Should've been more careful

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               Couples, they go through ups and downs. So many different people, with different stories. Everyone is with in their twenties by now, and many are moving out on their own. Some still reside primarily in the bases, but most are getting homes and moving out with their spouses.
               Kendall and Pandora, well they are an interesting pair. They are not dating, but get along quite well, surprisingly. They spend a lot of time together, but that's mainly because they're friends with benefits. Pandora is still very aggressive and apprehensive, but behaves a bit softer with him now, her behavior patterns have become easily readable to him.They remained in the villains base, since neither had a reason to move out on their own yet. Of course, not everything goes to plan. Pandora has begun to become a bit distant with Kendall, though puts up a front to distract from her panic. Recently, they weren't as careful as they should've been, and well, she's panicking quite a lot after getting a positive test back. Today, Pandora was locked away in her room, trying to figure out how she was gunna handle the situation. She was understandably afraid of scaring off Kendall since they only ever fooled around for fun, and she was even more so nervous this would ruin her chances of ever possibly getting with him.
                    Starla was in the main common room, looking over places on her phone she and Avery could move into, since she didn't want to isolate him in Jotunheim, Aria being a parrot on her shoulder stating her opinions on Starla's options. Lucian and Lori had been getting ready since in coming days he'd be moving her out to his palace in jotunheim, relieved he'd finally get a chance to be alone with her, instead of being nervous of nosey people wanting to know why their room doors could possibly be locked. It was now or never if Kendall wanted information out of Pandora, since once her sister was gone, he'd be trying to decipher her choices completely on his own.

(Really couldn't pick what I wanted to do, too many people I wanna use and like using) CoughCoughLucian,Zenon,Pandora,Helios,Starlacoughcough

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