The heart

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Day by day I devoted myself  to prison.  I ask myself the same question. Why is life so damn cruel?! I thought I'd be used to deaths as a prison guard, but it has been the opposite.

I simply chose to retire.

I had been contacted by a friend who- no..........

family. That's how important she is to me.

She had been in prison because she almost killed her abusive boyfriend in self defense. She gave birth to her child in there and I was there to help her till she got out.

I stand awkwardly in the cafe and look around for them.

I see Iki and her son Neio run towards me. Looking at them made me have flashbacks. I couldn't help but feel relief they were OK. I burst out crying and insisted I was fine. "Are you sure Mr?"

"Yeah" I said, nodding.

I hugged the both of them.

"I'm not losing you two as well"

I woke up with a gasp and clutch air. I started sobbing. "I couldn't save you..."

I'm sorry....

Ugh! It hurts. It hurts so much! I cried out and right before dying  and saw through blurry eyes that my door was kicked down.

Shouts of concern could be heard. Who? Don't know and don't care. Thunder rang in my ears.

I feel oddly at peace. I feel so light. Is this heaven? Will I get to meet them? I then see people appear. It's Iki and Neio!

Wait what is this?! What is this deja vu? I race toward Iki and Neio shouting their names. I felt joy, but even that didn't last just like my time with them. My body passed through them. I watched as Iki's ex stalked her and her son. Eventually it switched to the scene in which he murdered them. That crazy son if a bitch! I have nothing to lose! I should kill him!!

All of these were scenes I saw in real life. This is the exact thing i dreamt of! This is a nightmare!! I cant wake up!  Reliving it again, made me go mad! I felt so miserable and useless. What's the point if being strong if you can't protect someone?

It didn't help that as I rushed towards the son of a bitch to stop him, that Neio shouted and called me dad.

My life before Iki and Neio was shit, but now my stars...

They're gone. My love and son....

Thank You for everything. I love you two so much it hurts. I hope you've found peace. 

I'll try not to initiate revenge against the bastard that did this to you both.

 I wouldn't be any better. I'll try to find peace.

I open my eyes hesitant and wake up gasping. This can't be?!

I want to die. But at this rate...... I can't!!

"Why? Just why won't you let me die?! LEAVE ME!!," I said screaming at the walls. I'm reliving that nightmare and my shitty life. I gritted my teeth with a low growl. I'm going insane! Has god abandoned me too? Is there no hope? How pitiful.

I banged my hand on the wall beside me in frustration. My hands were bruised and bleeding. How pitiful indeed....

My heart began thumping with pain. I could only scream, sob and watch helplessly as my door got kicked down all over again. I yell at them. "I didn't do it!" "I would never..." They didn't listen.

I'll never be able to escape, will I?

Why put me through this?

This is useless! Why am I asking like I'll get answered.

It won't ever happen....

No no noooooooooooooo!



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