Red: The Widow's Departure

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This is another plot bunny I had. I've been really planning this story out, so I hope you like the first chapter!! Don't forget to review!!!

She jerked awake, gasping for air. Ever since Bruce had left, the nightmares had gotten progressively worse. She would see him, accusing brown eyes foused on her own, standing on the edge of that chasm. She would run to him, begging him to forgive her for forcing him to change into the Hulk after kissing him. But his eyes, full of betrayal, would flash green in rage. He would tell her that she was the real monster out of the two of them, listing every single action of hers that she's ever regretted in her life. And then, he would walk away from her, leaving her behind, over and over again.

The scene always shifted into her usual nightmares, of her killing everyone she cared about, one by one. Clint. Laura. Lila. Cooper. Nathaniel. Tony. Pepper. Steve. Sam. The list went on and on. She always found a way to murder them, regardless of their powers or skills. Of course, the last to appear was always Bruce. She would sneak up behind him, and then, she would slit his throat. Always an instant kill. There was never any time for him to get angry. Nevertheless, she'd wait, watching for that tinge of green, hoping for the Hulk to appear and save him. But the other guy never showed up. And that's when she'd wake up, tears slipping down her face, gripping the sheets tightly. She'd sit in the darkness, waiting for his red bloodstains to fade from her vision.

No one ever noticed. How could they? Half the team was locked in the Raft, while Steve and Bucky were off doing whatever the hell they were doing, or at least trying to. She knew that T'Challa was hot on their trail, and Tony was close behind. Natasha wiped her face, and left her room. The other half of the team, she thought, consisted of an android who was worrying over Wanda, a soldier whose legs were paralysed, an inventor who was outwardly abrasive and egoistic, a teenager who could walk on walls, and a king who was seeking vengeance for his father. None of which would be any help in dealing with her nightmares. There was only one person who could help her. Bruce Banner. He was the one person she wanted to see, but also the only person on the team who she couldn't track down. He was invisible to her. Natasha padded silently down the hall and into the living room, where she found Tony sitting with one of his tablets. She knocked on the wall, causing Tony to look up at her, startled.

"If it isn't the Black Widow herself!!! Come, sit here! I found an interesting video that I'd like to show you." He grinned at her, and she frowned. Tony sounded a little too happy to see her. His smile was forced, and it didn't quite reach his eyes. She approached him cautiously. Tony handed her his tablet as she sat down next to him. Pressing play, he sat back and watched her face carefully, making Natasha feel more on edge. She stared down at the tablet, and felt her blood run cold. The video, while grainy, clearly showed her kissing Bruce, and then pushing him off of the cliff in Sokovia. The camera didn't clearly capture her expression, so she looked heartless as she stared at Bruce's betrayed expression just before he fell. Natasha wordlessly handed the tablet back to Tony, who had a disturbingly predatory look on his face. Combined with his grin, it was rather off-putting.

"You led him on, didn't you. You pulled him into your little web of lies, made him care for you, even love you, just so that you could do what? Manipulate the Hulk? You know, I think he would have been better off having me beat the Hulk into submission with Veronica then being continuously lied to by someone he cared about. He ran away because he couldn't face you, right? He couldn't stand looking at your face and knowing you lied about caring for him?", Tony snarled, his grin having disappeared from his face. Hearing everything she feared Bruce was thinking said out loud broke her heart. Again.

Natasha's heart had been fragile since Bruce's departure, and it broke a lot. It broke as she tried to go to sleep, but lay awake, tormented by the betrayed eyes of Bruce and the Hulk. It twisted painfully every single time Wanda used her powers, because she knew what that had done to Bruce, and remembered what it had done to her. For the first couple of months after Sokovia, Steve would try to call in the Hulk before cutting himself off awkwardly, and it would tear to pieces.  And whenever she saw Clint's children, and remembered the conversation she had had with Bruce about being unable to have kids, it would shatter. Each time, it took her longer to pick up the pieces, and glue it back together again.

"Get out! GET OUT OF THE FACILITY! You don't deserve to be here after what you did to him. Oh wait. You don't even know what you did, do you? You broke his heart. But I doubt you understand what that's like, because YOU DON'T HAVE A HEART!", Tony growled out, and Natasha quickly walked out of the living room, feeling tears run down her face for the second time that night. She needed to find Bruce and apologize. She hoped that what Tony said about Bruce's thoughts was untrue. Filled with determination, she went to her room, and quickly packed her things. Then, she went to the armory, and grabbed her tactical suit, as well as all the weapons and tools she could fit in her bag. She headed to the garage, and hopped on a motorcycle, still clad in her pajamas.

Natasha sped down to Avengers Tower. She parked the motorcycle in a secluded spot, leaving her duffle bag there. She didn't want Tony to know she had gone to the Tower, so she decided to break in. She went around the side of the building, and found a small grate for air conditioning. She popped the grate off, and ducked inside. Soon, she found herself climbing vertically up an air duct. She kept going until she hit the top, where she busted open the grate she found there, exhausted. She was on the roof of Avengers Tower. As she walked across the roof, she felt something strange. She turned and looked at the air above the Empire State Building. For a second, she swore she saw an entire city wink into existence. Then, it was gone, and she shook her head.

Natasha walked over to the edge of the roof. 40 feet below her, she could see Tony's landing pad for his suit. She'd fallen farther, and hadn't injured herself, so she decided to risk it. She hopped off, falling for a couple of seconds, and then tucking into a neat roll at the end. Completely unharmed, she walked over to the glass doors, and strolled inside. Tony didn't have any security on those doors because he thought that no one would be able to access them. Natasha smirked. He thought wrong.

FRIDAY hadn't been installed in the tower, so Natasha ended up using the emergency stairs to get to Bruce's room. Once there, she grabbed another duffle bag, and packed him some clothes. She stopped by the infirmary to grab some bandages, antibiotics, and pain killers. Then, she went into Tony's lab, and grabbed an arc reactor. She knew it could come in handy, although its disappearance might piss Tony off more. Once she had grabbed everything she wanted, she picked up the duffel bag, and stole a parachute from Steve's room. As to why he had one in there, she had no idea. He never used them, anyways.

Natasha headed back up to Tony's launch pad, and put the parachute on. Then, she leaped off the tower. She plummeted a couple hundred feet before pulling on the tab. Once she had floated down to the ground, she took off the parachute, and stuffed it in a nearby trash can. She dashed over to her motorcycle, and started the engine. And as the sun rose over New York City, the Black Widow, still wearing her pajamas and with two duffel bags attached to her motorcycle, disappeared into the unknown.

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