Results - August Challenge (Adventure)

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We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the individuals who participated in the August Challenge and generously shared their narratives. It was a delightful experience immersing ourselves in the pages of each entry, as they showcased remarkable literary prowess and a skillful exploration of the provided prompts. Our warmest congratulations go out to all the participants, and we offer a special commendation to the winners!

First Place Winner

The Train to Elsewhere by sup3r_n0va_

"I didn't know what any of it meant, why Mavis had led me here. But I knew I had to see it through. For Mavis, and for the version of me that was still learning how to live without her."

Runners up

Somewhere Only We Know by AthenaPersephone9

Kingdom of Sea and Crystal by Millie_Kate01

A Jaunty Journey by Iamjustasapien

Congratulations to everyone who participated! We hope you had fun with this Challenge, see you soon with our next one!

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