Leo x Lee x Mai Shiranui (story and not RP)

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At Lee house

Lee was busy livestreaming on his computer but then someone knock the door

Lee:Who is it?

Leo:It's me your girlfriend Leo~

Lee pause the livestream and open the door

Lee:Hi Leo what's brings you here?

Leo:We have a special guest coming here in Shinobi Academy.

Lee:Oh,who is it?

Leo:Maybe you find out Lee~

Lee:Ok Leo.

Leo:She will arrive at afternoon Lee~

Lee:Oh sure.

Leo:Good i see you later my love~*kiss him then wink at him and she left*

Lee:I see you later my lioness~*smile and go back to his livestreaming*

Later at afternoon

The bus arrives

Leo:Oh she's here.

Someone went out the bus it was Mai Shiranui and she enters the academy

Daidouji:Everyone please welcome to Mai Shiranui.

Mai came in

Mai:Hello everyone i'm Mai Shiranui.

SK girls meet Mai then Leo and Lee approaching her

Mai:Oh hello there.

Leo:My name is Leo leader of the Zodiac Squad.

Lee:I'm Lee Fubuki Leo's boyfriend.

Mai:Nice to meet you Leo and Lee.

Daidouji:Ms. Leo and Mr. Fubuki will you take Mai to explore this Shinobi Academy?

Leo:Yes sensei.

Lee:We can do that sensei.


Lee and Leo explore the Shinobi Academy to Mai Shiranui

5 hours later

Mai:Hey Lee...

Lee:Yes Mai?

Mai:May i talk to you for second please?

Lee:Sure,Leo you stay here ok i be back.

Leo:Ok take your time my love~

Lee nod and Mai and Lee went to the park and sit down

Lee:So what do need me Mai?

Mai:Well ever since my friend Terry got an invitation letter to be in smash and he invited his friends and enemies,but then Mr. Sakurai don't want me invite me as a cameo stage because i'm too revealing of my sexy legs and then i was left alone in my universe everyone went to smash except me,and then i will travelled here in Senran Kagura universe so this is my home universe i have so much fun here with Asuka and her friends.

Lee:Oh ok.

Mai:And most important Lee is i have feelings with you~

Lee:Woah...really for real?

Mai:Yes i love you Lee you are the most handsome boy ever~

Lee:Well i-

Mai grab him and kiss him

Mai:There happy~


Leo came in

Leo:Wow nice one Lee~


Leo:Now,now i'm not mad Lee,because i'm proud of her~

Lee:Wait really.

Leo nod

Leo:Now Mai you can shared with him~

Mai:Thank you Leo~


Mai kiss him more and Lee kiss her back but then Mai pin him

Mai:Please Lee i want you to feel better~

Lee:Well ok~

Leo:I will watching you too~

Mai undress herself

Lee:Oh my~


Lee watches Mai take off his pants then Mai suck his rod


Lee moans then Mai suck his rod more,Lee pat her head,Mai suck his rod more faster

Lee:Mai i'm so close~

Mai deepthroat and Lee release his cum inside her mouth

Mai:Mmm~*let go and drink his cum*Yummy~

Lee watches her above his rod and Mai slam her pussy inside his cock

Mai:Aaaaaaaahhhhhh~😍😍😍*start bouncing*

Lee:*moans*So tight~

Mai:Oh yes~*bounce more*

Leo undress herself and goes on top his head and spread her pussy open

Leo:Lick it my love~

Lee lick her pussy and Leo moans

Leo:Oh yes lick me more don't stop~*moans*

Mai:Oh it's feels so good~*bounce faster*

Lee lick her pussy more and grope Mai ass and thrust her faster

Leo:OH YES,YES RIGHT THERE LEE~!*moans more*


Lee lick her pussy faster and thrust her faster and harder

Leo and Mai:WE'RE CUMMING~!!!

Lee:Do it~

Mai and Leo:Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh~😍😍😍😍😍

Lee cum inside her pussy and Leo spray her cum on his face and they collapse on the grass

Lemon over

Mai:That was fun~*panting*


Lee lick her cum all over his face then Mai and Leo cuddles him

Leo and Mai:We love you Lee~

Lee:I love you too girls,well it's nighttime girls let's just go home~

Mai and Leo:Ok~

Lee,Mai and Leo stand up and put their clothes on and they walk away while Mai and Leo cuddles his arms,they went to his house

Mai:Can we sleep with you Lee~?


Lee,Leo and Mai went to his room then lay down his bed

Leo and Mai:Goodnight Lee~

Lee:Night girls.

Lee close the light and they went to sleep while Mai and Leo cuddles him

And live happily ever after

The End


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