a grunt from Virgil.

"Virgil simply slouches all the time, so naturally we see him shorter because he's not at his full height- Virgil, care to straighten up for a bit?" Logan fixed his glasses on his face.

"Only because I can make the joke that I can't do anything straight..." Virgil mumbled.

"DAD JOKE!" Patton gasped.

Virgil rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a smirk before he elongated his spine.

The rest of the sides gasped as Virgil was now the same height as them.

"This only further proves that we all have the same face." Virgil sighed.

"Ah, but I'll prove you wrong!" Roman declared.

"And how's that, Princey?" Virgil slouched again.

Roman closed his eyes.

The other three looked at him in confusion.

"Patton," Roman began, "You have creases just beneath your eyes, caused from smiling almost every minute,"

"That's true!" Patton squeaked.

"Nobody else has those," Roman continued, "And Logan,"

"Here we go..." Logan sighed.

"You have creases just above your eyebrows from furrowing them all the time from how often you solve things." Roman grinned.

"Well, I can't deny my power for puzzles." Logan smirked.

"Finally, Virgil." Roman continued to keep his eyes closed.

"Go on, tell me how horrible I l-"

"You have the fairest face of them all,"

"Ah, pale j-"

"Shut. Up." Roman hissed out, "I mean in both ways, Virgil, for one, you have more freckles than the rest of us from, ironically, too much sun exposure, you keep your window open constantly-"

"It's the only source of light, it gives an eery aura to the room..." Virgil defended himself quietly.

"Underneath the foundation that you put on quite frequently you actually have a fairly red face most of the time, your facial cheeks that is, well and your oth-"

"Stop." Virgil groaned, his cheeks flushing up.

"...Your smile is unique to the others''s's very bright...and it's like your whole face is smiling...not just your mouth, but you're...happy and..." Roman's eyes shot open as he felt a hand in his, Virgil refusing to hug him in front of the other's.


"I said I had the royalest face,
Not the best of them."

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