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"My heart is beating so fast... I think I'll have a heart attack..!"

"Please don't. We still need you for this performance..!"

"Pff, you're more concerned about the performance than about me??"

".... maybe? - just kidding! Please don't hit me!"


\\ Sunday, 18th August 2019; Recording of the live stages //

\\ The trainees have all gathered backstage, waiting to go up on the stage for their performance. The tension was high. The room was filled with quiet whispers. //

[ B ] Lim Heigyeon (Starship): "Isn't it crazy how there's an audience who came just to watch... us? We are not even idols yet and we already have fans!"

[ D ] Choi Dahyeon (Starship): "Yes, it is... I really hope I'll see someone holding up a banner with my name on it.. that would be so cool!"

[ A ] Kim Sooyun (BBC): "Yeah.. Just imagine people screaming our names!"

[ C ] Hwang Yeonseok (DSP): "Who do you think will be the MC this time? Will Jongsuk finally be back?"

[ F ] Ryu Heiyeon (Fantagio): "I honestly kinda miss him... His smile always motivates me to do my best!"

Finally, the TV screens in the waiting room backstage were turned on and the trainees were able to see the crowd waiting for them and the stage they were going to perform on.

The stage was already familiar to them, due to rehearsals, but now there were actually people standing in front of it.

[ B ] Kim Hyunji (YMC): "Wahhh.... that's so cool!... Look Yebin! There's someone holding a banner with your face on it!"

[ B ] Min Jihye (Jellyfish): "And there's one with my name on it! I really thought I wouldn't have any fans..."

The lights were shut off and the only thing illuminating the room was the big "GROUP BATTLE" logo.

"Good afternoon. Thanks, everyone, for coming here and for tuning in today! Whether you're actually present here in this building right now, or just tuning in from home, I bet the trainees are very thankful for you all spending your free time with them!"

MC Jongsuk's voice was deep, echoing through the room due to the very high ceilings.

The live audience was screaming when one lonely spotlight shone on the handsome man.

And the trainees had an equal reaction backstage.

[ B ] Kang Jihyo (Starship): "He's back!"

[ D ] Choi Dahyeon (Starship): "And he's reaaaally handsome.... not like he wasn't handsome before.. but you know-"

[ C ] Fan Meihua (Starship): "You should probably stop talking?"

Dahyeon nodded and made the other girls in her team laugh.

Lee Jonsguk (MC): "Today is the very first group performance in front of an audience that doesn't consist out of mentors or other trainees! The girls must be really nervous... I can basically feel their anxiousness through the walls!"

[ C ] Lee Siyeon (Fantagio): "Can we.. please just.. start?"

[ A ] Kang Iseul (Woollim): "Right? We already have to wait the longest since the ICY performances are last..."

Lee Jongsuk (MC): "I'll quickly explain how the voting works for the audience here in the studio...."

"Team Bbyong 1, standby!"

[ A ] Kim Sooyun (BBC): "Fighting, team! We got this!"

[ B ] Lim Heigyeon (Starship): "Here goes nothing...!"

Lee Jongsuk (MC): "Now that I explained how you vote, let's welcome the first team on the stage! Please welcome Kim Sooyun, Lim Heigyeon, Fan Meihua, Kang Jihyo and Choi Dahyeon!"

The girls were jogging onto the stage, desperately holding onto hand microphones they were given for the little interview before their performance.

Lee Jongsuk (MC): "You five are the first trainees to perform, are you nervous?"

[ B ] Kang Jihyo (Starship): "I think nervous is an understatement.."

Jongsuk laughs as Jihyo just shyly smiles, her answer was 100% serious.

Lee Jongsuk (MC): "Sooyun, as the team leader, can you please tell us how confident you are in winning this battle against the other Bbyong team?"

[ A ] Kim Sooyun (BBC): "Very confident! We trained very hard and promised each other to do our very best until the end. I'm so proud of my team members and of what we have accomplished in such a short time!"

Lee Jongsuk (MC): "Then let's see how well you really prepared for this stage, shall we?"

While the trainees get into position and Jongsuk walks off-stage... let's take a quick look at how the training really went.

β–€β–„β–€β–„β–€β–„ [ A PART OF TEAM BBYONG 1's JOURNEY ]Β β–€β–„β–€β–„β–€β–„

When the five trainees arrived in their practice room, they directly sat down in the middle of the room in a circle - of sorts.

