❄~The Boss!!!~❄

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(Y/n) P.O.V
Hunter gave me a tour of the HQ from the main room, to the living quarters, and so forth I will was amazed at how much There was here and how many agents work here it was enough to make my head spin luckily Hunter was here with me or I might have fainted from all the excitement I feel
"Someone's pretty excited about working here I know exactly how you feel I was just like that when I first started your going to do great I know you will" Hunter said in a reassuring voice While patting my back" Thanks Hunter I'll do my best to help everyone out" I said giving him a thumbs up" Now that's the spirit Dude!" He said with a big smile on his face and he wrapped an arm around me and pulled us close closing the space between us causing me to blush lightly and smile back "S....Shall we get to t...the bosses office" I said stuttering a bit as the warmth of his body transfered to my body making me warm and hot inside"Sure thing Kitty Cat" he said playfully causing my ears to flick at the new nickname I had just been given and with no further delay he escorted me to the bosses office once there we stood outside of a big automatic steel door with a paw scanner outside of it for access to the room and Hunter scanned me in and the door slid open slowly to reveal the bosses office which was quite amazing the room was well lit by sunlight from the windows which was a little odd considering we're underground but his office position might be in a cliff or close to the outside world and there he was sitting in a big chair in front of his desk along with two fellow Agents sitting in front of the desk in chairs and they all looked at us.
(The Boss and His Office)

Hunter's P.O.V
"Good afternoon Boss,Leon, and Wolfie sorry to disrupt your briefing but I come with our newest agent" I gestured towards (Y/n) with a smile and he respectfully greeted them and the first to react was Wolfie" Hi there it's very nice to meet you (Y/n) I'm Wolfie but please call me what you like I'm agent 224" he said in a happy voice you could tell he was thrilled to have a new agent around next was Leon" Welcome (Y/n) I'm Leon agent 225" he said in a calm and cool tone and (Y/n) responded with" It's very nice to meet you both I look forward to working with you both" he replied blushing and they both gave him smiles and lastly boss began to speak in his deep and gruff voice Which was quite sexy if you ask me" Thank you Hunter I'll take it from here" he said dismissing me from my duty to guide (Y/n)" Sir Yes Sir" I giggled and went on my marry way giving the Kitty cat one last look and purred in approval as I left.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
As Hunter left out I heard him purr in what sounded like approval and I chuckled into my paw and gave the three in front of me my full attention and the boss talked again" Welcome to D.R.A Headquarters (Y/n)(L/n) I am Julian Briggs but most just refer to me as Big Boss, It's a pleasure to meet you and to have you here you brought your missions profile Right?" He greeted and asked with a smile and I nodded walking up to his desk and pawed it over to him and stood between Leon and Wolfie as he read over them and my eyes travel up and down them both they both Were hot and sexy from head to toe and I could feel their eyes on me as well we're they thinking the same way about me I couldn't tell my thoughts have been running about wild sense I've gotten here but how could they not there's so many hot and Cute furs here my tail went crazy at the thought swaying wildly and just as fast as they came my thoughts were quickly interrupted by the sound of my file being closed and The Boss looked at me and nods his head" Everything checks out your well trained and very skilled and will do the agency proud what do you think boys about your new fellow agent" He looked at Leon and Wolfie
"He's Pretty cute and a good looking Cat" Wolfie said in a sincere tone and Leon and The Boss chuckled at his response" I agree with Pup he is pretty cute and with a record like his I think he'll make a perfect addition to the agency Family and has great potential" Leon rubbed his chin and nodded his head agreeing with the boss and Wolfie also agreed making me blush bad and purr and The Boss nodded" Then that's that now your living quarters have already been arranged and your already in the system so you can leave and enter freely from here on out your missions will be assigned once you get used to things here is that clear" he asked" Yes Sir it's as Clear as crystal" I said respectfully with a hint of excitement in my voice" Good Good now we have nothing for you at the time you may retreat to your living quarters and rest up or meet some of your fellow Agents and see if anyone wants to get in some training plenty of us are thrilled to see what you can do the choice is up to you" he said" If you'd like we could take you to your quarters" Leon offered and I rubbed my chin in thought" What do I do head to my quarters with Leon and Wolfie or Explore around?".

(What should (Y/n) do next
A. Head to his quarters with Leon and Wolfie
B. Explore around)

(The Choice is yours Darlings*Smiles*
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I look forward to writing more of this for you all please let me know your thoughts and what you think I enjoy hearing what you guys have to say but please try not to be mean with that said I'll see you all in the next chapter❤❤❤*Blows a kiss and walks out*)

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