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TW: Mild gore/abuse

Virgil stormed away from Roman's car, he could get quite emotional very quick, however, most of the time he did a fine job of hiding, but right now this was not one of those times.

Virgil used his shoulder to wipe away a few tears as he made his way around the corner of the street quickly and slumped down, letting out a small choke before leaning back, though he looked up to see something he would rather not have.

"Virgil, I didn't realize you'd be coming." Tom smirked.

Virgil flinched and turned around on the sidewalk curb he was sitting on quickly, though he fell half way into the street, his arms holding him up from behind and causing him to be immobile as Tom lurked forward.

"Roman's crying you know, just a bit, but it's your fault." Tom scowled.

"If you're here to make me feel bad then you can go fuck yourself, Tom." Virgil glared up at the other.

"Oh, no, not at all," Tom paused, "I'm only here to teach you lesson," Tom grabbed both of Virgil's leg and tugged him forward.

Virgil yelped as his hands slid out from under him and he hit the asphalt hard, Tom now looming over him.

"And to wish you luck of course," Tom's voice darkened.

"T-Tom-" Virgil swallowed nervously as Tom dropped his right leg and held onto his left.

"Break a leg, Virgil."


Roman followed the sound of ear splitting wails to find Virgil in a heap on the side of the road, crying out his name, though it was too dark to see much, however, that didn't stop Roman from rushing forward and collapsing in front of Virgil, leaning forward to pull him closer, "Whats wrong, what's wr-!?"

Virgil screamed out in absolute agony as his leg was moved.

"CALL. A FUCKING. AMBULANCE!" Virgil wailed loudly.

Roman let go of Virgil, allowing the other to scream out while the upper half of his body lay in Roman's lap.

Roman shakily grabbed his phone from his pocket and called 9-1-1, the phone rang before someone answered.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" A young, female voice rang through the speaker.

"Y-Yeah- my boyfr- friend wh-who's a boy- is h-hurt he's- we're on the corner of Wall a-and Stone..." Roman swallowed nervously.

"Alright, stay calm, do you want me to send for an ambulance?"

"Y-yes please." Roman was breaking quickly.

"Okay, sir, they're coming now." The lady reassured Roman.

"Thanks-" Roman hung up before looking down at the still screaming Virgil, his heart-breaking, "D-Dear, you're going to have to tell me where the pain is."

"M-my leg is- it- h-hurts.." Virgil cried helplessly, "A-And-"

"Shh...don't waste your energy, sweet, you can explain the rest later..." Roman cooed.

"B-But Tom..." Virgil cried.

Roman stiffened, "Tom-? No- Virgil, tell me later, okay?"

Virgil replied by sobbing louder and burying his face in the chest of Roman's dress-shirt.

A few minutes later, the wailing of an ambulance could be heard and Roman quickly waved them down.

The next thing he knew, Roman was being ushered away from Virgil and Virgil was taken into the ambulance on a stretcher, wailing in pain and calling out for Roman.

Roman's heart ached before he took a few steps forward, "Can I Please ride along?"

"Are you under the age of eighteen?" A medic who wasn't busy loading Virgil into the ambulance responded.

"Yes- I'm not, well, not eighteen, not yet at least- I say I'm eighteen but I'm really-"

"Then we can't leave a minor unsupervised at this hour anyway, under the law then yes, you have to ride along." The medic gave a small smile.

Roman hardly noticed it as he darted towards the back of the ambulance and hopped in, sitting down and keeping his eyes trained on Virgil, though feeling as though he was going to vomit when he saw what was wrong.

Virgil's leg had turned an unnatural color of purple, blue, red, and white, blood and puss oozing out of various tears in the skin.

"Oh, honey..." Roman whispered out.

Virgil simply cried in response.

The medics murmured to each other before nodding and cleaning the wound, causing Virgil to writhe and scream louder as the ambulance's back doors were closed.

"Before we get a move on we should give him some medications- is he allergic to any?" One of the medics looked to Roman.

"N-not that I'm aware of." Roman replied hastily. Not that I'd know.

"He's just going to get worse the more we touch it." The other medic sighed.

The first medic nodded and rechecked for a packet, opening it up and assembling a needle before fiddling in her pocket to grab a vile of something and extract a certain dose.

"Wh-what is that?" Roman grew even more nervous than he already currently was.

"It'll just make him sleep, don't worry." The medic responded kindly.

Hearing this made Virgil scream louder.

"O-Okay-" Roman stuttered Out.

"We just need him still so we don't puncture any vital nerves." The other medic groaned.

Roman nodded and scooted towards Virgil's Head, "Virgil...Virgil calm down...f-focus on my voice, dear."

Virgil tried for a moment before screeching in more pain as he couldn't.

Roman bit his lip in contemplation before sighing, "Virgil sweet, I- I think I'm gay for you."

This made Virgil stiffen, only for an instant, but it was enough to get the medicine into him and he was out like a light.

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