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Before in Problematic 2 : Boboiboy

"Why did kizka cry that night you came back?"

"Ohh. You saw is it?" He put away his book and his glasses on the side of the sofa and look at me. "Listen carefully, this might be something new for you. I never tell you my personal space that much. Cause it had always been you and work in my life. Till i met kizka."

Flash back

Kaizo's POV

After i save Boboiboy, i was urge to go back to do my mission and someone must fill in for my place by watching them.

So i when back I met with the higher ups and they introduced me with Kizka.

As the higher ups told me, he is my very far cousin.

Kizka was assigned with my mission as i need to go to other missions. And still come back from time to time and check on them and take report papers from kizka.

He had a very timid body and a very beautiful face. Then I remembered Boboiboy. I miss that boy.

As we were alone with each other, after meeting the higher ups.

"Please don't be a nuisance to my team, and please do well with your mission. This is a very special mission i hold on that you are taking." I started telling him.

"Excuse me? Nuisance? Don't worry i dont want to even care about your team, Mr attitude." I heard that i look at him.

"I'm your captain, not Mr attitude." I stare at him.

"Well mr captain, control your BEAUTIFUL attitude. I'm not in your team, I'm just baby sitting your special mission, thank you." Kizka walk past me.

That got me piss. Argh! If he is not my family I would just straggle him!

"Are you going for the dinner?!" I scream to him.


I cross my arm.

"This boy will give me a lot of problem in the future. He needs to take care of the kids not with that attitude." I facepalm myself. And walk to my place.

As i arrived i check my phone, and saw Pang's picture with me. I miss him so much sometimes. The good old time here. All this missions are putting a big gap between him and me.

I need to take a nap before tonight's dinner.

-night ball room-

This is really full. We are ask to wear good clothing and formal. As grand one of out annual dinners. As i seat on the table with my team, lahap is seating beside me.

"Lahap, where's the new member, Kizka?" Lahap looks at me.

"Captain! He said that he wanted to seat with his old group still! Cause this is his last night here." After that i look around and look for him.

Sure he is giving me a problem.

"Lahap you know that he can't just seat on another team's table. Is not allowed is one of the rules!" I got mad.

"Sorry Captain! I tried my best to say no to him, he gave me a very bad attitude and still went to his old team." Lahap looks really afraid.

"Argh this boy." I pull out my monitor down and search for Kizka's old group. As i found it, i stood up and search for the table.

As i saw him, i walk there. I saw him laughing with another member and looks really happy. That got me really piss off.

"Kizka, Captain Kaizo is coming for you." I heard from one of the group members seating in that round table.

"But leader, I don't want to go for the mission.." i heard kizka whispering.

"What are you talking about? Missions from the higher ups are absolute you can't say no!" The leader scold kizka.

"That's true, Leader Zean." I told him.

"Captain!" Leader Zean came and shake hands with me.

"It's been awhile Zean, how's everything?" I ask.

"Nothing much just being one of the top patrols team if really hard."

"Living up with the expectation is hard, i know how you feel."

"I need kizka to come back to my table, i really follow etiquettes?" I ask.

"Of course his in your group right now? So don't worry."

"Ergh!?" Kizka looks away and stood up and took his blazer.

"Thank you Zean, keep in touch." I followed him.

"Man, Kizka should just move on I don't even want him anymore." I heard that i walk away.

I walk back to my table and i saw kizka seating while pouting.

Seriously do i need to keep going through this.

As i seat look at all my teammates.

"Thank you for waiting guys let's eat !"

Then we started eating and i kept looking at kizka, who is not eating and keep on looking at Zean. I saw zean is putting his hands around another member's hand. Kizka looks sad. Then zean kiss the member's mouth. Kizka cough really hard. He stood up.

"Sorry, i need to go to the toilet." Kizka ran off.

As he ran off i saw tears falling from his face.

"Lahap can you take things from here i might not come back. See you in the spaceship in tomorrow." I pat on lahap's shoulder and stoop up and took Kizka's blazer.

