The one that suffered

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Kizka's POV

I started scratching myself as i walk in the walk way towards Boboiboy's room.

I really am so confused. Who should i ask for help? Captain Lye? That pervert old man?

Scratch that! He will ask something in return! Those CCTV footage wasn't enough..

How bout the Earth people? Yeah! But wait what can they do? Ochobot is only a teleport and power sphere.. I am in charge of Boboiboy i must not go back there!

Eventhough Earth do leave a very bad taste in my heart. I still care for the people there.

How is everyone? I should check up on them.

Suddenly, with the speed of a lightning something went pass me.

"Eh!? Who was that!" Then i saw Nyx's tail before disappearing to the right.

I look to the front and realise he ran from Boboiboy.

Where do i go? Boboiboy or Nyx? Oh my god. As i go back and forth i took the decision to go to Boboiboy. Then I'll summon Nyx to my chamber.

I pick up my pace as i go to Boboiboy's room.

I touch the monitor to open the door to Boboiboy's room.

"What has happened?" I look to Boboiboy who is looking out his window.

Boboiboy turn and i see his face red. I ran to him ans hold on to his arm.

"What happened!? Did Nyx hurt you? I saw him running down the walkway?!" I was shaking Boboiboy as i question. "I'll make sure he learn his lesson!"

"Oh! No no!!" I hear Boboiboy's laughter at the ene of his sentence. "Contrary he made my heart beat fast."

Eh? I rotate my head to the right with a very big question mark on my head.

"Kizka.. He kissed me." Boboiboy touched his lips to show where Nyx kiss him.

"Oh that's a relief—" wait a minute. "A KISS!?"

I scream as Boboiboy started being nervous. I hold on to Boboiboy harder.

"What has happened!?" I scream in full confusion.

"I dont know myself." Boboiboy put both of his hand together and looked at me. "I haven't felt that feeling in a while."

I was shock when Boboiboy said that.

"What?" I questioned as i realise. Boboiboy was longing for love. My hand grip started loosen and i look at him.

"Is it bad Kizka..? That felt good?" He seems so nervous to ask me that.

"I think it's not." I give a soft smile to him. The feeling of love me and Boboiboy miss is one we relate.

Between me and Boboiboy, Boboiboy had it harder.

I mean yeah Kaizo is missing and presumably dead by our planet. But I didn't leave the relationship or felt it was out of love. Cause i believe Kaizo is out there missing me like i miss him.

Boboiboy smiled brightly and i gave him a hug.

"You went through alot."

Boboiboy hugs me back as he put his hand behind my back.

I smiled and hug him tighter.

"Stay strong. I am here for you, Boboiboy." I told him. "We are going to Xixus and you are bound to meet Pang."

"I will try my best Kizka." I felt his hug went tighter and i put my hand on his head.

"Good boy."

"But.. I think you need to check on Nyx." Boboiboy tell me as he sound really worried.

"Yeah- i better do check on him." I let go of the hug and proceed to leave the room.

As i walk to my room, i started feeling warm in my heart. Feeling so happy for Boboiboy, that he isn't treated for so long.

As i arrive to my room, i turn on my telekom and called Nyx officially so he can't say no to this.

After a few minutes, i heard someone wanting to enter and i press the button on my table as i am sotting on my table looking towards the door. The door open and i see Nyx looking at me in full confusion.

"Yes Captain!" Nyx put himself in a stance putting his hnd on his chest.

"Come in Nyx." I turn off my working monitor to show to him this isn't anything related to serious issues.

Nyx walks in and the door automatically close.

"Tell me." I gave a brief word.

He was in shock and i can see his face lit up.

"I am really sorry!! I accidentally kiss Boboiboy!" He bow down to me and start to kneel. "Forgive me Kizka!"

I was shock and i ran to him putting my knee on the floor.

"Hey you wanna say sorry for falling in love for the first time?" I ask.

His eyes widened and he look at me straight away.

I put my hand on his head.

"Listen, you fell in love! And it's Boboiboy!" I sound excited for him to feel comfortable of his feelings.

"But—! Boboiboy was bad towards Pang! Why would i fall in love with Boboiboy!" I heard him scream.

"I see." I sit on the floor as i look at him.

"You do not know what Boboiboy has went through with Pang. Cause you only heard the part Boboiboy left Pang." I look at Nyx confuse face.

"After Kaizo was presumably dead by alot of people. Pang started changing." I see Nyx sitting on the floor properly. He is ready to listen to this story.

"Goes back to when Kaizo was missing. Pang change alot. He wasnt himself anymore. He was more focused on what he can do to find his brother. He didnt want to accept the lost of his brother. Back on Earth, Pang stop smiling. And Boboiboy was there for him none stop. Everytime Pang breaks down Boboiboy would hold him so tight and calm him down. "


Boboiboy's POV

I see Fang screaming and crying. I hold him so tight as i put him on my chest.

