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As we walk down the hallways, I try to memorize how to get from our 'room' to wherever we are going. We stop at another large metal door with a keypad. Micheal punches in a code before the door opens. 8-2-0-5-7. I'm gonna try to memorize as many of these codes as I can. I look around the room. It has a track, a pool, treadmills, punching bags, weights, and some other random gym equipment.

Micheal turns around to face us once we are inside the room. "Ok kids, today you only have one round of testing. We are doing a physical assessment to see how strong, fast, durable, and agile you ten are. Would you all please go over to the sandpit type thing?" We all rush over there as fast as we can. "This is called a long jump. When I tell you to go, try to jump as far as you can and stay there until I can measure how far you went." This sounds fun! Kinda like a game even!

Zane goes first, then Kawaii~Chan, then Katelyn, Lucinda, Travis, Kim, Melissa, Aaron, and Garroth. I go and we see a big screen light up. It has a chart with all of us on it. The first row has how far we jumped. Katelyn and Kim tied for farthest with 15 feet. Aaron got 13 feet, Garroth got 12 feet and 5 inches, I was right behind with 12, and Zane fell behind with one seven feet. Kawaii~Chan, Melissa, and Lucinda all got six feet and Travis was last with five feet 7 inches.

Micheal leads us over to the track next. "I want to see how fast you kids can run next. When I say go, run as fast as you can to the tape line over there ok?" We all take our positions. Aaron is first with 35 mph, then Garroth with 34 mph, Melissa with 33 mph, Katelyn with 32 mph, Me and Travis both got 31 mph, Lucinda got 30, Kim and Kawaii~Chan got 28, and Zane was last with 27 mph. 

They test how high we can jump, how strong we are, and how long we can run. At the end, we assign points based on how we did and figure out who did the best! Aaron got first, Katelyn got second, Garroth got third, Kim surprised us by getting fourth, I got fifth, Travis was sixth, Lucinda and Melissa tied for seventh, and Zane and Kawaii~Chan tied for last.

Zach hasn't done anything suspicious... YET! I still don't trust him even though almost everyone else does. He works for the people who kidnaped us and turned us into hybrids! Plus Momma said not to trust him! It will take a loooooooong time for him to gain my trust!

Zach leads us back to our "room" and we all just hang out until we get tired and go to bed.

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