#1: Adrian Jones

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Name: Adrian Jones

Social Media Name: AJonesp1

Age: 18

Nationality: American

Gender: Male

Hometown: Athens, Georgia

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 5'10

Weight: 215 lbs

Hair Style:

Hair Color: Dark maple brown

Eye Color: Light blue

Personality: Nice, fearless, wary and cautious, sometimes quiet

Backstory: Been leaving in the streets at a young age while silently fascinated by the sport of professional wrestling. Fate gave him a second chance as the man who was called Phenomenal saved him and gave him a family. To show his thanks, he was sent to Japan to carve his own path in wrestling.

Hobbies: Playing video games (mostly RPG), do light jogs around the city, listen to hip hop, eat sushi for dinner

Wrestling Style: Hybrid (Strong Style, High flying, Technical, Lucha Libre)

Trained by: AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Amazing Red, Yugi Nagata, Tomohiro Ishii, Shinsuke Nakamura

Attire: Black and blue tights inspired by AJ's, where he has a cross on the left side, and his last name in Old English on the right. He wears one elbow pad on his right side, and he wears black wrist tape.

Favorite Moves to use

Pele Kick

Forearm Smash

Knife Edge Chop

Springboard Shooting Star Press

Jumping Enzuigiri

Shoot Kicks

Leaping Corner Clothesline


German Suplex/Blue Thunder Bomb combination

Tilt-a-Whirl DDT

Springboard Moonsault into a Snap Inverted DDT

Springboard Moonsault into a Spinning Sit-Out Driver

Signature Moves

Phenomenal Blitz (Strike combination of a Forearm Smash, Slap to the jaw, Shoot kick to the right leg, spinning backfist, and ending with a lariat)

Flying Armbar

Spine Crusher (Pendulum Backbreaker, Gutbuster, and Bridging FIsherman Suplex Combination)

Finishing Moves

Superman Splash (Springboard 450 splash)

High-Low Buster (Back suplex into a Sit-Out Facebuster)

Spiral Tap (Corkscrew Senton Bomb) (Saved for big matches)

Styles Clash (Which he will use later in his career)

Super Styles Clash (Moonsault/Styles Clash combination off the top turnbuckle)


The Phenomenal Son

Lone Warrior

The Angel of Darkness

Mr. Intercontinental

Theme Music: 



(Return from arm injury)


(Lone Warrior Gimmick)


(Angel of Darkness Gimmick)


(After having his first world title win)




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