Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

       Celeste was the most angelic baby I had ever come across. I was more than happy to babysit her when I didn't have a shift at the hospital and Cleo needed someone to watch her while she worked at the diner.

       Cleo was more than happy for me to get her a job there. She kept saying she felt like she had to pay me back, but I told her not to worry about it. She was a young mom and really needed money, so it wasn't a problem.

       I didn't know anything about Celeste's dad though and why he wasn't helping out, but I didn't want to ask. I hadn't known Cleo for long, and if it was a sensitive subject for her, I didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

       I was having dinner at the 50's diner today while I was watching Celeste. It was a lot easier for me to just order something than to attempt making something at home while watching a baby that was a month old.

       Celeste starting whining a bit, so I took her out of the stroller to hold her. Almost immediately, she stopped whining and smiled up at me. "You are just the cutest human being ever," I said.

       I was happy all I ordered was nachos, because I now had to eat with one hand and couldn't make a mess. I really didn't mind at all having to eat with one hand while holding her in the other. I was too happy babysitting this precious angel to care.

       "Josh, I didn't know you had a baby," Calvin suddenly said before sitting across from me. "You didn't even tell me you were pregnant."

       "Ha ha," I said. "I'm just babysitting her."

       "Whose baby is she?" Calvin asked.



       "Your new co-worker."

       "Yeah, I still don't know who that is. I haven't been working since I got married. Dan gave me a few weeks off to get settled in since Kenny and I aren't going on a honeymoon. Not yet, anyway."

       "Why's that?" 

       "We're still saving up. We spent a lot on the wedding, so we just have to wait a bit longer to go on our honeymoon."

       "Any places planned?"

       "Either France, Australia, or Montreal."

       I raised an eyebrow. "Montreal? Don't get me wrong, that's a great place, but wouldn't you rather get out of Canada?"

       "No. Canada is the best country in the world."

       Well. I couldn't disagree with that.

       "Okay, I have to admit, that baby is one of the cutest ones I have ever seen," Calvin said, looking at Celeste. "Apart from Ace, of course. What's her name?"

       "Celeste," I said, and the name definitely suited her.

       "I swear, she's in love with you," Calvin said. "She won't stop staring at you."

       I looked down at Celeste, and she was indeed staring at me. I just smiled at her, and she smiled back, moving her arms and legs happily like all babies did when they were excited.

       Cleo suddenly walked over to the table. "She isn't giving you too much trouble, is she?" 

       I shook my head. "No, not at all. She's been an angel basically the whole time. By the way, this is my cousin Calvin. Calvin, this is Cleo. She's new to the village."

       "Ah, no wonder her name didn't sound familiar," Calvin said before looking at Cleo. "How are you liking Spruceworth right now?"

       "I love it," Cleo said. "It's very calm, and it's a great place for me to raise Celeste. Everything is within walking distance, and I'm sure it won't be hard finding a babysitter. You know, when both me and Josh are working because he seemed pretty adamant about watching her when he's not working."

       "What can I say? Her baby charm worked on me," I said. "And I really don't mind babysitting her when you're working. It gets pretty lonely at my house."

       "I'm sure my husband would love babysitting her when both you and Josh are working," Calvin said. "He's great with kids. He's even way better at taking care of my son than I am."

       "Thank you," Cleo said. "Seriously, your whole family is sweet, always helping me out. I mean, Josh took over for the nurse that was supposed to be taking care of me, but she was never to be found. Then he got me the job here."

       "Why is she even working at the hospital?" Calvin asked.

       "It's Vanessa," I said.

       "Ugh, Vanessa," Calvin said with a shudder. "I'm surprised she hasn't been fired yet from the hospital."

       "So, you both know her pretty well then, huh?" Cleo asked. "Judging by your reactions."

       "Oh, yeah," Calvin said. "She's my best friend's husband's ex, and when they were dating, she told him to choose between her and his daughter."

       "Seriously?" Cleo asked. "Wow. If I was dating someone and he told me to choose between him and Celeste, I would never let him in my life ever again."

       "I don't know why anyone would ever tell you to choose between you and Celeste," I said, looking down at the baby girl who was still staring up at me. "She's the cutest thing ever."

       Cleo smiled at that. "Well, I should get back to work. Dan only let me take a short break to check up on Celeste. Thank you, again, for watching her."

       "Seriously, it's no problem at all," I said.

       After she walked away, Calvin smiled widely. "Is it just me, or was there something going on? Wink, wink."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you going on about?"

       "Wow, for a genius, you can be really stupid at times," Calvin said. "Have you ever thought about moving on? You know, from Cassidy?"

       "I have moved on," I said.

       "No, I mean, getting back into dating," Calvin said. "You haven't dated anyone since she passed away."

       "So?" I asked. "I just haven't found the right girl yet, or even someone who can come close to making me feel even the slightest bit of love I felt with Cassidy."

       "I think you might have," Calvin said. "Just....don't lead Cleo on if you're really not ready to get back into dating, especially when it looks like her daughter thinks your her dad."


Calvin be right.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I'm horrible at focusing. I started this around 7 or 8 and it's 1:26 am. cx

I think karma for killing off so many characters caught up to me. :( I accidentally killed my pet fly today, and I'm really sad. He deserved so much more. :(

At least another life is coming soon lol. My sister has been in labour for almost 24 hours now. cx So I get my nephew soon. :D (im technically not supposed to tell anyone, but oh well. nobody in my family reads my books because they dont like reading)(thank goodness because i dont think my parents would like my content ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ))

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