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Before in Problematic 2 : boboiboy
Boboiboy you are coming to my place right?" I ask him.

"Yes i promise you right? A man will never go back with his promises." He closes his eyes while saying that in a manly way. As he thought it was manly it was actually cute.

I can't wait to bring him to my apartment!

As we walk to my car, boboiboy started to walk really slow. He holds his stomach and fall on his knees. His face is changing to a white colour. He looks at me and he looks down to his stomach. I panic i fall on my feet as i saw him on the floor. I took away his hand he was bleeding. And boboiboy shuts down and faint on my knees.


Boboiboy pov.

I woke i heard a someone calling the doctor. And i saw a hospital surrounding. Im on the bed but i feel a bit different like normal.

I tried to sit up and my waist hurt so much, i lie back on the bed and try to remember what happen.

We were at the party and I remembered that i should be going to Fang's place and stay over. Wait where's fang?

Then i saw Tok aba coming in.

"Boboiboy! What happen!? Why you didn't tell me anything about your fight and you got hurt!?" Tok Aba ran beside me and sat on the stool.

"Boboiboy are you okay?" Said ocobot.

"Tok aba, Ocobot, no one is at fault of this. Please.." i told ocobot and Tok aba who is on my left side.

Then i saw Fang coming in. He was wearing a different clothing then at the party.

"I'm at fault Tok Aba Ocobot." Fang putting himself at fault.

"No! He is not!" I tried to sit up and fight the pain on my waist.

"No! Dont sit boboiboy! You are sick!" Fang push me slowly on the bed.

"I'm not putting anybody at fault. It's just that you could've have told us about this we would brought you to the hospital. And took more measurements for the cut" tok aba looks really worried.

"I know i just wanted to go to the after party just now." I look at tok aba.

"After party just now?" Ocobot ask.

"Its been 3 days you are out."

"What?" I look at Fang. "Seriously ?"

"Yeah now you are feeling better right? Plus you have been eating to much pain killers that's why you faint." Said ocobot.

"Yeah that's true."

"Its a relief that there's a doctor exchange here in this hospital who is a specialist with your problem." Tok aba looks relief.

I only smiled and feel relief too.

"We need to go back now we left the store just now and transported us three here, the doctor called us first after knowing you woke up." I was shock listening to that.

"That must have happen in split second!" I told ocobot.

"Yeah.." ocobot holds my hand. "We are worried. I will come back after we finished see you boboiboy. Fang do you want to follow or you will go back by your own."

"I will stay i need to talk to boboiboy." Ocobot smiled at fang and wink.

"Bye!" He holds tok aba's hand and transported.

Then we were alone at last. In split second fang hugs me.

"Boboiboy i miss you!" He kisses me on my lips and i felt a hot droplets on my cheeks. "Baby i thought i was going to lose you."

"Fang.." i touch his hair and smile. "Im here now. Im wake, im fine now. In a few days i will come out."

"This is all my fault! I shouldn't put pressure on you!" He keeps on hugging me now even tighter.

I push him slowly so i could see his face. I hold his cheeks and kiss him again. I feel really bad for making him feel like this. Then i wrap my hand around his neck while kissing him passionately.

Then we heard foot steps i push fang for him to seat on the chair where tok aba seat and make it calm.

There was a knock on the door. Then a guy came in. Wearing doctor uniform and file with him.

"Hello boboiboy, I'm Rashidin one of the main doctors here. Are you feeling better?" Ask the doctor as he comes near.

"Yes doctor better. "

"Okay you will be transfer to the specialist tonight after all the visitors are out of the hospital. That will be easy for us." Said the doctor.

"Thank you doctor." I left a smile before he when out the room.

"Fang you okay?" He looks really sleepy. I pull down his head and put on my bed. And he put his hands on top of the bed before putting his head to rest on it.

He didn't sleep for the past few days? When i heard some snoring and stop the pats on his hand and took my phone right beside me on the small table. I took it and realised a lot of text and messages.

My eyes were widely open.

Fang ❤️
-Friday 10:30pm : Hey baby are you awake? Missing you
-Friday 12:30am : baby im worried about you. Please wake up.
-Saturday 2:00 am : baby I can't sleep.
-Saturday 4:00am : thinking about you boy.
-Saturday 5:35am : still can't sleep wish to hear you voice.
-Saturday 10:10am : coming to meet you.
-Saturday 11:34 pm: after i got back from the hospital i only cried. This is all my fault.
-Sunday 12:15 : straight for two days no sleep still can't sleep missing you so much. You know you look really cute. But you were so pale
-Sunday 3:04 am : im imagining you are here for me to hug.
-Sunday 5:00 am : its 5 i am restraining myself from texting you. Can't wait for you to wake up.
-Sunday 7:00 am : hey.. are you going to go again from me? Please don't.. I can't take it anymore.
-Sunday 7:30 am : Boboiboy i love you deeply.
-Sunday 11:00 am : i am running late to meet you wait for me okay boboiboy?

After reading all the text i started crying so hard! I put my hand on fang.

"Oh.. Fang you must gone through alot now.. and before.." im sorry fang. I could here him snoring. I love you fang.

To be continue..

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