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Yoongi wrapped the bandages on my hands as I looked at my hands emotionless, the audible murmuring of policemen invading both of our ears, sirens, and an ambulance in front of our gate. 

I shifted my gaze to the body bag blankly, my mind foggy as the flashback played on repeat. 

I got weak on my knees falling on the last two steps of the staircase. I felt my soul leave my body, even my voice left me. All I could see is a demon with bloodshot eyes smirking before my mom's blood-covered body. He knelt to her level and softly stated "Only, if you had not protected her, maybe you would have been alive now." He turned around to look at my almost weak body.

I looked up at him with tear stains on my cheek as the sudden rush of adrenaline got the best of me, I sprang up from the stair punching him on the face on repeat, the effect of alcohol taking over him. I looked back at his figure, stumbling around and grabbing the vase nearby, "You think you can hurt me with that?" I scoffed at him, as I made my aim at his neck looking at a specific nerve that can paralyze him with one blow, if hit hard enough it can cause death. 

It was unprotected, oops, 

unbuttoning the shirt collar will result in your fatality father...

I smirked at his swollen face, with the vase in his hands. He launched at me, vase slipping out of his hands, both of us fighting for our lives, well it was just me. This went on for a while both grunting, pulling, struggling when I finally found the perfect time to clutch his neck aiming at the particular spot... I punched that spot as hard as I can when he collapsed on me limp. 


I lay there with my father on top of me, exhausted when silent tears made their way. Silence filled the room. I was there trying to breathe, deep breaths as I closed my eyes, the smell of smoke and alcohol filling up my nose. The door burst open as the sound of sirens made its way.




"Kitty?" I shifted my gaze at my dear brother. "I never thought this would happen this early, I predicted it to happen this next month." I looked back at my hands again, "So, you knew something would have happened, but you still sat there doing nothing..." I looked up at the blank roads feeling numb. Not a single drop of tear escaped my eyes, no feeling of pain, no sadness, no nothing...

Just overwhelming numbness, 

Is this how it feels to lose your empathy? 

Is this how most psychopaths feel?

Am I turning into one?

But the thing is I don't know...
I will never know...

Do I even deserve happiness anymore?

What is happiness anyway?

-oh, I know, it's a chemical reaction caused by our brain which is released by the hypothalamus to make us feel pleasurable, it works as a reward system of our body...

Oh, I know... How we are fooled by our brain... How our brain tricks us into believing every irrational thing... How the brain can make us insane if any part is injured... How the brain is important...

[5 years later]
[USA, California]

"Yes doctor, I am taking my pills every day," I said small smile plastered on my face as I stared at my therapist, who smiled back at me jotting down my behavior like I don't know how the whole process goes on. 

"Any exclusive thoughts, any standing out thoughts? Anything that stands out?" Dr. Kelly asked questions looking back at me, while I answer her back with the same smile plastered on my face, "No, actually, I have been taking care of this bunny, His name is Tokki. I like his company so much," Still feeling nothing at all, but keeping that little fake smile on my face, as I look back at her at my best behavior or that's what she thought. 

The bell rings signaling the end of our session, "Oh, looks like we are at the end of this week's therapy session. Would give me a minute, take this ball ok, I will right back," She handed me down a smiling yellow squishy ball, as I looked back at it wiping that smile off from my face. I squished the ball, letting my nails sink in the ball and then loosening my grip. So, 3 years of therapy, huh? Still no development, no feelings detected, it wasn't a great idea assigning me a therapist with no experience. Too easy to fool, like I never spent my good free time reading books, listening, and researching about true crimes, such a bad move, for a person who has an IQ of 140 with general curiosity. 

Too bad you failed Dr.Kelly...

I smirked as I unclutched the ball observing the marks that my nails left on the ball. Tilting my head to observe the bright yellow ball, when I heard a small thump at the glass window. A small bird mistook the window, "Oh little birdie," I faked it trying to be giving my best, as I made my way to the window, opened it, took the little bird, and gave it little pats and rubs the way I do with my bunny,

I am more than 1000% sure I am under CCTV surveillance because,

 reason no.1 this hospital is huge, 

no.2 I read articles about this hospital having CCTV, that they observe their patients, 

no.3 psychopaths don't feel anything they don't feel that me, a person with scritzophania aka psychosis would don't do anything like this, 

no.4 according to the research I did, psychopaths include 3 traits, known as the triad of psychopathy... I fit in 2 of the criteria... According to them, I am overcoming the other 2 traits... 

How fun... I chuckled thinking everything to myself, as I threw the bird upward so that it can fly, and it flew successfully, I made my way back to my seat avoiding the camera that had been directed at me, ignoring and softly holding the ball again. Making sure to act 'normal'.

This is my token to freedom, now I will be allowed to choose my powers and because of the meds, people can't hear my thoughts.

I smirked internally as I hear the door open,

"Min Y/n, you're brother is waiting outside, and I hope we never meet you here again."

Freedom at last...


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