Blue: Prophecies, Shelters, and Locations

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Bruce Banner was a good friend, Percy decided as he built a sturdy shelter with a foundation that dug deep into the ground. He hoped that the shelter would turn out a lot nicer than the one Bruce had made, as they were going to be staying in it for a while. He was thankful that he had picked up some building techniques from the short time he had spent with the Romans. Romans. His heart clenched painfully at the word. He missed Jason, Hazel, Frank, and Reyna already. He missed all of his friends and family. It had been a week since he had last seen them. A week since he left them. Why did he leave them? It was because of the prophecy that had been given right before the final battle with Gaea and her army.

When the favored one perishes, Destruction will rise.

And with his anger and torment, he will split the skies.

To save those to whom he is loyal, to Lyssa he flees.

From there, he will go on a quest, way above the seas.

The three Prismatic shall save Earth, stopping Thanos Rex.

Before they do, they must vanish, using Hecate's hex.

Children of the Dove and the Owl, confront what you fear.

Olympus's True Avenger, the battle is near.

Percy had thought the prophecy wouldn't apply to him. He had never heard of Thanos Rex, nor had he heard of the Prismatics. And he had no idea who the favored one was, or who Destruction was either. But then, Annabeth was taken by surprise and killed, and he lost her. 

He had been so angry, he had "split the skies" with lightning, calling down bolts of electicity with his anger, whipping the winds into a hurricane. He had lifted Gaea off the ground with the storm, broke her earthen body with his earthquake powers, ripped chunks of rock from her form with the wind, blasted her with torrents of water, eroding her within minutes. 

He did not scream in anger. He did not lift his sword against her. He simply sat on the ground, Annabeth's limp body in his lap, tears streaking down his face, and quietly stared at Gaea, eyes weary but focused, full of determination. For several minutes, the only sounds on the battlefield were the crashing of the water, the howling of the winds, the dying shrieks of Gaea's army, and Gaea's yelling as she perished slowly.

And when it was all over, he and everyone there mourned the daughter of Athena. Nico brought back her spirit temporarily so that she could say her goodbyes. And Annabeth had told him to live for her. Live on and be a hero, she had told him. I can wait for you for until the end of time if that's how long I have to wait to see you again. But first, you do as much as you can for this world. Okay? Percy had smiled at her sadly, and agreed. He knew he would never fall in love with anybody else, and she knew it too. Not because he was damaged or scarred by her love, but because she alone held his heart, and she would keep it safe for him in Elysium. So Percy Jackson said his goodbyes to Annabeth Chase, and he realized that the prophecy was about him. 

Annabeth's name meant Favored, and his meant both Destroyer and Avenger. When Annabeth died, Percy rose, and he with his anger tore the heavens open. He had to go to Lyssa, an island named by Bruce Banner, and he had to go on a quest above the seas, whatever that meant. And whoever the Prismatics were, and whoever Thanos was, they were important too. Then, he needed to find a certain child of Athena and a particular child of Aphrodite for whatever reason, and then he needed to prepare for a battle. The prophecy was rather straightforward but confusing at the same time. So off Percy went to Lyssa, after reuniting with his family and friends briefly. He couldn't even stay with his mother and Paul for one night. He knew that it was dangerous. That if he didn't follow the prophecy, something would go wrong. But that didn't make it hurt any less, to know that he could easily put his friends and family in danger by staying.

He hadn't expected to run into the Hulk, or rather Bruce Banner, but there he was, sitting on the beach, watching in confusion as Percy simply walked out of the water. The more Percy got to know him, the surer he was that Bruce was the child of Athena he was looking for. He was smart, and the story fit. Sure, Bruce didn't have blond hair, or grey eyes. But that didn't exactly mean that he wasn't a child of Athena. His mother, who he looked nothing like, died when he was eight. His father, with whom he shared some features, was extremely smart himself. And from the stories he was hearing about Bruce pre-accident, Bruce did sound a lot like a child of Athena, slight hubris and all, before the Hulk came into the picture. 

Within literally a week, Bruce was like a humble, moody, older brother to him, and Percy started to wonder about the child of Aphrodite. He got a possible answer when the picture of Natasha Romanoff popped up on the low-quality TV. Like Bruce, she was missing some qualities children of Aphrodite had. She had vibrant green eyes, instead of the normal kaleidoscope, but she had a pretty face. At the same time, she didn't seem like the type to be overly concerned about her appearance. Then again, her hair stayed really nice, no matter what she did, so that was another sign that she could be a child of Aphrodite. Her story fit as well. 

From what Bruce told him, Natasha never knew her parents, and she grew up in a place that raised little girls to be excellent assassins. The thought made Percy cringe. What type of sick mind came up with a place like that? Percy decided he didn't want to know. Natasha was apparently good at seduction as well, which Percy thought worked well with her possibly being a child of the goddess of love and beauty. Percy was also reminded of Piper and Silena when looking at her. Her attitude seemed to match theirs, and she gave off a Don't mess with me because I can beat you up any day type of vibe. Annabeth had a similar vibe. 

