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[Sorry, it's a bit of a short chapter]

Patton bit his lip in worry as he began racing towards the boiler room, he assumed it was another anxiety attack but if Virgil had sent Roman of all people to text him, something must be up.

It wasn't like he had been doing too too much anyway...

////\\\\ [Earlier]

"As for Stage Crew and Stage arts, I'd like the two of you groups to work with each other today on putting together the chandelier, I'll be partnering you off with one person from the other class." Mrs.Ramirez told the remaining students.

"Ollie and Mandi."

Patton bubbled with excitement as he sat in his seat, "Shannon and Katie."

,waving farewell to Roman and Virgil as they exited the theatre. He knew they didn't see him but hoped they had received his good vibes. He was astounded by the frame of the frame of the chandelier, he had painted part of it but the design itself was a marvelous production of other stage arts friends of his.

"Patton and Logan."

Patton looked up sharply when he heard his name, looking around the theatre for anybody looking in the same way he was. It took him a moment before his eyes locked with a boy in a black dress-shirt with glasses. Patton nodded quietly to himself as he locked the facial exteriors so he could find him when they were dismissed.


Patton couldn't see much of the boy currently but it was enough to track him down once the last group was called. He skipped up happily and stopped in front of the other, "Hello there!"

"Um...Greetings." The boy lifted his hand shyly in a half-wave.

"I'm Patton!" Patton held out his hand.

"Oh!" Logan looked a little less confused than he previously had been, "I'm...Logan." He shook Patton's hand lightly before placing both his hands in his pockets.

Patton smiled kindly to make Logan feel less nervous than he already seemed, "Alright, so I think what we could work on is stickin' the glittery bits onto the big chandelier and I can paint around it so the techy stuff doesn't show!"

Logan frowned slightly, "You mean, wiring the light-bulbs onto the branches of the chandelier and then costing over the wires and light-bulb bases?" He corrected.

"Exactly! You're a quick learner!" Patton chuckled.

"...I'm a senior...I have common knowledge.

Patton grinned awkwardly with a small nod. The boy was strange...but intriguing nonetheless.


Patton silently worked on covering up the technical doo-dads that Logan was wiring into the chandelier as they awkwardly worked in silence. Despite other people working on different branches of the chandelier...the world felt as if it had gone completely quiet. Patton couldn't shake the feeling and he figured that Logan couldn't either, as the other then began to speak.

"It's...not very sanitary or healthy to use your fingers to apply the paint to the site..." Logan murmured.

"Oh...I hadn't...Well, it's fun!"

"Fun doesn't prevent skin infection." Logan frowned.

"But it does help your nerves! You could use a bit of fun ya' know." Patton giggled.

"...Fun doesn't make grades." Logan sighed.

Patton frowned as he dipped his fingers into the paint beside him, moving it to dab it on the chandelier. He then paused a moment, a devilish grin spreading wide across his face, "Hey, Logan, wasn't it?"


"I really do think you need to have some fun." Before Logan could analyze the sentence, Patton flung the wad of paint that dripped from his hand and splattered it all over Logan.

Logan let out a gasp as he froze in absolute horror.

"Now you throw some at me!" Patton smiled.

"I need...to go...to the restroom..." Logan hissed out quietly.

Patton felt his heart-drop and was about to apologize when his phone began to ding.


And here he was, racing towards the boiler-room, almost there in fact.

Patton stopped at the entrance to Hell before hooking a right and bounding down the dark hallway under the school, slowing his pace down to a mild joke as he rounded the next corner. Patton's eyes widened in shock when he saw the situation, but also slight amusement.

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