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"That's your name!" Seo Yoobin screamed and was immediately quietened by a hand that wrapped itself over her mouth. "Pssshhh! Not everyone has to know that!" Han Subin whispered and bit her lip before sucking on the straw of her Lemon Ade.

"I didn't know my name would end up on the actual album. Mr Yoo never said anything about this." Subin whispered and Yoobin kept reading the credits of the song over and over again. "Did you at least got paid for this?" She asked and Subin cocked an eyebrow.

"Yoobin, I am an intern. I get intern-wage." Subin said and Yoobin nodded knowingly. "I forgot you're in SM as a punishment, not for a lesson in Producing." She giggled and proudly pressed the NCT Dream album to her chest. "I am SO proud of you, my bestest friend!" She grinned and leaned over the table to smooch Subin's cheek.

The two sixteen-year-olds were resting in a coffee shop close to their school. This morning, before school, had started Subin had dragged Yoobin to the closest CD shop to purchase NCT Dream's newest album to hear the song she had produced. Subin and her friend were both more than baffled when they heard the full version of Drippin', but they loved it nevertheless since Subin had produced parts of it.

"Blue Soda is so boring without you." Yoobin suddenly said, after closing the album and shoving it into Subin's worn out backpack. "Aw, don't say that..." Subin pouted and remembered their secret producing sessions late at night when almost everyone in the Blue Soda building was gone.

"We're having so much fun at night," Subin said, but Yoobin sighed. "But Dance lessons and Vocal lessons are boring without you," Yoobin said and Subin sighed. "You know I never entered Blue Soda with the thought of becoming an Idol. My main goal is to become a producer and produce Hip Hop music." She grinned and ruffled Yoobin's hair before looking at her wristwatch.

"I still have an hour before I have to head back to SM... Do we want to go shopping?" Subin asked and her best friend grinned. "Are you thinking the same as me?" The dark-haired Trainee asked and Subin cocked an eyebrow and carefully asked, "Couple Tee's?" - "Yes!" Yoobin grinned and dragged Subin out of the coffee shop.

― 💌 ―

Her hands full of shopping bags and a Starbucks coffee cup holder, Subin tried to open the door to SM but her ID card kept slipping out of her hands and she couldn't open the door properly. "Darn it!" The Trainee sighed and wanted to put down all her stuff when someone coughed behind her.

"Funny how I always bump into you when you're cursing!" A voice grinned and Subin turned around to a young man that grinned down funnily at her. The face seemed familiar and she remembered bumping into him on her first day at SM. "Jung Jaehyun-sshi, right?" She asked and almost dropped one of her bags. "For fucks sake..." She gritted her teeth and watched Jaehyun grab one of the bags. 

"Let me help", he grinned and took the cup holder and a black plastic bag out of her hands. "Thank you..." She sighed and finally was able to swipe her ID over the card reader. Jaehyun gave her a warm smile and followed her into the lobby of the company. 

The concierge bowed to them but continued working afterwards.

"Where'd you need to go? I help you carry your bags." Jaehyun offered and Subin sighed. "It's okay, I can walk the rest by myself!" Just as she said that another bag fell from her wrist and on to the floor. Its filling spilt and Subin blushed deep red when she saw the panties and vests on the floor.

She quickly threw herself on the floor and shoved the underwear she bought back into the bag, eyeing Jaehyun that was pressing his lips together, so he wouldn't laugh. "I swear to Buddha if you tell anyone you saw the panties I bought I'll strangle you," Subin warned and Jaehyun chuckled.

"Don't worry, kiddo. Your secret is safe with me." He winked and took one more of Subin's bags into his hands. "Will you let me help you now?" He asked and Subin nodded and pressed the button of the elevator. Once it arrived she climbed into it, Jaehyun right after her, leaning onto the back of it and watching Subin with curiosity.

"I saw your name in the credits of one of the Dreamies songs." Jaehyun started and Subin nodded. "Mr Yoo asked me to produce Jisung and Chenle's parts." She answered and Jaehyun nodded. "Not bad for a..." Jaehyun looked at Subin. 

She was wearing her navy school uniform and had her brown hair in a lousy made ponytail. One of her stockings had rolled down her leg and she had a beat-up denim coloured backpack with a huge Ryan keyring. Subin definitely looked young and Jaehyun wasn't sure how young she actually was.

"Subin-sshi?" He asked and the student looked over to him. "How old are you?" Subin grinned, twirled and bowed before proudly announcing that she was already sixteen years old. "Sixteen? You're still a baby and are already producing songs?" Jaehuyn gulped and Subin pursed her lips.

"I have no idea for how long, but I've been dreaming about producing songs for so long. That was one of the reasons I auditioned for Blue Soda Entertainment." She grinned and turned back to look at the doors of the elevator. "I see..." He smiled. "I hope you keep producing great music."

Subin quickly looked over to the young man and blushed. His eyes were almost closed and he gave her the warmest smile she had ever seen on a man. For a second her heart doubled over and she quickly looked away. "T-Thank you!" She stuttered and pressed her lips together, hoping the elevator ride was almost done and she could hide her pink cheeks from Jaehyun.

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