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-in a lecture- now dragons were known to be territorial and powerful. Yet they are also caring and

Student: -yawns loudly- Borrring~

-stops and looks at the student- is there are problem

Student: Yeah why don't you teach us how to fight

I believe that job is for another one of your teachers but if you wish to fight me then by all means come right on down

Student: -smirks and walks down and draws their sword and shield-

-drags his double bladed stygian iron sword- Shall we

Rhodinite: No way i-is that

Brendon: That is stygian iron awesome

Blair: -grins- That guy is dead meat

Student: -charges at marco-

-dodges and strikes their hands knocking the sword and shield out of their hand but only leaving small cuts on the students hands and holds his sword at their neck- Yield

Student: -nods- I-i yield I yield

-puts his sword away- Sit back down and don't disrupt the class again

Student: y-yes sir -heads back to his seat and almost shits himself-

Alright now let's continue

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