8th Imagine...

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"Awww Prodigy look at you!" you smile turning on "My Girl" video. "Ahh I don't wanna look at that" he says smiling and looking back down in his bible. "Awww! Look how short you are! Heck, your short now still!" you laugh laying on his shoulder. He narrows his eyes at you and laugh. "Shut up" he replies. "Ok, how about the next video" you say clicking over and Mrs. Right comes on. The music and lyrics come on and you bob your head up and down.

Prodigy stares at your until you start to rap Diggy's part. "Light skinned, dark skinned,Long hair don't care aslong as your hearts in it, looking for my Mrs enough to dive me insane, matter fact aye yo Prodigy sang!" you say pointing at him. He stares at you and shakes his head.

"Fine party pooper, I'll throw on some Girls Talkin' Bout!" you say happily as you click the next button. You bounce around and dance. "Prodigy can you take of you shades and show me your eyes?" you laugh. "No I can not, because they are already off" he says annoyed. You roll your eyes and cut off the music. "Fine, we can never have fun" you snap and walk out.

You sit in the kitchen table and mess with your braclet when you here Future blasting from the living room. You look up and smile. "Can we have some fun now?" he asks holding out his hands. You smile and get up, he pulls you into the living room and you both dance to the music and him singing.


Aww cute right? Something that just came to my mind quick so yeah :) Bye and Stay Mindless :)

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