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"Kie and Hana? By any chance... you two were called Gie and Minnie by them?" Junha could feel her heartbeat increase as she waited for the answer.

"Uh- yes... but how do you-" before Taehyung could complete, she pulled them both in a hug and started sobbing.


"Where were both of you all this time? *sob* I've been tired waiting everyday. *sob* Jungkook tried to look for both of you for so long that he didn't have anymore energy. *sob* Please don't be the way you are... this isn't you, I know!"

Jungkook used the little strength left in him and joined the hug. His trembling body brushed on Jimin's arm. Waves of guilt flowed through him as memories of him torturing them flashed back.

Junha pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears. "Wh-"



━━━ At the infirmary ━━━

"How is he now?"
"Better, but he should eat something soon or else he might faint again"
"Yes, I'll make sure he eats something soon"

Junha came out of the infirmary. Jimin and Taehyung were waiting for her outside. "How is he?" They both asked in unison.

"He's better" Junha replied. "I have to run to the cafeteria and buy something for-"

"Why did he faint suddenly tho? I-i mean he has fainted before too, but why?" Taehyung asked.

"He has low BP problems. We both have a habit of skipping meals, and when I'm on that time of the month... he almost gives up on food for a week, just so that I get the proper nutrition needed" Junha sat at the chair opposite to the infirmary.

"Ya'll take care of each other so well! You know what? Lunch is on me today-" Jimin was cut off by Junha.

"Nonononono! You don't have to... and everyone will just give both of you looks if we sit together" She heaved a sigh.

"You have to come with us... or else I'm not eating anything" Jimin crossed his arms. "Oh god you are just as stubborn as you were-" the nurse came out.

"He's awake, you can go meet him" she said. They immediately got off their places and went in.


"How are you feeling now?" Junha asked, holding Jungkook's hand. "Better" he said with a bunny smile.

"Uh... Junha... Jungkook... we... we are sorry" Both Taehyung and Jimin said lowering their heads. Junha stood and walked towards them.

"guys I've already said it's alright, just forget it okay?" She smiled and turned back to Jungkook. "Junha, I think we should go back to class" he said in a weak tone.

"No! Break is in 2 minutes, we are having lunch together" Taehyung said, excitedly.


"No buts! You both are coming and that's final"

━━━ At the school cafeteria ━━━


Jimin Junha Jungkook Taehyung


"Look, the loner couple is here!"

"Huh!? Why are they with Jimin and Taehyung?"

"Seems like the loner couple-"

"Ughhhhhh" both Junha and Jungkook groaned in sync and stood beside Jimin and Taehyung, giving each other disgusted looks.

"You both were fine 10 minutes ago... what happened now?" Taehyung asked, looking at the sudden change in their behaviour. "I HATE it when people call us a couple. It's just impossible for me to date this coconut head" Jungkook gave an offended look to Junha. "Yeah, I would never date this girl either" He said and continued walking.


Everybody was staring at the four while they sat to have their lunch. Jimin stood up and punched the table hard "What, any problem? You guys don't have any other work or what? Shoo away right now or else-" the crowd immediately started dispersing, fearing that Jimin might end up doing something wrong.

"Woah Jimin calm down, we are used to it-" Jimin sat down in anger, not letting Jungkook complete his sentence. "They won't stop until I threaten them. I just want to make it up for the way I behaved with both of you" he sighed. "Jimin, coming here with us was more than enough, stop stressing yourself" Junha told him.

"There is no use of telling that. Ever since you both went missing Jimin's attitude has changed a lot. He didn't even talk to anyone for the first few months" Taehyung said, eyeing Jimin. " *sigh* it's okay Taehyung, we can understand. Let's forget this now, if we keep talking about it none of us would be in a good mood"

Everyone seems satisfied with what Jungkook said. "You are right, everyone tteokbokki?" They all nodded without hesitation. Jimin immediately got up and went to the counter.

"So, how are y'all managing all your budget... cause as far as I remember you both don't have any older siblings either" Taehyung asked both Jungkook and Junha.

"Umm we..." Junha glanced at Jungkook before looking back at Taehyung "we work at the café near our apartment after school. The payment is less and the work is more, but it's enough for both of to manage the monthly expenses. And you of course know that we both play Smudge as well, which adds up to a good amount of extra savings as well" Taehyung expressions had a mix of confusion and amusement.

"Wow! You both really planned everything-" Jimin had come back with the food. "Ya so what were y'all talking about?" He asked while giving everyone their boxed. "We are going to Town square café in the evening" Jimin, Junha and Jungkook furrowed their eyebrows. "What?" They all asked in sync.

"Don't ask questions I'll explain everything later" Taehyung continued eating while everyone was staring at him. "What? Stop staring like that"

━━━ Sometime later ━━━

"Wow this place actually looks cool!" Taehyung said, looking around like a curious child. "So this is where they work. Look, Jungkook is right there" Jungkook was waving at both of them.

They went and grabbed a seat near the counter. Jungkook approached them with a notepad "what would you like to have?"


"IS THIS THE WAY Y'ALL TREAT A CUSTOMER!?" someone screamed loudly from the other side of the cafe. "Uh just give me a minute" Jungkook said and ran to that table. Jimin and Taehyung decided to follow him.

"Sorry sir it was a mistake, I didn't intend-"

"LIES. DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO YOU SPILLED THIS COFFEE ON!?" He raised his hand to slap Junha but was stopped by Jungkook.

"Is this the way you treat a human? And who are you even" Jungkook asked with anger. Jimin immediately went near him and whispered "he is one of the best gamers of SAA, it's too hard to beat him. And he is too proud of it"

Jungkook smirked knowing that a challenge is waiting for him. "No need to say anything. You egotistical creature, I challenge you to beat me in Smudge tonight" he said and released his hand.

"And what about this chick? She is a good for nothing case?" Junha felt really angry hearing someone call her weak. "You thought. I challenge you too for a Smudge match" she said with full confidence.

"Okay then, here's how you weakling are gonna 'compete' with me..."


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