Chapter 14

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"Ow! Watch where you're putting your foot!"

"Then stop moving!"

"Both of you stop bickering and stay still before you send all of us, kissing the earth!"

Letting out a huff, I turned my attention back to the partially opened window and slowly, with some effort, worked the window open, before pulling myself in. Poking my head back out, "Come on."

Damian shook his head, "One of us needs to stay out here, just in case either the feds come around, or the guys in the bank try and make a run for it."

Damian's suggestion caught me by surprise. Not because of what he said, but because what he said made sense and it came from him of all people.

Nodding my head, I looked past him to Marisa, who stood on the bottom of our human totem pole, "That means you're staying behind Marisa. Make sure we have no trouble!"

"Don't worry! You can count on me!"

Somehow, that just made me even more nervous. Leaving Marisa as a guard outside, Damian and I left the room, which looked to be an office, and made our way downstairs. As soon as we reached the door that led into the main room, we stopped.

Damian cracked the door open and peered out, assessing the room, before looking at me, "All the hostages are located near where the bank tellers work. As far as I can see, there are only two gunmen. One of them is wearing a hoodie."

A hoodie? Maybe it was the man from the lab. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up since anyone could wear a hoodie and pull of (or attempted to) a robbery, but something in my gut just knew it was him.

"So now the question is, what do we do from here?" 

Damian held up his hand, silencing me. Then he pointed to the door, then his ear. He wanted me to listen.

Turning my attention towards the room ahead, I focused my attention on the two men inside. Or more specifically, what they were saying.

"Why do we have to keep all of the hostages? They're just going to slowing us down from what we're after."

"If we let them go, it'll give those police the chance they need to rush us. I'd rather have some borrowed time, then a bunch of coppers on my ass."

"Ok ok, whatever. I'm just saying, this code is pretty important. The boss would want us to get it as soon as possible."

The boss also doesn't want us to screw things up! Rushing means mistakes, mistakes mean consequences."

"What are you scared of? Think the boss will kill you?"

The sound of flesh on flesh reached my ear, followed by the sound of someone hitting the floor, "Shut the hell up. Quite talking and get back to work. I only brought you here so you could open the safe and pick the locks. Now shut up and do your damn job!"

After all that, silenced filled the air. Raising an eyebrow, I turned to Damian, "Sounds like they don't get along."

Damian nodded his head, "We could probably use that to our advantage."

Damian nodded, "We could probably use that to our advantage."

Now, the question was, how do we use that to our advantage.

"I think I may have a plan, but you might not like it."

"Why won't I like it?"

Damian gave me a slight smirk, "Because I'm taking a page out of your friends book."

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