prologue: the N'sanity!

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Y/n pov

This was  NOT how I expected my life would  go.


Crash: HEEE!

I didn't  ever think it'd  be a Wednesday that lead to this.

Ripper Roo: HehehhahAHaha

Chasing some blue  mutant kangaroo  with bombs on a rooftop.  To make even more crazy I'm  not even myself.  To understand  what the hell happened; ill bring you back.  Before  this whole mess started I was just a student in a school full  of special kids. When I say special I don't mean  like disabilities. The  Academy  is full of super human skills and powers. It came to be when for some unknown reason universes  had merged  seemingly  into one. New races lead to new faces no one could've  saw coming. But in the end  leaders  of groups  came together to. Form  schools for a better future. Why am I a student your  probably wondering? What's  my special  ability that's  seen as a heroes skill? Well nothing actually. The truth is my sister  was the REAL reason  I'm  here.

Coco is a bit of a genius. Been that way since she was a little kid. However I on the other hand as her big brother had to be her muscle. Keeping  her safe from bullies and whatnot. That being  said though I made some great friends while in there. The day started  like any other  for me.  I was spending time with some friends of mine.

Issei: Dude  professor  Stein's class was  tough.

Y/n: Way tougher than usual. I barely understood what he was teaching.

Ichigo: Tell me about it. The guy is a nut case if you ask me.

Rias: Come on you three is it really that bad?

Y/n: No but Stein is a creep sometimes!

Coco: I think you guys are only saying that because he has us sometimes  disect endangered  species.

Y/n: I say that's  creepy!

Rock: Honestly  I don't  really care too much.  So long  as he doesn't turn us into  his next experiments.

Rias: I suppose  you guys have  a point.

Ruby: I'm just glad class is over. We finally have some time to relax.

Yang: Same here Rubes.

Blake: We've all actually been studying like crazy haven't  we?

Weiss: Thats putting  it lightly.

They were my friends  since I  began here at Verse.  Because  I  was friends  with them I never had to worry about being pushed around. For awhile I had some peace. But sadly one of my friends  never did. As we  walked  through the  garden I noticed one of my closest friends being  bullied.

???: Can't you morons do anything else but pick on me like one note losers?

Y/n: Nina? Ah shit here they go again.

Cardin: You think we would  forget  that  crap you pulled? Think again you buck toothed bitch.

Y/n:  Hey Cardin! Wanna try your hand with us?

Cardin: You can't do shit  by yourself  huh Y/n?

When  Cardin smirked at me Rock stood infront of me then  formed some energy in his hand.

Rock: He isn't  needed to take  out some light weight punks like you  assholes.

Dove: Stay out of this Daddy issues. Leave the nerd to us or else.

Y/n:(Mind) Well then  guess Ill watch the show.

When Rock glared at them  they froze leaving Nina a chance to move away. When she came over to me we both  snickered as he unleashed  a attack  on them.


Watching them flying away Nina and  I watched them while laughing our asses off.

Y/n: Never  gets old I swear.

Nina: Watching them scream lile babies  is always  sweet music to my ears.

Y/n: So Nina what  exactly  are you up to right now? I figured You'd  be off  at   Build a bear or something  like that.

Nina Cortex always  had a Goth girl attitude on the outside  but deep down  loved cute things. Its something  I learned awhile back.

Nina: Tch yeah right. My damn uncle wanted  me for  something. Im betting some lousy  experiment that's  gonna blow up in his face.

Y/n: Shesh Sounds rough. You know I could give you a hand with that.

Nina: You really wanna help with that? You're  a complete  Doofus though.

Y/n: *grins* I may not  be a genius  but I'm atleast  a good laborer when it counts.

Nina: Well I guess I can't say no to that. Alright  you can come with me.

Y/n: *winks* Hell yeah lead the way my N'Sanely smart friend.

Nina: Never say cringe inducing sentence again.

Y/n: *Grins* Hehe.

Coco: I guess we'll  see you later big brother.

Y/n: Yep see you guys later!

Walking off with Nina the two of us made off to her uncle's lab. Making it there  She knocked  on the door before  it opened itself.

Walking through the lab  we finally found him working.

Neo: Ah Nina you're  finally  here.  Oh and  you brought him.

Y/n:*whispers* Well nice to see your big ass head too.

Neo Cortex  was a brilliant scientist  but his methods of somethings were definitely not normal. Some people called  him a mad scientist. But  I honestly wish I could disagree.  Hell Nina is so angry at him because he replaced her hands.  Because  they are bionic she can't  do things such as feel or hold stuff animals  because;  she'll  end up destroying  them.

Nina: Uncle he stays here  or you can  kiss  my help goodbye.

Neo: Fine fine so be it. Just start with  carrying that box over  there.

Y/n:  Alright.

After a few hours  we finished I wiped my head then turned to see Nina walking towards.

Nina: You did  a alright  job as always.

Y/n: I aim to please. But seriously after  the stuff your uncle  but you through. Its the least I  can do.  I maybe a bit of a loser but hey. 

Nina:*smiles* Maybe  your as much of a loser as you think.

Y/n: OHO? Is that a smile I see?

Nina: Just shut up and let's  go you dork.

Going to leave I accidentally  shocked myself  with some device before  I  just  walked off.

Timeskip brought to you by these

3rd person pov

Later that night Y/n returned to his room seeing  Coco laying on her bed before  he waved to her.

Coco: Welcome back. How was everything?

Y/n: Fine  aside from Neo's ego.

Sitting  down  beside  his sister Y/n shocked his sister too causing him to jump up.

Y/n: Oh shit sorry sis.

Coco: It's  okay I'm  fine. Honestly  though I don't get how Nina puts up with that  jerk.

Y/n: Who knows family ties can be a odd thing. I feel bad that despite everything  Nina is treated  like a freak by people like Cardin.

Coco: True even if I don't like that know it all Nina. It's  not right  for her to be treated  like a bitch.

Y/n: *sighs* Well maybe one day things will be different.

When he went to go to the  bathroom  he suddenly  froze. Screaming in pain Y/n  grabbed his head when Coco did the same.


Y/n's body began to spin as he bursted through  his window  in a blur.  Minutes later Y/n stopped  on a rooftop  revealing  his new form.


Y/n mentally screamed as his body seemed to act on its own. Running across a rooftop Y/n Watched his body go around.


???: Y-Y/n?! Is that  you who was crashing around?!
Y/n's body  suddenly  snapped  back seeing his sister.

Coco: I don't know  what happened to us but we have to figure it out!

Y/n found himself  smiling as his body itched itself  like a dog.

Coco: Oh no please don't let what  happened be permanent.

As Coco  tried to approach  Y/n something bursted  from below  to the roof  laughing.

Coco/Y/n:( mind) IT'S  A MUTANT?!

To be continued

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