"I cant believe he left us!!" Fang scream his lungs out.

"I know Fang." I hold him the most comfortable way for him.

"I don't want to stay alive! I cant bare the pain of losing my brother!" I was shock to hear that.

Then i see Fang scratching himself so hard and i see his hand bleeding.

"Fang! Stop!" I hold on to his hand holding him from doing it.

"No! I want to go to where he is!" Fang screams. Fang fighting my hand thats holding it from touching his wrist skin.

My tears was slowly flowing and in full brute force i pull his hand to my wrist.

"Hurt me!" I scream.

Fang was shock and he stop fighting me.

Then i felt a hand going in my shirt rubbing my back. I was shock at Fang's behaviour. And he started feeling my body as i moan.

He didn't say a word but just continued touching my body.

He pushes me to the sofa as i felt how rough he was doing on me.

"F-fang!" My leg was brought by fang as he pull my pants off me letting my lower part be bare. I felt a full shiver on me.

He takes his hand and start to rub my dick. I start to moan as I can't control it. My dick started getting hard.

Suddenly i felt my ass was slapped so hard i scream out.

"FANG!" The pain that goes through my whole body as i felt a burn on my ass after the slap was made.

Then i realise, he needs a place to let all this out.

All of a sudden, i felt a hand choking my neck. My eyes widened as my dick was still being rub and i was slowly starting to feel scared.

Its okay.. for Fang.

"Do it fang. Do anything you want to me." I say to him as his eyes widen and i felt a choke on my neck.

I started to feel i was gonna come as the choke was gonna trigger in me as i am slowly gasping for air.

Then i heard the door to Fang house was opened but i was still getting choked by Fang. I started losing my breath and my tears started dripping. I started fighting again Fang.

Kizka came in and saw the scene and right away punch Fang on the face. Making Fang let go of me and i started looking for oxygen to breath and i started crying out.

"Fang what the fuck are you doing to boboiboy!?" Kizka came to me and started patting me. "Are you stupid!"

After i get a bit more oxygen i look towards Kizka. And i see Kizka having tears in his eyes.

"I am sorry Boboiboy!" Kizka scream and i hold on to Kizka.

I couldn't talk cause my breathing was to heavy to talk. And my eyes move to Fang.

Fang just sit on the floor and hold on to his cheeks.

"Fang! How could you do that to him!" Fang just look down and stood up.

He walks out to his room

Suddenly i felt my heart breaking.. Fang why would you want to do that to me? My tears started rolling down and i realise one thing.

While i touch my neck, i put down my face to the sofa as i use my pants to cover my bare bottom from Kizka.

I realise this will never be the same again. The lost of family isn't easily taken.

Kizka holds on to me very tightly.

I bring up my index finger towards Fang's room.

"What's wrong Boboiboy?" Kizka look at where i am pointing at.

"Ch—check—.. on.. fang.." i talk as much as i can.

"Oh Boboiboy.. you're too nice.." Kizka hugs me and start patting my head.

"We both dont deserve you." Kizka added.

" both.." i look at Kizka who is crying on my shoulder. "A..lost of a family member..isn't easy. I know how it feels."

My voice slowly felt easier to come out.

"But still! Pang have no fucking right to abuse you like this!" Kizka pointed his hand to Fang's room. "You don't deserve this Boboiboy."

Kizka looks up to me.

"And i think.. its best i tell you that Pang and me will be needed to report back to our world Xixus. To fill in the slot for Kaizo." Kizka's hand started trembling.

Then, slowly the words register to me..

Report back to their world? Fang and Kizka gonna leave me alone here?

"W-wait.. you and Fang? Wait.. gonna leave me ?" I started trembling..

"N-no!! We aren't leaving you! We will still be in contact. As i want to remind you. The reason Pang and Me was sent here was under Kaizo's orders and mission that was assigned. But for us to be assigned to this there's higher ups and right now Kaizo's role in the organisation is sitting empty. And i will be filling it up. To not lose his Legacy. And.. for me to look for clues of what has happened to Kaizo." Kizka tried to explain to me and my tears drop.

"So when will Fang know about this?" I ask..

"Later when he has cool down I'll talk to him but i think its better Boboiboy go back to Tok Aba's house. You wont be okay around fang at this point. I want you to go back and rest. I'll text you for updates and when we will be going back to our world." Kizka left me in the room checking on Fang.

I can't blame Kizka wanting to check on Fang on top of his own pain.

I went to take my bag at my door and left the house.

I need time to process all of this..

To be continue..

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