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Boboiboy's POV

I was brought to my room by the red coloured boy, Nyx. Kizka needed to answer to some calls. As i got really curious of his really long braided pony tail.

"I like your hair." I blurt that out without realising what i said. And i slap my mouth as i covers it. Shit shit shit, he already showing signs he hates me! Why am i disturbing him.

Wait, why does he hate me—

"Thank you." He answered briefly after cutting my train of thoughts. It brought me to a slight blush.

"In my culture, who ever sees our pony tail and attracted to them we must thank you. Not that you deserves one." He said that in a mellow tone but it ended with me twitching my eyes in annoyance.

That's it I'm not gonna be nice to him!

Flashback to the scene in the toilet earlier episode

"Now you are checking on me? " he looks at me through the mirror while asking me.
"W-what! No way!" i got mad at him.
"Now i know why. " He continue his words.
"You know what? " i frown.
"Why FANG agree to leave you." he answered briefly.

Stop flashback

He knows Fang.. That's why he hates me. My hand started going cold again. Ah nervous attacks are dumb.


"This is your room." Nyx breaks the silent and put out his hands towards the room and the door opens.

My eyes search in every corner of the room theres two beds , the room not too big not too small. I love the space.

"Kizka said if you need anything.." nyx points to a telecom device " Type in the numbers on the side of the device, my number, kizka's and all the members in this ships are written down there."

"Okay." I look at the telecom as i sense a pair of eyes looking at me. I look up and saw him looking down at me. He was staring at me. I started feeling nervous and confuse. "W-what is it Nyx?"

He blinks and moves out of my sight with his hair and tail swaying. His clicking on something beside the door.

I put down my bag on my bed.

"What is your preferred temperature Hot, Warm or Cold?" He says that while i hear the monitor making noises as he click every time.

"Warm please" i am not too use to the hotness or coldness.

He turns around to me and I instantly look at him. He has an very heavy stare on me. I started getting nervous.

"A-aaahh.." he started to stutter and then i realise he is actually nervous bout something that actually help me to ease out. "K-kizka ask me to take the other bed to be with you.."

"Oh? Yeah sure i dont mind. Why are you nervous?" Maybe i can help me calm down. I stood up and try to step near him.

The moment I stepped near him he got even more nervous. Oh no—

"N-no!" He opened the door and ran off from the room. I peak my head out the room and saw only his tail before he fully disappeared to the right.

Huh? I started fo chuckle.

It cant be because he is nervous to stay in a room with me? My god he has a change of emotion fast. He went from "fierce red boy" to "cute red boy".

I chuckled and get in the room as the door room automatically close.

Time skip

"Boboiboy are you in your room?" A familiar voice on my door as i rose from the bed and look towards the voice.

"Yes Kizka i am here!" The door open and i see Kizka and Nyx wearing a hooded gown that has a logo on it.

"We will be making a stop to a planet, do you wanna join us?" Kizka gives me a clothing with the same logo and a clear mask to put on my face.

"We will? Oh my god! i'd love to see this!" I jump towards Kizka and took the hooded gown and the mask.

Kizka walk pass me and towards the window.

"Look" she says one word.

As i was wearing the gown and my eyes widen to see a very beautiful planet with a mix of Pink and Green colour.

"Wow! Kizka! Wow!" I run towards the window with excitement.

"People from this knows about us. The logo will make you known as the Kaizo's team. And they know also that we are bringing a human around. So be careful this is a merchant planet. There's alot of crooks" He pats my head. "Some people here has power also and they use their power to deceive people into gaining money. Please be careful."

I chuckled and look at Kizka.

"You still treat me like i am a child hehe." I smiled.

Then i felt a sharp stare from a pair of golden eyes.i move my eyes to the sharp stare. Oh? He is jealous. I look back at Kizka. Does he have a thing for Kizka?


We arrived at the Planet. As our ship slowly ascending, me, Kizka and Nyx waiting at the entrance door. As the wind gush on our faces. We see a group of people waiting for us.

"Welcome Kaizo's Platoon!" One of them scream.

My eyes are famished by the new sight. These are legit Aliens! There's so many shapes and sizes. But there's some humans also! And it seems like a whole shoplot! Like this whole planet is just that.

"Is it possible if i buy some souvenir for my family..." i whispered.

"Yes.." whispered back Kizka. He smiles looking at me. I give him back a smile.

"Nyx will be taking care of Boboiboy." Kizka just smirk.

"What—-? I wanna be with you Kizk—" my words got cut as the Aliens come towards us.

"Kizka Welcome to Trenor, we are delighted to be getting the legendary platoon." They seem so happy to see Kizka.

"Let's cut the chase I need to sign a few shipments right?" Kizka seems so cool, oh my god.

"Yes, yes. Please come with us." Kizka pulls up his hoodie to cover his hair and fair.

"Nyx please take care of boboiboy for me." Nyx seems annoyed by that. And i am too.


As Kizka walks away with them, Nyx just walks ahead and i am just following him. It was a total silent till we here the hassle and bustle of a market.

Woah!!! There's so many people! Like its so tight to even walk in.

But Nyx just walks in.

I swear to God i hate this guy.

As we got in the crowd, i felt my shoulder was just pushing other people's. As i walk further, i saw a shop with gifts and things of this planet. I told Nyx i want this and he helped me pay for it.

Their paying system is pretty interesting where they use their thumbs to pay.

As we were proceed, i stop to another store but Nyx was not anyway to be found.

Seriously he just walks to the front and how am i suppose to choose a store! Ah!

Suddenly, i felt a hand pulling my hands away from the crowd and inside an small alley that i fell seated on the floor, as my eyes close. My heartbeat is beating so face. Then, i heard a very familiar, loving voice that i haven't listen for so long. A voice i miss.


I open my eyes and i see Fang.

To be continue...

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