Chapter 7

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The sun dragged through the sky as Rosethorn waited impatiently, almost wanting to drag herself to BronzeClan's camp to witness the fighting.

"You seem to lack patience Rosethorn. You should probably learn to keep still, it will do you a lot of good in the future when you're Queen," Rowangaze told Rosethorn, not looking up from the herbs that he was sorting.

Rosethorn was about to snap back at him, but a voice crooned,

Patience, young one. Rowangaze is wrong. Patience is not about the ability to wait but to keep a good attitude while waiting.

Rosethorn sighed. The voice was smart, whoever they were. And very helpful too. 

I'm glad you find me helpful, many cats found me irritating, the voice purred, pleased.

Rosethorn didn't get a chance to reply before cats crashed through the bushes, Silverdream in the lead, bounding excitedly over to Rosethorn,

"WE WON! Rosethorn, we won! BronzeClan is ours now!"

Rosethorn's eyes instantly glittered with ecstasy and she meowed back with an equal amount of zeal,

"Really?! I knew that BronzeClan was no match for us. I mean which decent clan uses tribe names?"

Silverdream's muzzle scrunched up in disgust as she hissed back,

"I know right! They think they're so powerful. They think that they're capable of everything, when really they aren't anything more than a dead leaf. Weak and lifeless."

Rosethorn asked,

"What are we going to do with the BronzeClan members?"

Silverdream replied, tilting her head slightly away from Rosethorn, just enough to conceal her face and replied,

"Cavestar said that you could decide. You're the next Queen after all and he said that you should begin to make some decisions for the clan. Also, Willowstar's kits are coming early, she said that you could choose the name for one of them."

Rosethorn's displeasure was barely concealed as she said,

"I would be honoured to name one of Willowstar's kits. She is my mother after all."

Silverdream nodded before tentatively asking,

"Would you like me to spend some time with you? It's just that I want to say sorry for not spending as much time as you as I hoped to. But I never expected that our warrior life would be so busy."

Rosethorn nodded eagerly. She wanted to spend more time with her friend. It had been so long since she had a decent discussion with her.

Be careful who you trust, young one. Salt and sugar look the same. Sometimes cats don't understand what we do for them until we stop doing it, the voice rushed past her.

Rosethorn frowned. Why would she need to be careful? She owned the clan, no wait two clans and there was no need for her to be careful. Everyone knew that disrespect would either make them into a servant or a very painful execution would take place and everyone would have to watch it.


Rosethorn hauled herself up to the High-stone and tried to ignore the bursts of pain that screamed at her.

"We are here to decide what to do with the surviving BronzeClan members. Well more precisely our crown princess Rosethorn. What do you say princess? What do you want to do with these scumbags?" her father asked, looking intensely at her.

"I say that they become servants, but we also need warriors for the clan, so I think we should do what we do for our warrior assessments. Half are cut and become servants for our clan. Meanwhile, I think a few warriors should go to BronzeClan, well what was previously BronzeClan's territory and scent-mark it to claim it as ours," Rosethorn announced, satisfied with the outcome of the BronzeClan raids.

After the meeting, Cavestar asked Rosethorn,

"Daughter, could you please come over to the Nursery? I hope you've decided a name for one of Willowstar's kits."

"Sure father, I think that one of Willowstar's kits should be called..." she trailed off.

Petalkit... the voice urged.

"Petalkit, for a she-cat of course," she said.

She saw a flicker of fright dart across her father's eyes before he composed himself and replied,

"O-of course Rosethorn! However, why do you want to name one of your mother's kits Petalkit?"

Rosethorn replied slowly, the faint voice guiding her,

"Because it sounds pretty and Willowstar is such an elegant cat. I'm sure her kits will become as beautiful or even more beautiful than she is."

Cavestar blinked and said,

"Very well, let's go tell Willowstar. She'll be waiting for us."

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