Their first objective was to go over the positions again to see whether they would have to deviate from their initially submitted form, which was totally allowed, though it wouldn't necessarily shine a good light on them.

[ A ] Kim Sooyun (BBC): "Okay so... Are you all still fine with me being the leader?"

Everyone nodded and Heigyeon was quick to stick the leader sticker onto Sooyun's jersey.

[ A ] Kim Sooyun (BBC): "How about the Main Vocal? Are we still okay with Dahyeon doing that?"

Again, everyone nodded. Earlier that day, Jihyo and Sooyun were very quick to distribute the positions, leaving little room for the others to intervene and share their own opinion.
But as long as the other three members were okay with their positions, there wouldn't be any drama, right?

[ A ] Kim Sooyun (BBC): "Then.. about the center... I know we wrote down me as a center since we didn't really have time to vote and stuff, but I feel kinda bad being leader AND center... Does anyone of you want to have that spot?"

Sooyun and Jihyo looked at their other members, as both didn't want to be center, and waited for someone to lift their hand.

Slowly and insecurely, both Heigyeon and Meihua lifted their index fingers.

[ B ] Kang Jihyo (Starship): "Great! We have two candidates!"

[ D ] Choi Dahyeon (Starship): "Why don't you two both show us how you'd interpret one of the center parts? Then we can decide!"

[ B ] Kang Jihyo (Starship): "Heigyeon, you go first!... aaaand go!"

[ D ] Choi Dahyeon (Starship): "Wow! You both were great! Let's vote now!"

Meihua and Heigyeon both turned around so they couldn't see which member voted for whom.

And in the end...

[ B ] Kang Jihyo (Starship): "Congratulations, Meihua, you're our center!"




LEADER 🐠 Sooyun as Minseo (jeans shorts, blue top, long hair)

🐠Heigyeon as Haneul (white shorts, blue top, grey-ish hair)

🐠 Dahyeon as Ayeon (white skirt, blue top, red-ish hair)

CENTER 🐠 Meihua as Yuki (blue dress, short-ish hair) 

🐠 Jihyo as Juyeon (white dress, ponytail)


Lee Jongsuk (MC): "That was a very nice performance! You now each have a few seconds to advertise yourself, and possibly your team. Remember, you want the audience here to vote for your performance and the audience at home to give you votes so you won't get eliminated."

[ A ] Kim Sooyun (BBC): "Annyeong! Dear viewers and audience, It's your favorite Tinkerbell Sooyun, hope you can vote for me!"

[ B ] Kang Jihyo (Starship): "Producers~ You know, the show is called produce 1+1... so will you be my plus one?" *cringes at herself*

[ B ] Lim Heigyeon (Starship): "Hello everyone! Please vote for your sweetheart Heigyeon~!"

[ C ] Fan Meihua (Starship): "Hi hi~ It would be great if you could vote for me, your angel Meihua!"

Lee Jongsuk (MC): "Alright then, let's hope you captured a lot of hearts! We'll now go on to your rival team, which consists of Seo Jinae, Choi Soojeong, Lee Haneul, Jeon Miyeung and Zelestia Wu!"

Team 1 hurried off the stage and at the same time, Team 2 quickly walked onto the stage.

Lee Jongsuk (MC): "Are you intimidated by the other team and their performance?"

[ C ] Lee Haneul (YMC): "Not at all! Their performance was good, but not nearly as good as ours will be!"

Team Jinae's members laughed at Haneul's confidence.

Lee Jongsuk (MC): "Miyeung, would you agree with Haneul?"

[ F ] Jeon Miyeung (JYP): ".... I guess so? I know how hard we worked and how much power we put into training, so I'd say that we can beat them."

Lee Jongsuk (MC): "Well then, I probably speak for the whole audience when I say: We're excited to see what you got!"

β–€β–„β–€β–„β–€β–„ [ A PART OF TEAM BBYONG 2's JOURNEY ] β–€β–„β–€β–„β–€β–„

After the team's positions were set, the five trainees got to work.

They were watching the live performances of the song over and over again, at some point starting to copy the moves as best as they could.Β 

[ D ] Choi Soojeong (SM): "I feel like this is harder than I thought it would be..."

[ D ] Zelestia Wu (Pledis): "I think I've never noticed all of those small hand movements before? They make the choreography so much harder.."

Only Miyeung seemed relatively confident when dancing to the song.

[ F ] Jeon Miyeung (JYP): "Come on, don't give up already! We're barely two hours into practicing. We just need to go over the harder parts a lot... I'm sure we can do this."