As I walk out the ball room, i saw kizka at the corner of the hall way. He is leaning to the wall and putting his face down.

I slowly came to him. I took out my handkerchief and gave it to him. He slowly puts up his face toward me. I saw tears falling from him face.

His cheeks, nose and ears are all red. He is looking really cute. Wait.. am i? No way.. i still have feelings for Boboiboy. But there's no chance.

"I look stupid right.." he took the handkerchief and wipe his tears away. "Thank you."

"Wanna go for a drink?" I'll just bring him for drinking and i can get to know him more. And maybe he will feel better?

He nods. I gave his blazer towards him and we went to a bar.

As we arrived we sat at a two sitter tall table and order some red wine.

"So you are okay?" I ask.

He just looks at me and took a sip of the drink.

"Well.. Do you know something.. i really hate you.." I was shock listening to that.


"Well because i have a good time with my team, and i was having a good relationship with Zean."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Well because you cannot carry the mission on Planet Earth i need to take care of them. And because Zean cannot deal long distances relationship he ask for a break up. Right after i got the mission. It's all your fault!" Kizka puts down his face on the table. And start crying.

"Well if you want to blame me, blame me all you want but Don't be stupid." He looks up to me and made a mad face. "just you need to understand, if he was a good man. He would wait for you. He wont leave you. Especially when you need to do work. Work which takes a lot of time and he should be really supporting you! Not leave you for another girl."

"Wait, you saw him kissing the girl just now?"

"Yes, and I don't want to burst your bubble, from way back he had always been a dick and the biggest play boy i have new in this universe."

After he heard that he started crying harder.

"I think you went through more than this right? He is a sweet talker but never a genuine one." I wipe his tears away. "You got a lot of guts yeah?"

"Guts?" As i wipe his tears he blushes.

"Yeah to have a personal life with your leaders. Is not allowed though."

"Well.. i really like him."

"Well you need to control it after this. Which you wont do anymore. Right?" He nods and kept on drinking.

At one point, kizka got really drunk.

"Come one Kizka i need to bring you back." I came to him and took his hand.

"Kaizo..." he falls on me. "I have a problem.."

"What is it?"

"I don't remember my new house.."

"Ahh.." i took his hand and brought him to a cab waiting outside the bar.

He was fainting out. I hold on to his body. I was shock it was really light.

"Omg have you been eating well?" I hold him up bridal way.

"No... I haven't cause I'm so sad..hicc... " he starting with hiccups.

"How stupid can you be!?" I put him inside the cab and we fly off to my place. While we were in cab, he was sitting on the other side. He keep on having hiccups.

As we arrived, i carried him bridal way. After i got in the house, as the house operates with my voice. Its pretty easy.

"Door open" i said that in front of the guest room. I need this boy to sleep.

"Cool..." i look at the boy in my arms.

Slowly i put him on the bed, then i felt a pull on my collar.

"Are you.. hicc.. leaving me... too?" I was shock listening to that as i saw his face, it was very seductive. "Don't leave me.. kaizo.."

He pulls me down and we kiss.

"Stop it Kizka, we aren't allowed-"

"Why!? Cause I'm a bitch!? Cause Zean told you I'm a bitch!? He has been telling that to everyone so i could never be touch by anybody else! Only he can! Now no one wants to even talk to me! I want to die! I don't want to stay here anymore-"

"Ssh! Stop Kizka!" I put my finger on his mouth. "You could suffocate if only talking in one breath."

I stood up from the bed.

"Wait! Kaizo! Don't leave me!" He holds on to my hand.

"I'm not leaving you." I when for his back, sat on the bed and hug him from the back. "I'm here for you."

"Promise me to not leave me.. " Kizka holds my hand that is wrapping his body. His body is so small.. it's half of my size. So small inside me. Then i can feel a hot droplets falling on my hand. "I never felt being love like this.. eventhough we are just teammates, you are different Kaizo.. you are.."

He looks at me. And turn his body towards me. And gave me a kiss. We just went on that night..

To be continue..

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