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Sophia cursed beneath her breath, her eyes rigid upon the meager grade scrawled on top of her midterms. She sighed, running her hands up her face before digging her fingers into her long, wavy hair. With her head bowed, the golden brown strands draped over her face so no one around her could see how brutal this blow was.

"Hey, you okay, Sophia?"

She groaned and considered pretending she never heard the question. However, out of everyone in the class, her study buddy Kyle was the only one she felt comfortable confiding in and she really needed someone to help push the heavy weight of failure off her shoulders.

"I got a D that just barely avoided an E. I wish he would grade on a curve. Though, even if he did, I'd probably still be on the losing end." With a curl of disgust pulling at her upper lip, she flipped the paper packet over so she couldn't be taunted by the vicious red number any further. "How'd you do?"

"I got 100% actually."

There was a nervous rattle in his meek voice. Guilt hunched his shoulders and pulled his body to the far side of his chair as Sophia whipped her head around to face him.

"That's, well, that's great, Kyle. Congrats."

Her words came out in gulps and sputters thanks to the way her jaw dropped in a gape reminiscent of a large mouth bass. She hoped he felt her sincerity. Although, she couldn't say she actually heard it herself. Sophia wanted to believe she supported her friend unconditionally. Yet, resentment burned the back of her throat and kindled the words on her tongue.

"How did you manage that? I mean, just a couple weeks ago, you were hanging on by your fingernails like I was. How on earth did you go from that to 100%?"

Way to go, Sophia. You sure sounded proud of your friend there.

She sighed and looked around the room. The class ended after the distribution of the midterms, but her and Kyle weren't the only ones hanging around to discuss their grades. She even noticed several students queued up in front of the hall's large whiteboard, waiting for their turn to discuss their results with Professor DeVille.

"I'm sorry, Kyle," she said, turning her attention back to the young man beside her. "That sounded bitchier than I meant it to be. I'm just, you know, a bit dumbfounded. But that's not your fault."

Still, how did he pull it off, she thought to herself. He certainly hasn't been studying with me recently. Has he been reviewing material with someone else? We might not be in a romantic relationship, but this somehow feels like being cheated on. What if, though, he has always been successful, and I've just been dragging him down by our study sessions? What if I'm the only one utterly unable to grasp Professor DeVille's class?

While Sophia spiraled through a bombardment of emotions, Kyle shifted in his seat so he sat tall and calm. His movement caught Sophia's full attention and she marveled at Kyle's unusually proud, and maybe even smug, expression.

"Hard work," he responded, like it was the most obvious answer in the world. "I spoke with the professor and he helped me realize that I've got to adjust my priorities to succeed. So I spent less time with Chloe and more time reviewing the materials. In fact, Professor DeVille tutored me himself. Having him walk through the concepts one-on-one was a game changer for me."

"Oh," she replied, her voice small. "He actually offered to tutor me too, but it just didn't seem right."

"I get it. He's got a reputation for being a hard ass and, overall, he's pretty intimidating. But when he offered to help, I figured, why not? Like, at that point, I didn't have much left to lose. Once I spent time with him outside the classroom, I realized he was a pretty chill guy. I bet if he offered to tutor you before, that he'd still be willing to do so now."

His lips curved with pity before his attention shifted to the front of the small lecture hall.

"Maybe you should go down and ask him about it. I bet lining up a tutoring session with him now will make you feel better about your chances in passing the class."


Sophia bit the corner of her lip, watching how Professor DeVille propped himself against the edge of his desk. She knew the number of publications his work had appeared in was too large to count on her fingers. She knew he wore designer clothes that should be out of reach for a man still in his twenties. She knew the refinement of his physique was due to diligent exercise routines and unwavering endurance. Everything about him exuded power and intimidation. Even with him so far away, she felt small before his presence. Yet, she also saw how he nodded along with one of her classmate's explanations about their midterm grade. There was a sympathetic softness to his gaze as he focused his decadent brown eyes upon his student.

I will face lots of men like Professor DeVille in my career. Men that think a finely cut suit, taller stature, and a striking jawline will be enough to pressure women into conceding defeat in the courtroom. I can't avoid them and I can't fold to them. Perhaps DeVille isn't that bad of a guy. Maybe I am acting out of prejudice. But learning how to deal with someone that exudes dominance is just as important of a skill as understanding political theory.

Yeah, that's why I'm going to do this. Not because he's just really fucking hot.

"You know, I think I will go speak to him. Congrats again on your grade, Kyle."

"Thanks, Sophia."

She rose up from her chair without giving more than an appreciative nod in her friend's direction. Instead, she trained her eyes upon the professor, feeling strong and capable while leering down at him. However, the press of her gaze must have tickled his skin because after only a few steps, Professor DeVille turned his own attention to her steady progress down the shallow steps of the lecture hall. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat, doing all she could to maintain an indifferent expression upon her face.

Yet, the professor would not turn away. He still nodded in understanding and still offered a few words of acknowledgement with the student before him, but his eyes looked elsewhere. The longevity of his gaze slowed her progress and her chest tightened.

She hated the power he wielded over her.

"Ms. Miller."

The previous student had said her piece and vacated her spot in front of the professor. In fact, most of the students had wrapped up their chatter and had headed out the door. By the time Sophia stood toe to toe with the much taller man, they were alone.

"Well, professor, I imagine you're not surprised to see me crawling back to you for help after the grade I just received."

She threw her hands up in a frustrated shrug and her lips pinched together so she couldn't voice any more of her agitation out loud.

He, in turn, answered with a slight cock of his head and a subtle half-smile.

"I don't take any delight in seeing my students fail, but I am glad that a grade like that has made you reconsider my offer. I think you will benefit greatly from a more personal approach to study."

He uncrossed his arms and placed his palms against the edge of the desk he was leaning against. He then bent forward ever so slightly. It brought him closer to her upturned face and she felt a flush of heat coat her cheeks.

"I hear it worked out well for Kyle, so I guess it's worth seeing if your tutoring can help me out too."

She looked away, unable to withstand the intensity of his reddish-brown eyes. She cursed herself as she did, frustrated she'd already conceded him any ground.

"Excellent, then I hope to see you tomorrow in my office. Are you free around five?"

Sophia looked back at him from the corner of her eye. With a deep breath, she returned to face him with her chin held high.

"I am. I'll see you then, Professor DeVille."

"I look forward to it, Ms. Miller."

A deep purr resonated in his voice, which sent ripples of excitement across her skin. She clamped her arms against her sides and strained the muscles along her neck to keep her body from giving away how little it took from him to unsettle her.

Seriously, hormones? Back the fuck off. I do not need you to diminish what little dignity I have left. This is business and I cannot miss out on this opportunity because I get too distracted every time he so much as blinks in my direction.

With a shake of her head, she recalled herself.

"Yes, okay, see you then."

It was the only words she managed before her feet sent her flying back up the lecture hall steps and out the door.

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