Blue: A Game of Chess

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This chapter is a lot shorter than my normal, but sets up a longer chapter which will be out soon. Enjoy! - Spathi

"Is it all clear?" Percy whispered into his comm unit, hidden just outside of the borders of Wakanda's capital city, Birnin Zana. It was a hidden city, with better technology than pretty much anywhere in the world, with a few exceptions. It was also surrounded by jungle, which made it easy for him to conceal himself. Currently, he was crouched under a large leaf.

He wasn't really wearing the right outfit for the job, but he didn't have anything better. So, there he was, in jeans and a t-shirt, wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap, and a comm hidden as a watch.

"Yes. You have thirty minutes." Natasha responded confidently. She and Bruce had managed to shut down all security in the area, which gave the son of the sea an opening to enter the city.

"Alright, I'm going in." he replied, and dashed out of his hiding spot. He ran as quickly as he could, deftly moving through the thick jungle with silent steps. Around two minutes later, the jungle thinned, and he could see the magnificent city for himself.

"Holy Hera." Percy murmured, eyes widening. Then, he shook his head. Now was not the time to get distracted.

"Where am I heading?" he asked.

"If you look to your 2 o'clock, you should be able to see a satellite dish poking out of the trees. That's part of a secret complex on the very edge of the city."  Bruce explained. Percy nodded to himself.

"And that's where I'll find Steve's team." he finished, spotting the satellite dish Bruce had mentioned.

"Yes. But remember, subtlety is key. We can't shut down their security systems without them becoming suspicious. So make sure no one sees you." Natasha ordered.

"10-4." Percy confirmed, and snuck over to the complex. He climbed up the side carefully, finding a vent in the side. He popped it off, and slid in, crawling through the shaft until he heard voices. Looking out a nearby grate, he realized that he could see T'Challa talking to one Steve Rogers.

He slowly dragged himself past the two enhanced individuals, praying to all the gods he could think of that neither of them heard him.

Naturally, his watch banged a little too loudly against the walls of the vent. T'Challa and Steve stopped talking abruptly. Percy froze.

"Schist." he thought to himself. Then, he heard footsteps coming closer. He tilted his head, reconsidering his previous mental statement.

"Actually, I think the word shit might be more fitting. So... shit. " he decided. He held his breath as the footsteps stopped right next to the wall he was hidden in.

After a couple seconds, he heard something that sounded like a newscast start playing.

"As you can see, you are still very unpopular, Mr. Rogers. Unless you have a very solid plan to infiltrate the Raft, there is no chance that you would be successful in freeing your friends." T'Challa pointed out. Percy blew out a breath of relief, and kept crawling down the vent.

He found another grate that offered him a clear view of a table covered with schematics of the Raft, and smiled to himself. He could still see T'Challa and Steve, but they were on the other side of the rather large room, and they were staring at the TV. Percy dug a small waterproof flashdrive and a vial of water out of his pocket. He opened the vial, and carefully controlled the water inside, wrapping it around the flashdrive and levitating it out of the grate. He slowly floated it over to the table, and then dropped it right in the middle of the desk. His mission accomplished, he started pushing himself backwards the way he came.

Eventually arriving at the original entry point, he replaced the vent cover, and disappeared back into the trees. He ran through the jungle, and was soon out of the borders of the city.

Natasha and Bruce were waiting for him in a nearby clearing. Near them, three pegasi wandered around.

"Alright, we've got to get out of here." Percy said. The couple nodded in unison, and the son of the sea called the pegasi over. After exchanging a few pleasantries with the magical horses, the trio were soon flying high over the earth, heading back to Lyssa. They still had some pieces to move into position.

At Lyssa, the three demigods started getting ready to execute their plan.

"Okay, so the flash drive will shut down all security systems on the Raft, which will allow Steve, Bucky, and T'Challa to get in. But it also sends an alert to Tony and his team, which will bring them to the Raft. In the meantime, you two have to be spotted by Ross's men. After that, Natasha, you need to board the Raft. Get everyone's attention, and draw Ross out. You guys know the rest." Percy directed. The other two nodded. Natasha put on her civilian clothing and Bruce changed into his Hulk pants.

"Bruce and I will head out now. See you later." Natasha stated. Bruce waved. Percy waved back, and the couple suddenly melted into the shadows, leaving him standing alone on the beach.

"They really don't stick around." he muttered to himself, laughing a little. The son of the sea turned around, heading back to the location of their shelter, which was now a full-fledged house. He needed to start his part of the plan.

Leaning against the wall of the house was a bag. He opened it up and searched through it for a moment, soon finding the object he was looking for.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled a battered Yankees cap out of his bag.

He stared at the cap, turning it over in his hands. Smiling fondly, he turned towards the horizon, fitting it carefully over his head, and watching as he immediately turned invisible.

"Alright, Wise Girl. It's go time." he said to himself. Then, his form flickered, and he dissolved into vapor,  which was quickly blown away by the breeze.

Yeah, it's a bit shorter. But the next chapter has to be in Nat's POV, so... see you really soon!

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