Chapter II

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"Do you seriously have to take me all the way to the entrance?" Ben shrugged in the passenger seat looking out the window at the gateway of the Maple Hills High school, the last (but unevitable) place he wanted to be at that morning, what made it worse was having to suffer through the embarrasment of being driven there by his father "I could've just walked here, it's not that far away from home"

The eldest held the steering wheel tight "But you know kiddo, I want to see my son before going to barely get out of your room" he looked at the blonde who didn't dare to look back "Anyway...have a good day".

Ben quickly opened the door getting out of the vehicle as soon as possible without answering his dad, taking his bag with strengh before entering that hell of a place that was flooded with teens.

He tried to make his way to his locker, passing shoulders but easily going through people's bodies due to how slender he was, but his luck soon striked bad when he was pushed by a few kids and crashed against Christopher Ellwood, or simply "Chris", that typical asshole of a Jock that all schools had, at lest he wasn't that bad.

"Watch it, link!" He made fun at the shorter's clumsiness, oh yeah that stupid name "Link" it started when the game 'Legend of Zelda: majora's mask' became quite popular among the boys in second grade, elementary school, some kids culdn't stay quiet about the similarities between the main character, 'link' and Ben, some of those kids being Chris and his friends, the blonde really didn't bother a lot since he liked the game a lot, something nobody could know.

"That never gets old, does it?..." Ben murmured starting to walk away, he wasn't in the mood to deal with those dumbasses.

Finally he got to his locker, opened it and left his bagpack in it, the truth is that actually he arrived earlier than usual so he had a few time to just daze off somewhere calm, he started that mission once he went to the school yard.


"She's right there..." Natalie teased Toby who was standing next to her, frozen "This is your chance, you know?" he gulped looking directly at the ginger girl a few feet away from them speaking to her friends.

"Nope, bad idea, let's leave..." The brunette tried to leave but his best friend stopped him.

"Are you gonna be that coward?" without a warning she pushed him in front just to be a little closer "You're will regret it, believe me"

Him being pushed was evident enough for Elinor to look over where he was, smiling at the boy and waving slightly, he couldn't help but wave back with a blush, it all went down hill when his tics showed up making him curse a few times now "Shit!" his neck made a violent turn to the right and his limbs trembled, Natalie walked up to him holding his arm and caressing it.

"Hey calm down, it's just a girl, no biggie, you can do it" 

He sighed looking down at her "Not all girls are like you, Nat"

She nodded "I know, and not all girls are bitches, trust me, Elinor is nice" That was Natalie, encouraging her little coward just to make him talk to the girl he liked "You. her. talk. ok?" Natalie ordered and walked away finally seeing the ginger making the first move by going up to Toby.

Once seeing how they were getting along she realized something; she was alone.

A little awkward, her mind couldn't come up with something smarter to do at the moment, so she simply took her notebook from her bag and walked to the yard.

Once she was in the open are she find a bench to comfortly sit on, well... comfortable enough, the old chewed bubblegums sticked to some parts of it didn't helped the situation, but at the end, all the benches were as dirty and old. Disgusted, she cleaned the surface of the side where she was going to sit with the palm of her hands.

As she sat down, all Natale had her attention on was the football team in the field near by, laughing and practicing together, she had a nice view to the boys that were part of it, including Chris. Natalie couldn't deny that even though he wasn't the nicest person in school he had a very likeable face,  his blonde hair matched perfectly with his pale skin, and his green eyes were the cherry on top, most times she would find herslef drawing him again and again.

But at the moment she didn't even open her notebook, she just stared at him from afar just making up fantasies in her mind on how tasty his lips suddenly looked. Poor girl was too ahsamed of herself to realize the truth.

"Can I sit here?" She was distracted from her daydreaming by a well known voice next to her, a she looked at her side Ben was standing there with a slight smile.

"Sure you can" She taped her side and he didn't wait any more time to sit by her side. "How are things at home?..." Natalie asked, knowing well he had a hard time with his father, still not as hard as hers.

Ben sighed shrugging his shoulders and placing his arms in between his legs "I really don't want to think about that at the moment..." His heart ached even thinking about it but he knew Nat had good intentions when asking about it.

He checked out the notebook, knowing too well which face was that "...Watchu' drawing?" he asked raising an eyebrow. The brunette blushed and hugged the sketch turning her face to the side, but at some point she let it go showing it to him. "Dude..." Ben teased her with an annoyed face.

"Hush!.." Her eyes turned worried "I don't care what you say, I like him"

"He treats me and Toby like shit!"

In all honesty she didn't know how to answer that, he was right, Eli had been making fun of Rogers since he showed up at school with his tics, and even to this day nothing had been done Ellwood was still a bitch to him.

"Don't take me serious Ben, I hate it too" She whined "But I like the feeling of being in love! Alrght?!" Sometimes, in her miserable life she had to recurr to stupid impulses or in this case feelings just to have more will to live, those inorrect ideas were the ones keeping her safe from suicide "I can love whoever I want..." she hugged her legs, her eyes watered because she realized that nothing was true, Natalie didin't love him...yet, it was just an innocent crush.

"We all can love who we want to..." Ben knew perfectly how jealous she felt deep inside "And there's nothing we can do about it"


"You guys, come on! It's just two months left until summer!" Mrs. Steele tried to hype her blue students who simply didn't care about anything related to calculus, it was true, thee were only two months left until the summer break that everybody loved but that specific group of kids weren't excited at all about it "Hey, I know there isn't nothing to be happy for today so, I brought you a movie to watch!" The grey haired woman pulled a very old TV with a VHS set on top, those classical cheap electronics their poor school could afford.

"I brought you some horror movies, I know you like them..."Mrs. Steele grabbed her Environment friendly bag with the phrase 'I love the earth' on one side, those useless products supermarkest would convince old people to buy. From her bag she got out a few tapes including 'Scream', 'Halloween', 'Child's play' and last but not least 'A Clockwork orange'.

Natalie's eyes widened as she saw the last movie and immeadiately looked away starting to feel anxiousness creep in her stomach. Mrs. Steeler looked at the tape and simply placed it back in her bag "Alright so our options are..." Natalie interrumpted ans raised her hand.

"Excuse me...can I go to the bathroom?" The teacher nodded.


Hurring she locked herself inside a stall and hugged her stomach as she felt her breakfast wanting to get out. She bended over the toilet and let it all out. It didn't take long for her to walk out of it and look at herself in the mirror cleaning her mouth with  paper towel while her hands were still shaking. She hadn't seen that movie in a long, long time...


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