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Roman was quite frankly surprised when he saw that it was the same, gloomy kid that had been singing such passionate words just a moment ago. The whole theatre department was staring at him, peaking out from the corner of the curtains and whispering. Roman began to feel bad for the boy, he obviously hadn't meant to sing and was now pulling his hood over his head as the director asked for his name and then dismissed him. The boy instantly booked it out the back of the theatre. With a shy wave of apology to the director.

Roman began to walk forward, he didn't really want to to be honest, he didn't know this kid but he knew he was hurting. Personally, Roman enjoyed being the hero in most situations, so naturally he began walking down the stairs on the stage to follow him, he would at least see if he was alright. However, when he reached the final step he felt a slight nudge on his shoulder, turning his head he saw a boy in glasses skipping past him and waving quickly with an apology.

Roman sighed, "Alas, a prince is already underway." He simply shrugged and plopped himself down on the stage steps. He might as well, it wasn't as if he had anywhere else to sit as he waited for a result.


"I personally thought you had a magnificent voice!" Patton grinned at Virgil.

Virgil shook his head slightly from where it rested on his knees.

Patton sighed and scooted towards Virgil, patting him on the back comfortingly, "Hey, kiddo. It'll be alright."

"You're one year older than me Patton, not my dad."

"Wait- you're a junior?" Patton cocked his head.

"Duh." Virgil looked up as he wiped the tears of embarrassment off on his shoulder.

"Wow...you look like either a- a senior, bud- but I guess now this really means I can call you kiddo now!" Patton giggled happily.

"I guess...just please...don't?" Virgil suggested.

Patton let out a grumble but nodded his head, "Alright, Alright."

"Thanks." Virgil responded dryly.

"Virgil?" A voice rang from down the hall.

"Oh god, tell them to go away." Virgil whined and pulled on the strings of his hoodie so that only his nose popped out.

"He's in hoodieville right now!" Patton called.

"Patton!" Virgil yelped.

"It's true." Patton mumbled in his defense.

"Well once he's back can you tell him he got the lead?"

"Lead...what?" Virgil poked his head out of his hood.

"You're playing the Phantom."

"But I didn't-!"

"Bring it up with Mrs.Ramirez, I'm just the messenger." They shrugged and went back into the theatre.

Patton and Virgil slowly turned their heads to look at each other in astonishment.

It was a different kind of astonishment for the both of them though.

Patton had a look of pure, astonished excitement and joy.

While Virgil had a look of absolute astonished horror and fear.

"Virgil! This is great!" Patton squeaked.

"How?" Virgil spat out.

"You get to be the center of attention! The star of the show! Everybody's going to be looking to you! You'll be like- the center of attention!"

With every word that Patton got out, Virgil's anxiety built up, he didn't want attention, he wanted to live his high school years in the shadows of the school, unnoticed and untouched by the corrupting hands of those above him. Virgil could feel his breathing become abnormal and his heart-rate his. He shook his head. This can't be happening, This can't be happening, This can't-


Virgil let out a an audible gasp, "I'm a bit over the experience of strangers calling be my first name, thank you very much." Was all that he could say.

"Jesus, calm down, would you?"

Virgil recognized the voice however and matched it to that of Roman's confirming his recognition when he looked up to see the other's face. It looked the same as it had the first time they had crossed paths, handing over the sign up sheet for auditions. Absolutely pissed off, and absolutely surprised.

"Hi! I'm Patton!" Patton grinned widely and held out his hand.

Roman gave and awkward smile and shook Patton's hand, "Roman."

"Nice ta' meet ya' Roman." Patton nodded.

"Well?" Virgil's ice cold glare slithered up to meet Roman's.

"...You were cast as one of the lead roles- The Phantom, specifically."

"So I heard." Virgil sighed.

"May I ask- how? Did you- perform before I got here? Did you perform at all?" Roman shook his head, baffled.

"Nope." Virgil shrugged.

"Peculiar...they're just...going to choose you?"

"Unless I object." Virgil began to get up, dusting his knees off.


Roman felt a spark of hope in him at Virgil's words, I could be The Phantom yet!, "Ah, yes, of course, go right on ahead." He smirked.

Virgil shrugged and began walking towards the Theatre door, pausing a moment, "Hold up- why are you...here?"

Roman blinked as if to think before responding, "Well, I was supposed to be your scene partner- sort of. I got cast as the role of Chris."

"Chris? Isn't it supposed to be Christine?" Virgil frowned.

"You hadn't thought of this when everyone was marking Chris on your little slip of people to announce?" Roman chuckled.

"I thought...it was an abbreviation...I guess..." Virgil shrugged.

Roman sighed dismissively, "Alright." He began following Virgil, Patton tagging along with them.


Virgil put his hand on the handle of the door, beginning to pull when he felt a hand on top of his. He turned his head to see Patton with a look of concern pained over his face.

"Virgil, I wouldn't do this if I were you." Patton frowned.

"Why? I have the right the resign if I want to-"

"But you shouldn't." Patton continued.

"Again, why?" Virgil raised an eyebrow.

"Well...think about it. They wouldn't choose you if they didn't think you have real talent, Virgil. And trust me, I know. They only choose the best of the best- and that's you!"

Virgil blinked thoughtfully.

"Plus! They've only chosen a Sophomore as a lead role twice- ever! Now thrice!"

Virgil felt his confidence growing before Roman interjected.

"Wait, wait, wait- you're a sophomore?" Roman sounded almost disgusted.


"That's- impossible! That's not fair!" Roman's eyes widened.

"Well it's how it is and it's how it will be- for good measure though, don't mention you age." Patton noted.

"There's a no exception policy though!" Roman whined out.

"Virgil," Patton grabbed Virgil by the shoulders, "Think of what you're doing, and make the right decision, alright?"


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