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Subin widened her eyes when the front door of NCT Dream's door slammed shut with a bang. Chenle was gone and Subin had a weird feeling in her gut. She gulped and kicked off the shoes of her feet and slowly walked inside the living room with a bow.

"Excuse me", she said, still bowing. "But Chenle just stormed outside with a weird look on his face." 

Subin looked up and saw Jisung, Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno stare at her with big eyes. "Sweet Mother... you grew up!" Jaemin announced and Subin chuckled lightly. "Thank you", she bowed again before looking at Jisung. Her cheeks turned pink and she pressed her lips together, before opening her mouth. "Hi, Jisung."

Renjun, Jaemin, and Jeno nodded quietly; the change of sound, once Subin addressed her crush was noticeable. "We leave the two of you alone and look for Chenle", Renjun said and walked towards the door. "Have fun!" Jeno added and followed Renjun. Jaemin looked at the awkward couple, grinned and added, "Behave you rascals!"

"Hyung!" Jisung whined before locking eyes with his crush. "Sorry about them. They're weird." - "Chenle was weird!" Subin announced and plopped her backpack in the corner of the living room. "What was up with him? I haven't seen him in over seven months and he isn't even greeting me properly?" She asked and followed Jisung towards the couch, where she let herself fall down on the soft cushions.

"He's a bit irritated in the moment... our friendship is going through some tough bits..." Jisung tried to push the topic aside, but Subin was more than alerted after he said that. "Oh no! Please don't tell me you're growing apart! You've always been together, Jisung!" Subin's eyes were wide and Jisung chuckled seeing the terror in the girl's face. 

"Don't worry, Subin. He'll calm down." Jisung grinned and sat down next to his crush. "What shall we watch first?"

― 💌 ―

Subin couldn't concentrate on the movie, nor on the fact that she and Jisung were holding hands. She couldn't get over the fact that Jisung and Chenle were having trouble in their friendship. It reminded her way too much about Yoobin and herself. 

She wasn't able to get a hang on her former best friend, and Jisung and Chenle were going through a lump. Weirdly enough, the fact that the boys were going through something like this, bugged her way more than her own problems with Yoobin.

Jisung smiled at Subin, thinking she was concentrating on the movie. He liked seeing her all focused while subconsciously rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand. He liked the feeling of their intertwined hands. "Are you enjoying the movie?" He asked and carefully poked Subin's side.

"Kiyaaah!" The girl shrieked and jumped to the side, staring at Jisung with big eyes. "Jisung! Don't scare me like that!" - "I didn't know Ralph Breaks The Internet was that complicated", he chuckled and Subin blew up her cheeks. "Sorry, Jisung", Subin carefully laid her hand on his cheek. "My mind was somewhere different this whole time", she confessed and Jisung nodded.

"Ah, is today a bad day for a movie night?" He asked, sad that his movie date was ruined. "No, dear God, no! It's a good day. I should apologize for my head in the clouds." She quickly leaned forward. "I like watching movies with you." - "Then concentrate on the movie... and me... please." His ears were dark red and Subin laughed; her crush was cute being flustered.

She leaned even more forward and softly pecked his cheek. "I'll shower you in attention; don't worry!" She leaned back and tried to concentrate on the movie at least a little bit. She didn't want to worry Jisung. Her mind was still a storm though. She definitely would have to sleep a night or two over this and ask Jisung more about this. 

She felt that something about this was her fault. But she wasn't sure.

Maybe she could catch Chenle for a quick talk, once she leaves later. But for now, she concentrated on the Disney movie and Jisung, that looked at her from time to time before watching the movie and laughing about the shenanigans of Ralph and Venelope.

When the movie ended, Jisung stretched his limbs and grinned at Subin. "Do you want to order food? I'm not good at cooking but we could order Pork Sweet Sour or something different—" - "My Mum is doing Hotpot today", Subin quickly said and Jisung opened his mouth. "Ah, I see." - "Sorry, Jisung. I told my parents I'll leave as soon as the movie is over. I still have to finish my homework and prepare something for Mr. Dong."

Jisung nodded. "I forgot that you still go to school..." - "It's okay." She smiled and patted Jisung's head. "Let's do something like this again. Next time I'm picking the movie." She showed her teeth and stood up and walked over to her backpack. 

Jisung took a deep breath. "Subin, do you want to be my girlfriend?"

― 💌 ―

Jisung sat on the couch, a big pout on his face when the door of the dorm opened with a beep and the four other Dreamies entered the house. Jeno came around the corner and saw Jisung lounging on the couch. "Huh? Where's Subin?" - "She left." Jisung only answered.

"Did you mess it up?" Jaemin screeched and jumped over the back of the couch onto the cushions. "I guess I did." Jisung sighed and remembered when he asked Subin the Girlfriend-Question. "I'm so stupid and too fast!" The youngest let out and Chenle, that was standing at the door of the living room, lifted his head. "I asked her if she wants to be my girlfriend" he started and looked over to Chenle who flinched at the sudden eye contact.

"Guess what she said?" Jisung asked and looked at Chenle. The Chinese lad shook his shoulders. "She said I should come clean with Chenle first. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to give me an answer." Jisung sighed. "She also said, Bros before Hoes, which I didn't really understand." Jisung's pout got even bigger. 

"She's not my girlfriend." He sighed and Jeno, Jaemin and Renjun (that stood next to Chenle) all looked over to the Main Vocal that gulped. 

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