Susan's Problem

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I wish that I was pretty. I know that a lot of people who would like to be better looking than me, but here's the thing.

My best friend Cassie is the prettiest girl I know. She has lovely blonde hair, green eyes, and has a lovely complexion. I would be lying if I said that I didn't secretly envy her.

My parents told me that I am pretty to them, but I'm certain that they only say that because they are my parents. I have straight brown hair, brown eyes, and way too many freckles.

Did I mention that I also wear glasses? I just can't help it. I was born with poor eyesight. My parents first noticed it when I learnt how to crawl. They were concerned that I kept bumping into stuff. Talk about practically blind! Because that's what I am too.

When I was eleven, I tried wearing contact lenses. It worked for a while, and hardly anyone recognised me as I looked so different without glasses. However, it was so troublesome to put them on every day, so I eventually gave up. I only wear contacts on special occasions.

Still, I guess that it could be worse. I'm not pretty, but I'm not ugly either. I guess that I'm just average. Just plain boring average.

I don't know why Cassie likes me so much. All I know is books and I'm sure that my conversation bores her all of the time. Sometimes she asks me to help her with homework, but unlike some other people, she doesn't take advantage of it. Most people would somehow convince you to do the homework for them, but Cassie doesn't just want to know the answers. She also wants to know how to solve the problems.

We have sleepovers a lot. Whenever Cassie offers to give me a makeover, I refuse. There's no way I can look as pretty as her. I look so plain beside Cassie that everyone notices the difference.

I just feel so insecure. I wish that I can feel beautiful, even if I can't look it.

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