Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

       I haven't left my house in a while, and I had been calling in sick every day I was supposed to work. I couldn't imagine leaving the house right now.

       I thought it was one big joke. I thought it was a lie, or at least Joel had confused his shooter for someone else, someone who looked a lot like Cassidy.

       It wasn't.

       While Joel was being checked out in the hospital, I got the police to come to take Joel's statement and when he said it was Cassidy, a lot of investigation was done, including questioning the doctor who was in charge of Cassidy's operation the night she passed away.

       He moved from Spruceworth a while ago, but the police was able to track him done and confirm one thing I never thought I'd hear.

       Cassidy was alive.

       He helped her fake her death for reasons he didn't know.

       For five years, I thought she was dead. For five years, I had been trying my best to move on from all the heartache and pain. I tried drinking away my problems, I tried staying bottles up in my house. My life fell off the track.

       All for nothing.

       I heard Cleo walking down the stairs, so I quickly wiped my tears away. "Josh, are you okay?" she asked me. 

       "Yeah," I said, not looking at her because it would be quite obvious I was crying a tiny bit. "Why do you ask?"

       "You've been staying home for the past couple days," Cleo said as she sat down beside me on the couch. "Not only that, but you've been so quiet, and I did catch you crying quietly a few times."

       "I guess I haven't been doing a good job at hiding it," I said.

       "You know you can always talk to me if something's bothering you, right?" Cleo asked.

       I nodded and took a deep breath, preparing to tell her what was going on in my life. She had to know, even if I was going to be opening up some old wounds.

       However, the wounds were already slowly opening again, so there was no reason I c "When I was in high school, I had a huge crush on a girl. Her name was Cassidy. I honestly never thought we would ever date, but five years ago, we were. I loved her so much and I honestly thought she was the one for me. One night, we were going to go to a party the the pub, but I had to work a bit overtime, so I got Calvin to hang out with her until I was going to show up. I never made it to the party."

       "What happened?" Cleo asked, gently resting her hand on my shoulder, and just that single touch felt like electricity.

       "I was still working when Calvin and Cassidy showed up to the hospital," I continued. "Calvin showed up for support, and Cassidy was the one who needed medical attention. She was drugged and apparently, the person who drugged her used way too much and caused Cassidy to overdose. She didn't make it and to make things worse, the doctors later told me she was pregnant."

       "Oh, Josh, I'm so sorry," Cleo said. "I don't know what I would do if I lost not only my loved one, but my child."

       "That's not the reason I've been acting like this," I said. "A while ago, this guy, Joel, was shot. He made it, thankfully, but he refused to say who shot him. And a few days ago, he was beaten up and when he found me, he told me he was blackmailed into keeping quiet otherwise his boyfriend would get hurt. But his boyfriend is currently on a two week vacation, so he figured it was the perfect time to come forward on who shot him."

       "I don't get it," Cleo said. "Was it the same person who drugged Cassidy?"

       "No," I said. " was Cassidy. She's still alive. The police did some investigating and found out that the doctor who was in charge of Cassidy's operation helped her fake the whole thing."

       "What? Why?"

       "I don't know. He doesn't even know why. He was just offered a lot of money and couldn't refuse. For five years, I've mourned over Cassidy's death, and it turns out she was alive the whole time."

       "I don't even know what to say," Cleo said. "That's....really horrible, for you to go through something you shouldn't have."

       "Yeah," I said, looking down. "It is. At least we both have exes to deal with. Is Brody still trying to contact you?"

       "Yes, but that doesn't matter right now," Cleo said. "What are you going to do about Cassidy?"

       "I don't know," I said. "I haven't seen her yet and honestly, I'm not sure if I even want to. I have been trying so hard to move on, and I really thought I was going to soon, but hearing she's alive might ruin it."

       "Ruin what?" Cleo asked but before I could reply, Celeste starting crying on the baby monitor. "I should go check on her."

       I nodded. "I'm going to go to my family's house. I've never told them about what happened yet, and I think I need their advice."

       "Okay," Cleo said before standing up. "Remember, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here."

