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Boboiboy's POV

I was pushed to the ground as I slammed on the ground. I turned around and without hesitation i hold my watch to activate my power.

I realised i am in a abandoned part of the park so there's no one here.

I look straight infront of me, i see the figure who took me from where i was waiting for Nyx. With a blink of an eye i was here and i was dropped to the floor.

I look at the figure and i realised its Tony. My eyes widened, and somehow i am not suprise.

I try not to use my power yet. But i am still on Guard.

"You don't get the memo don't you?" Tony starts of.

"Memo?" I frown and I remember the death threat i got from this morning. "That was you?"

"Who fucking else?" Tony moves his face up and smirks. That action pisses me off so much. "You are just the most selfish ass being i have ever heard off."

"Oh?" I calm my stand without showing i am on guard i cross my hands. "You needed to give me a death threat so you could scare me away? Are you that low? That pathetic. Fang actually goes for someone like you? Have he lowered down his taste or what? "

I dont know why i am trying to make this person mad, i dont even know their power. What if they are stronger than me. The fact they can pull me from a place to another is scary.

But they pisses me off so much!

"Huh?!" They bring out a knife but there's a glow when it's fully shown. "What did you say you fucker!? Don't you fucking talk like you know Pang! And stop calling him Fang! That's not his name!"

Oh I triggered the beast.

I touch my watch with a swift movement getting ready to change myself.

"I know him in more ways you can't expect." I get into a stance.

Tony is ready to charge at me.

"No! I know him more than you could!" Tony jumps at me and as i want to press on my watch, i felt a hand covering my watch and pulling me to backwards.

As my eyes widened, i saw a yellow hair figure pulled me to get in between me and Tony.


Kizka pull foward and with his hand he holds the knife that was aiming towards me. Tony made a shock face. The knife didn't pierce through Kizka's hand!

"Cadet Tony!" Scream Kizka.

Tony's face changes white and he stops from wanting to attack me.

"What is the meaning of this?" Kizka questioning Tony.

While i felt a hand on my shoulder and i look behind. And i see oz.

Oz smiles at me. And whispers to me. "Are you okay?"

I was shock and i nod. I thought everyone here hates me. Oz gave me a soft hearted eye look and headpats me. He is so nice.

"Why are you attacking Boboiboy!?" Kizka seems angry.

Tony got annoyed and looks to the side. "Tch" he made a sound.

"Kizka it's okay." I tap on Kizka's shoulder.

Kizka turns to me and i can see Kizka is mad. I didnt want to make the situation worse, and i want to enjoy my day.

"As much as i want to get to the bottom of this, Kizka. I don't want to waste my day enjoy the day." I look at Tony. "I know you guys do not have much days off. And you guys deserve to be happy."

Somehow what i said annoyed Tony even more.

"You are lucky Boboiboy is a person with actual senses. Because of your jelousy you can keep thing's professional." Kizka looks at Tony while tony had a regretful face but yet very mad.

I just realised.. i was never on Kizka's bad side. And i never felt the heat of his anger.

Then kizka turns to me and pulls my hand to bring me out from the place.

I leave the place and seeing oz waving away at me.


"Kizka.. can you do me a favour and not punish or tell Fang or nyx?" As i hold Kizka's hands tighter.

Kizka turns around and look at me.

"Sometimes i wonder why are you so nice?" Kizka questions and take out his communication device. "Pang do not know how much lucky he is to have you in his life and waste you like its nothing when you.. you are just special."

I blush and look away.

"Nyx i took Boboiboy away for a bit just now let's meet up." Kizka covered the whole thing swiftly.

Then i felt my hand was hold and pulled by Kizka. Kizka hold my hand tight. We started walking towards a walk-in booth.

"I need to diguise you for a bit." Kizka stops and look at the booth right infront of me. "I am gonna give you a bit of a longer hair to blend you in with the planet people."

Kizka looks at me and smiles, he comes and touch my hair.

My eyes widened with me feeling speechless, Kizka tried to understand my hair and he pulled one hair out.

"Ouch!" I scream.

