Pre Confession

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Boboiboy's POV

I heard the bird cripping, and i saw an unfamiliar walls. I look around, and saw fang right beside me sleeping. He is putting his arm around me.

I touch fang's face. And slowly i kiss his mouth. After i kiss he tighten his arm around me to him. But he was still snoring.

I blush hard. Is been a while being alone together. Then i felt a bit suffocated.

"Urhh Fang I can't breath-"

"Boboiboy don't leave me...zzz.." i was shock after I heard that. Then a tear came out his shut eyes.

I just kept quiet and hug him back.


Then i just realised something.

"FUCK!!!" I sit up

"What happen??" Fang woke up.

"Fang!! We just ran off from the hospital just like that!!" Then fang slowly sit up and start rubbing his eyes.

"Yes.. so??" He looks at me with those tired eyes.


"Why should i panic?"

"I haven't paid anything!!" I hold on fang muscle arms.

"Why do you need to pay? You are sick? And plus the doctor patronising you the whole time.."

"Well what if that doctor tell tok aba anything!?"

"And we can tell tok aba what he did to you and you're under age. "

"Oh.." i felt relax after he said that.

I look outside the window.

"Fang i need to tell ochobot." I tried to get off the bed. And fang holds my hand.

"No need i told him last night."

"Really..." i sat back on the bed. Then fang pull me near him.

"You look cute in my cloth, is like I'm wearing you. With this skin tight cloth of mine is touching you all over." I felt a shiver on my hold body. Then fang puts his hand on my waist. "I want you Boboiboy. I want to eat you. I want to lick you all over. Touch every inch of your body. And none left for any body."

He slowly push me down on the bed. I can't fight him. His words. His body. His voice is killing me. I cant resist him.

"Touch me fang.. i want you too.." i came to him and kiss his lips.

Kizka's POV.

I'm just sitting on the floor. I'm such a stupid asshole! I know i love him! And i halt myself from having him.

Now he must not want me anymore. But..

"I will look after you." He said that last night.

I didn't sleep the whole night just thinking of this problem. Just because i want to be professional about it, i hurt myself.

I stood up and walk out to the living room. Shit, my head hurts. With all the crying and not sleeping what am I expecting.

I took a glass of water and eat a panadol.

I hope i get better. I don't think im going to work today. Plus the two boys are at Kaizo's house. I need to go check them. And say sorry to Kaizo.

Kaizo's POv

"Okay i will. I just need to bring them is it?" I'm talking to the person in the monitor who is asking me about work shit.

"Yes. And please I need to see all of them."

"I will." Then i turn off the monitor. And seat back on my chair.

"Lord, i wish for a holiday man. To much work!" I stood up and started cleaning my room.

Then i heard a knock on my door.

"Yes, come in." Then the door open.

"Brother.." i look to the door and saw Pang smiling to his ear. Well things when smoothly for him.

"What's wrong Pang?"

"Brother i want to help you! With Kizka!" He comes inside my room with Boboiboy behind him. I was shock looking at both of their reactions in helping me.

I smiled

"Don't worry about it nothing is happening anymore we need to keep it cle-" then Pang came near me and close my mouth.

"You're not giving up!" Pang push me to the wall. What the heck is this kid doing! "Boboiboy! Call Kizka! Do as i plan!"

"Haip!!!" He took my phone and dialed Kizka's phone number. He put on speaker.

"Hello.. Captain why are you calling? Is anything wrong." After i saw the what happen i started fighting my body from Pang. Man! He is getting stronger! When i heard Kizka's voice I realised his voice wasn't as normal. Did he cry?

"KIZKA!!! WE CANT FIND KAIZO! The whole night he when missing!!" I was shock to listen to what that kid said.

"What!?" I heard Kizka screaming. "WAIT I'm coming!"

"Okay! See ya!" Boboiboy turn off the call.

"What are you guys doing!?" I knuckle my brother's head and i knuckle Boboiboy head.

"We just want to help!" Boboiboy holding his head.

I smile. Maybe this is my chance. I'll go with their plan.

"Okay.. tell me your plan."

Both of them smile and look at each other.

Kizka's pov.

What could Kaizo think! How can he be so childish! This isnt him!

I ran off to the Uber car that i call and rush to Pang's house. As i arrived i open the door and saw Boboiboy in front of the door.

"Boboiboy! Where's Kaizo!!"

Boboiboy turn around with his teary eyes.

"Kizka!" He come to me and hold my sleeve. "We haven't meet Kaizo since last night!"

"Really!? Okay Boboiboy! You stay here! If he ever come back call me!" I WAS getting ready to go look for kaizo then i got a pull on my hand from Boboiboy.

"Kizka! Wait! We haven't check his spaceship yet! Can you go there!? If he is there just text us! Pang will be returning after this if he can't find Kaizo he will not text you okay?" After i heard that i agree and ran over to his usual parking spot of the ship.

He can't have left us here. I was running to the spaceship which im hoping is there.

Kaizo please don't leave me again...

Then i saw the spaceship head from far. I ran towards it as fast as i could.

As i arrived i saw the spaceship's door is open. I ran towards it and walk in the spaceship.

I huff so hard i need oxygen right now but Kaizo is more important than the oxygen to make me stay alive. If i lose him i lost the will to live. Oxygen wont matter at that time anymore.

As i was running inside the spaceship. Nothing actually change for the past few years. Did he keep it the way it is?

I ran room by room, and saw no one there.

"Where are you Kaizo.." i saw his room. I walk in there was no one. I started crying. Started searching every inch of the spaceship.

I walk in the corridor of the spaceship. This is all the rooms in the spaceship. Where can he go...

"KAIZOOOOOOO!!!!" I sat on the floor and started crying his name out.

Then a monitor light up. I was shock.


"May i help you Sir?" As the monitor.

Is the Help Monitor!

"Omg!!! Thank you for appearing !" I stood up and hold the monitor. "Where's the coordinates of Captain Kaizo!"

"Processing, please wait." Then the monitor start searching. Then the word done ✅ appeared. "Thank you for waiting, Kaizo is currently in the spaceship at the 0302 room in the Guest room. But its and restricted area. No one is allowed to go there."

Omg! After i heard that i ran off to the room. I don't care if its restricted. Is on the third level. I ran as fast as i could. Is he really okay? Did i hurt him to much! Fuck professionalism ! I rather get fired than loosing this guy! Tears started to come out while i was running.

As i arrived in front of the room, i open the door i saw Kaizo sleeping on the bed. I felt so relieved. I walk in the room huffing. The door automatically close.

Then something caught my eyes, this room.. its my room while i was here the time he send me to earth. Then bullets of tears falling from my cheeks. He was actually restricted the area so no one will touch this place.

I sit in front of Kaizo who is sleeping on the bed. I sat on the floor and putting my hand on the bed. And resting myself. Which I'm really tired from the running and i feel really relax with him here.

"Kaizo.. i love you.."

To be continue

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