       "I know. Thanks."

       Cleo gave me a small smile before she headed upstairs. I got off the couch and headed towards the door, putting on my jacket and shoes before heading out the door and to my family's house.

       It was the weekend, so all three of my brothers were home as well. Julian was the one who opened the door, giving me a smile. "Hi," he said. "By the way, I haven't told anyone about the whole....thing."

       "Thanks," I said. "Can I come in?"

       "Obviously," Julian said before stepping aside and opening the door wider for me to come in.

       Mom and Dad were in the living room, and they looked at me. "Well, it's nice to see you again," Dad said. "It's been quite some time. We haven't even seen you around the village."

       "Is everything okay?" Mom asked.

       I didn't reply as I walked over before sitting on the couch. "You know how you've both been trying to get me to move on from Cassidy?" I asked. "I don't know if it's going to be possible anymore."

       "I know it may seem hard, but it absolutely is possible," Mom said.

       "No, it's not," I said. "Because she's still alive."

       "Josh, you seriously have to try," Mom said. "I know she's going to always be alive in your heart, but...."

       "Whoa, seriously?" I interrupted. "That's not what I meant. I'm not even that cheesy. I meant that she's actual alive, living and breathing. You know Joel, right? Calvin's ex? He told me that she's still alive because he has seen her, so the police did some investigating and found out that she faked her death."

       Mom and Dad looked at each other before looking back at me, and I could tell they didn't believe me.

       "He's telling the truth," Julian spoke up before they can say anything. "I was there when Joel told Josh that Cassidy is still alive."

       "Why didn't you say anything?" Mom asked Julian.

       "It wasn't my place to tell," Julian said.

       "It' shocking," Dad said. "Hearing that Cassidy is alive, five years later. It's a good thing though, isn't it?"

       "No, it's not," I said. "You know what I went through. I mourned so much, and I shut down for the longest of time. I was so close to actually moving on, but then I hear that she's still alive. She might come back into my life, and I'm not sure if I want that to happen."

       "Why not?" Mom asked. "You were so sure she was the one. This should be a good thing."

       "Well, yeah, but....But not when I'm falling in love with Cleo."

       "You're what?" Dad asked, but I knew it was more for clarification.

       "Cleo is one of the most amazing girls I have ever met. She's beautiful, and sweet, and caring, and she never ceases to put a smile on my face. And when her ex-husband came to the village, I started to feel really protective and even a bit jealous."

       "Josh, Cleo has a daughter," Mom said.

       "Yeah, I know," I said. "One that I love very much and I would do anything for. I don't care if she's another man's daughter. I've been treating her like she's mine because I love her. Cleo and Celeste are the best things that have ever happened to me, and Cassidy might ruin it. I don't know what to do."

       "You've been mourning Cassidy for so long," Mom said. "Wouldn't you want to get back together with her?"

       "That isn't what I want to hear," I said. "I tell you I'm falling for someone else, and you ask if I want to get back together with Cassidy?"

       "I'm just saying what I think about the situation," Mom said.

       "Yeah, and you also think Holden shouldn't have a job, but look at how well he has been doing," I said. "It wouldn't be the first time you were wrong."

       "Josh...." Mom said in a warning tone, but I ignored her.

       "I have to go," I said, getting up from the couch and leaving the house.

       I honestly didn't know what I wanted my parents to say, but I definitely didn't want my mom to completely ignore the fact that I was falling in love with someone else. Five years later, and all it took was a little baby girl who didn't have a dad.

       "Josh," a voice behind me said, so I turned around to see who it was.


       "Did you miss me?" Cassidy asked.


Hey, so Cassidy being alive means one thing. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Let's see who can guess what I'm talking about. Hint: Cassidy isn't the only person making a return.

So, for those who didn't see, this winter's short story is for the Spruceworth characters, because DRAMA. The preview is already posted and it's called Winter in Spruceworth, so add it to your libraries to see what kind of drama is going to happen. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I'm going to love it, because you get to see from more point of views you haven't seen yet, like my cinnamon rolls Julian and Noah, and my baby Holden.

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