Amelia's problem

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I feel that my parents are keeping something from me. I don't know what it is.

Well, it can't have anything to do with me being a witch. You should have seen their faces the day Professor McGonagall came to my house and was all like, "Your daughter's a witch."

I love attending Hogwarts. I have great friends, and my classes are enjoyable. Well, not History of Magic, but don't tell Professor Binns I said that.

Well, once when I was little, I overheard my parents discussing something. Apparently there was some big secret they don't want me to know, but Mum said that I deserve to know. Then Dad said that I'm too young to know.

Well, I'm almost fifteen. I am curious about this big secret. Everything's really stressful right now, and I'm not talking about the end-of-year exams. You-Know-Who is back.

I won't say his real name (mainly because I don't want to say it) but he's this evil wizard who wants to take over the world. But half of the school refuses to believe that he's back. I think that he is, though.

I'm not telling my parents about him. They shouldn't have to worry about some evil wizard from a world they don't know.

I have had weird nightmares. They're about some random girl. She always looks exactly like me. She's always wearing a white dress and no shoes. She never speaks at all, just smiles and nods.

I try to ask her questions, but every time I do, I wake up. It just keeps me awake at night, and I hate it.

Who is this girl? Is she important? Is it related to this secret my parents are keeping?

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