20. RBW Han Yejun

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Username: M001802
Birth Name: HAN YEJUN
Nicknames: Jun, yejunie, chatterbox

Birthday: 11th February 2000
Height: 175cm
Weight: 55kg
Blood Type: B

Nationality: Korean
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthplace: Busan, SK
Hometown: Busan, SK

Company: RBW
Trainee Period: 4 years total- (3 years 7 months old company, 5 months current company)
Face Claim: Kim Sihun BDC

ENFP-A (yes I did a personality test for him and used the results-)

Curious – When it comes to new ideas, he isn't interested in brooding – he wants to go out and experience things, and he doesn't hesitate to step out of his comfort zone to do so. Hes imaginative and open-minded, seeing all things as part of a big, mysterious puzzle

Energetic and Enthusiastic – As he observes, forming new connections and ideas, he won't hold his tongue – hes excited about his findings, and share them with anyone who'll listen. This infectious enthusiasm has the dual benefit of making him a social king, a crazy/soft social king

Excellent Communicator – hes a strong people person, and is always conversing with someone, you cant shut him up. He enjoys both small talk and deep, meaningful conversations, which are just two sides of the same coin for them, and hes adept at steering conversations towards his desired subjects in ways that feel completely natural and unforced (basically you arent sleeping until you've shoved a sock in his mouth)

Know How to Relax – hes simply having fun and experiencing life's joys (while sometimes being way too deep thinking). He knows when it's time to shake things up, and these wild bursts of enthusiastic energy can surprise even his closest friends with his crazy impulsiveness

Very Popular and Friendly – All this adaptability and spontaneity comes together to form a person who is approachable, interesting and exciting, with a cooperative and altruistic spirit and friendly, empathetic disposition. He gets along with pretty much everyone, and his circles of friends stretch far and wide.

Poor Practical Skills – When it comes to conceiving ideas and starting projects, especially involving other people, he has exceptional talent. Unfortunately his skill with upkeep, administration, and follow-through on those projects struggles. Without more hands-on people to help push day-to-day things along, his ideas are likely to remain just that – ideas, hence why he wants to be in a group

Overthink Things – He doesn't take things at face value – he looks for underlying motives in even the simplest things. It's not uncommon for him (and others he bugs) to lose a bit of sleep asking themselves why someone did what they did, what it might mean, and what to do about it.

Get Stressed Easily – All this overthinking isn't just for his own benefit – he is very sensitive, and cares deeply about others' feelings. A consequence of their popularity is that others often look to them for guidance and help, which takes time, and it's easy to see why he sometimes get overwhelmed, especially when he can't say yes to every request.

Highly Emotional – While emotional expression is healthy and natural, it can come out strongly enough to cause problems for him. Particularly when under stress, criticism or conflict, he can experience emotional bursts that are counter-productive at best.

His family
Helping others
cold weather
Spicy food

Hot weather
Awkward food packaging ( because of a nut allergy)
Being alone
Hard decisions
Falling out with people

Hobbies: talking, Going to parties, Working on Music

○ the youngest of his family, with 4 brothers.
○ him and his brothers broke their mothers keyboard stand- she wasnt happy but the boys found themselves exploring music more- nicknaming themselves after the band ' the jackson 5 '
○Yejun could never really dedicate himself to a certain
○ He was the social king at school and was always trying to be kind to everyone ○ Went to a school specializing in music, where he was taught how to compose, sing, dance, rap and many other things properly- not able to pick a favourite, he just focused on everything
○ he impulsively entered a local talent contest with his school friends. They did great and although they didn't win (because the two year old in front of them was cute), they became the talk of the town and he was fortunately scouted by brand new music, he trained there for a few years but recently didn't pass the monthly evaluation- hes now under RBW
○ has a bunny rabbit called Gorden
○ hes rather clumsy and has broken his arm 3 times
○ if theres ever a competition for who talks the most SIGN HIM UP
○ Constant shower thoughts? I think so-
○ There was a period of time where he'd go out all weekend at various social gatherings
○ has never flown on an aeroplane
○ when hes sleeping he talks and has really weird dreams that he likes to try and put sense too-
○ English & Japanese 70%- he loves talking to people so he impulsively decided to take the two languages as an extra at school and even when he changed schools, he talks that much he couldnt really lose the skill-

Private trivia: His mums currently really ill but she insisted that he carried on training and tried for debut. He said yes hesitantly and tries to stay in contact secretly because he doesn't want to worry others (just thought you could use it for drama)

Skill Rankings
Vocal: 80/100
Rap: 80/100
Dance: 80/100

Audition Links

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Predicted Rank: 8
Predicted Grade: B

Self Introduction: Hi everyone! It's your talkative Yejun~

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