Although all of them weren't necessarily bad at dancing, Miyeung was by far the best dancer out of all of them. The fact that she had so much confidence in the team, motivated everyone.

First thing next day would be the very first mini evaluation every team had to go through, and thus the five trained relentlessly for 6 hours until it was time to eat dinner - and they would have skipped said mealtime if it hadn't been for a staff member who practically forced them to make their way into the cafeteria.

But even while eating, they didn't stop thinking about the performance.

[ C ] Lee Haneul (YMC): "I really hope we don't have to wear heels for the performance.. I don't even want to imagine having to make that one weird turn in heels!"

[ A ] Seo Jinae (Stone): "Right? Let's pray that the stylists show some mercy..!"



"After the first few hours of training with your team.. do you still think you've chosen your members correctly?"

Seo Jinae - "Honestly? I... kinda should have payed more attention to how good of a dancer everyone is. But I'm just being nit-picky right now - all in all, I'm very satisfied with how hardworking my team is and how good we get along."

"If you had the chance, would you like to change your song? Your team seems a bit frustrated about the detailed choreography."

Seo Jinae - "No, definitely not. The song suits our team perfectly, and I don't think we would have an easier time with any of the other choreographies anyway!"



"You're the Center of your team, right? Do you feel any pressure because of it?"

Lee Haneul - "Oh yeah, totally. As the Center you need to catch everyone's attention, not only to make them be interested in yourself, but to make our team more likable and appealing to the audience. I think it's somewhat adjacent to being a burden.... but it's also a lot of fun."

"Why do you think you're the perfect Center for this song?"

Lee Haneul - "I don't think I'm the perfect Center.... Haneul of Saturday would be that. But I think I'm good enough, and I know that my members have a lot of trust in my abilities to charm the audience. As long as the others think that I'm a good Center, I think so too!"



"How would you rate your team's teamwork on a scale from 1 to 10?"

Zelestia Wu - "Definitely a 10! We have a really nice synergy going on. And although I know those group battles can get pretty stressful, everyone's already kinda on the edge, I think we can get through this without any major arguments or disagreements. So far, we all pretty much think and feel alike!"

"If you had the chance to switch positions with someone in your team, would you do it? And if yes, with whom would you switch?"

Zelestia Wu - "I feel really comfortable with the lines I got and I'm confident in being able to perform my parts wonderfully - so no, I wouldn't change my positions. In general, I think everyone's fine with their lines and stuff, everything is distributed very fairly."





LEADER 🐸 Jinae as Minseo (white one-piece, long hair)

CENTER 🐸Haneul as Haneul (blue shirt, white shorts, grey-ish hair, high boots)

🐸 Soojeong as Ayeon (jeans skirt, white top, red-ish hair)

🐸 Miyeung as Yuki (jeans top, white skirt, short-ish hair)

🐸 Zelestia as Juyeon (blue dress with white dots, white hat)


Lee Jongsuk (MC): "Thanks for your powerful performance! You also have a few seconds now to advertise yourself to the viewership. Jinae? Why don't you start?"

[ A ] Seo Jinae (Stone): "National producers! please vote for us!"

[ D ] Zelestia Wu (Pledis):Β "Dear watchers, please vote for me, Zelestia! Thank you!"

Lee Jongsuk (MC): "And off they go backstage into the voting room. I hope everyone in the audience voted for their favorite team and their favorite members!"


The first two performances were successful.

Now the trainees are waiting for the results in that little white, pristine room.Β 

Nervously playing with their hair or fumbling with their outfits, shivering from being so anxious about the results.

But sadly, there can only be one winning team for each song.

a/n: FINALLY me and wattpad got our shit together so I could add the gifs/performances/pictures lol It's awful working with this website/chapter editor these days oof ;-;

Anyway. I hope you enjoyed this episode!Β 
And you might have guessed this already, but 4.2 is going to be about the Umpah Umpah performances and 4.3 about the Icy performances! And I think it shouldn't take too long for them to be uploaded (depending on how long wattpad decides to behave lmao)!

Stay healthy!~ And have a nice day/night wherever you are :3

[ also: about the extra screen time, this time those with the small little interviews at the end of the "JOURNEY" sections were the ones who deserved their extra time through being active hehe. The little voting speeches ARE NOT part of the extra screen time, only those who have send in a speech will have one in the chapters (makes sense, right? lol).]

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