💥🍂. Prologue/Ramble .🍂💥

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In a world much like ours, there stands few who are given superhuman abilities by fate Herself. Two of these (in)lucky guys find themselves as mortal enemies, nemeses as a popularized term by fans of heroes, and fight to the near death everyday. (Un)fortunately for the city of Elekteo they're both total screwups!

Toby Harris, barista by day, hero by... also day? Food service is a tiring job and Toby can't catch a break. It doesn't exactly help that in a fire eighteen years ago he became highly reactive at the smallest scratch of metal, leading him to become a famous superhero named Flint. His nemesis? A man only known to him as Rebound.


In Toby's world, death provides a second chance, at least for the lucky. Fate, a deity only rumored to be real, may bring someone back to life if they are worthy. As the story goes, it was sometime back in the 1930s or so, when one woman was given another chance at life, to fix her behavior and grow as a person. After dying unfairly, she came back inexplicably with strange powers such as flight and immense strength. Though, what was meant to be a gift to her and the world, was used for evil, so arose a hero. He had no abilities of his own, and put himself in harms way for the greater good. He died that day, but was brought back with powers of his own to stop her. And so they fought for days, weeks, years off and on, and when she finally yielded, the hero brought safety to the city even when she was gone. Fate, supposedly, was said to have seen all the good that was done and tried again. And again. And again. But when another villian was eventually made, the cycle never truly ended. And now, present day, eighteen years ago, Toby found himself in a fire that surely would have killed him. Yet to this day he lives on, fighting under the name Flint after the powers he received. He has a nemesis of his own, Rebound, a villain who no one else would fight. But Toby knows pushing away his past won't work forever, one day he'll remember what happened. That day he'll try to erase too, but if anyone, he should know. You can't run from fire.

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