"Sorry—! One strain for the hair to copy!" Kizka went to the machine and started pressing on the buttons. And he inserts my hair in it.

"Go in the machine Boboiboy, sit on the chair." Kizka tells me while tapping on the buttons.

I go in and i sat on the chair.

"K-kizka i am nervous..." as i said that the machine scans my hair and a laser came out and started growing my hair longer.

I heard footsteps coming outside, and voices started appearing while the machine is processing my hair.

"Kizka! Where's Tony!?" I heard Fang's voice and my heart felt pain.

The realisation hit me so hard, without even needing to see or hear. I understand so much. It's lonely..

I look down to my hands, in the fight we had just now. It sounded like i won as Kizka comes to save me. But genuinely, i lost. Fang will never call out to me like again. But he worries about Tony. Who is Tony to Fang? Boyfriend?

My eyes widened as a mirror pop infront of me, as i see my hair longer and wavvy. I was fully baffled. With the mix feelings i have in my heart right now, and my hair looking so beautiful long.

So how I wanted to see Fang's reaction on me.

I snap and realised i look really good. And i should not let bad things and thoughts bother me.

I stepped out, the first thing my eyes was looking was for Fang. Suddenly, i heard a scream.

"Kizka! I couldn't find Boboiboy!" As Nyx nervously and in panic looking for me runs to Kizka passing by me without realising i was there. "I am a failure!"

"Hahaha" Kizka laughs

"What is funny?!" Nyx nervously asks.

"It means the disguise is working." Kizka smiles while crossing his hands and continues to point at me that is behind him.

He turns and his mouth was left opened.

"Hi Nyx." I smile as i try to not make it weird. And i am scared my hair isnt good

Nyx froze and didn't move at all, making ne so nervous. I look down.

"Hahaha." Kizka laughs "Nyx you gotta say something he is nervous and scared."

"Kizka i an gonna head towards ths haunted castle see yo—" i heard Fang approaching us and as he was talking his words stops.

I look up and i saw Fang behind Nyx, who are both speechless, while on my right is Kizka seeing everyone reacting to me.

My eyes move from Nyx to Fang who is staring at me.

Kizka realises Fang's reaction.

And our eyes meet. Me and Fang. Then my eyes move to Nyx who is also speechless..

The seconds was slowed down during this time.

I got so nervous that i forgot to breathe.

"Yes Pang?" Kizka tries to break the silence.

"Oh?" Fang tries to pull his eyes away from me while Nyx turns around to see Fang staring at me. "Oh yeah..we goong to the Haunted castle.."

"Oh?" Kizka smiles sinisterly.

Nyx turns back to me.

"Do i look weird.." i am so scared..

Nyx moves his mouth..

Nyx's POV

When i saw Boboiboy, i was just speechless..

His beauty is incomparable with any creature in my life. My heart is beating so fast, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

What is this feeling i am feeling?

Is this how it feels to fall in love?

I heard mumbling words around me, while i am in full speechless.

Then, I saw Kizka looking at the back of me and said 'Pang'.

My body turned automatically, in hopes he wasn't interested in looking at Boboiboy.

Then, there i saw Pang staring at Boboiboy.

Then i look back at the creature i have fully fallen in love.

He looks at me and asks me "Do i look weird..?"

I instantly came to him and pull his hands up and kisses his hand.

Boboiboy was shock as i half eyes staring at him while kissing his hand.

"You are mesmerising, you are stunning, nothing in this universe can compare to your beauty." The words i just spoke slip from my mouth. But i wont take it back.


I turn around and look at Pang. And i saw his face was shock and angry with what i just did. While kizka is blushing.

"Pang this is when i say.. you will lose him for good." Kizka whispers to Pang.

"I don't care what it is." I look straight at Pang's eyes. "I will personally heal him from the damge you have created on him. He deserves actual love!"

Pang was shock and as he wanted to open his mouth to say something.

"Pang!" Tony screams his name.

Which stopped him from saying anything.

Your lost that you didn't see as a lost is my gain now.

I look at Boboiboy and he has a small blush while having a confuse face.

I am sorry Boboiboy for putting you in a situation like this. I just need you to be mine..

To be continued....

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