Witch Hunter OC

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Name: Vesper
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: To most who don't know him he can be seen as a ruthless killer. He can be antisocial and a very serious guy at times. Though once you get to know him you'll see he has a softer side to him. He also can be protective of those he loves.
Likes: Fish, getting the job done, the stars, seeing those he loves happy, other dragons
Dislikes: Witches, failing a job, very bright places, bread
Backstory: Among his Thunder(a group of dragons) his family was highly respected. His father used to be the protector of the Thunder keeping witches away. That was until a group of witches came and killed mostly everyone he loved. They overpowered his father killing him first. Ever since then he became a Witch Hunter and vowed to kill any witch that crossed his path.

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