As Percy finished nailing the last piece of wood to the last wall with a piece of scrap metal from the plane, he sighed deeply. Now, he had to figure out how to make a roof. He decided to make several thin beams out of some more trees, using a larger piece of scrap from Bruce's plane to saw the wood. Then, he laid them across the top of the structure, and nailed them down with more scrap metal nails and a rock. He then used more wood to cover the top of the structure, leaving a hole for light. He jumped off the top of the structure, and went into it. He dug a shallow hole about the size of the skylight. By the time it was done, the entire shelter was reminiscient of a Roman atrium. Percy peeked outside of the shelter, and saw Bruce slumped against a tree. He appeared to be asleep. Bruce looked extremely forlorn, so Percy deduced that he was dreaming about Natasha. Then, Percy made a decision.

He dug a drachma out of the duffel bag he had brought, and summoned some mist. He knew Natasha was on the run from Ross, so she probably needed a place to go. And Bruce really needed her. Keeping those thoughts in mind, he angled the mist until a rainbow was formed, and then he threw the drachma in.

O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Natasha Romanoff, location unknown, on the run from Secretary of State Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. Percy thought. The mist shimmered, and then started to form a scene. Percy leaned forward with bated breath. The scene came into focus, and Percy could see a battered redhead, sitting at the foot of a tree, looking down at her hands. She appeared to be in a forest. Next to her, two duffel bags sat, and a motorcycle was parked a couple feet away.

"Pssst." Percy hissed. Natasha's head shot up immediately, and started surveying the area. It took her less than a second to find the Iris Message, and her eyes narrowed at Percy. Percy grinned nervously. Natasha did not look amused.

"Who are you? How are you contacting me? And why?" the spy questioned him, looking rather suspiscious.

"The name's Percy Jackson. This is an Iris Message, which I don't really feel like explaining right now. And the reason I contacted you, well..." Percy trailed off. Natasha made a go-on motion with her hand.

"I'd better just show you." he finished. He stepped to the side so that Natasha could clearly see the sleeping scientist behind him. Natasha's eyes widened, and then the spy shot to her feet.

"Where are you both? And how did you know I was looking for him?" she asked.

"We call the island Lyssa, but it's not actually mapped. As for how I knew you were looking for him, I didn't. What I did know was that you were on the run from the government, and that Bruce talks about you. A lot. I can't really tell you where this island is, other than giving you its coordinates, but if you go to the nearest port, I think I can arrange for some transportation. You'll know what it is once you get there. Where is the nearest port?" Natasha still looked skeptical, but she thought it over for a while.

"I'm in Florida. I can probably arrive at Cape Canaveral in a couple of hours." Percy nodded.

"Alright. I'll contact someone I know to send you some form of transportation. Hope you get here soon. Bruce might have made a breakthrough with his alter ego, and I think he'll need you to help him. Bye!" Natasha inclined her head, and Percy cut the connection. Then, he pulled out another drachma, created another rainbow, and tossed the drachma in.

 O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Poseidon, Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses, God of the Sea, probably located somewhere related to the ocean somehow. Percy chanted in his head. The mist blurred, and then cleared, showing Percy's father sitting on a beach, fishing.

"Dad! Hi!" Percy said. Poseidon turned towards the Iris message.

"Percy. How is your quest going?" Poseidon responded.

"I think I found the children of Athena and Aphrodite. I'm going to need some form of transportation to this island waiting at Cape Canaveral for who I think is the daughter of Aphrodite, though." Percy replied.

"A hippocampus will be there, waiting. Would a sign with her name on it help? I'm assuming that you have not told them of our world yet." Poseidon remarked. Percy grinned.

"Actually, yeah. That would help a lot. You know, Bruce knows a Norse god. He said he came from Asgard. Where is Asgard, anyways?" Poseidon chuckled.

"Asgard is a realm that hovers somewhere above the Earth. It is like Olympus in a way." Percy froze.

"Above the Earth? Like, way above the seas? Do we have good relations with Asgard?" he asked.

"Yes, very far above the seas. But why - oh. The prophecy. We do in fact have good relations with Asgard. They have a guardian named Heimdall. If you say a certain phrase in Ancient Greek, he will bring you there. The phrase you must say is:  I, Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, ask Heimdall, guardian of Asgard, to open the Bifrost for myself and my companions. You'll have to address the sky, and your companions must put their hands on your shoulders." Poseidon stated in a serious tone. Percy blinked.

"Okay, then. Thanks, dad. Bye!" Percy waved at his father. Poseidon laughed and waved back. Percy cut the connection, and looked over at Bruce, who was waking up.

"I miss Natasha too, okay. So just leave me alone, Hulk." Bruce muttered to himself. He blinked blearily at Percy.

"What did I miss? And why are you smiling like that?", he asked, rubbing his eyes.

Percy smiled mysteriously, and turned around, walking into their newly built shelter.

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