Chapter 16

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Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I rushed around the corner and found Mr. Hoodie himself, walking out of the vault, an empty safe deposit box laying on the floor behind him.

"Stop right there! You are under arrest!" I exclaimed, raising my gun.

Mr. Hoodie came to a stop and looked at me. Then he smirked.

That smirk of his, spoke volumes of confidence. As if he was completely sure that he would win. Would get away unscathed.

That smirk pissed me off.

The man rushed forward then. Upon instict, I pulled the trigger just before he grabbed the barrel of my gun, wrenching it out of my hands.

As I lost my weapon, I quickly stepped back in time to avoid a left hook to the face. Shifting my weight to the balls of my feet, I swung my leg in an arc, but he quickly blocked me.

Grabbing my ankle, he aimed a sucker punch to my stomach.

The air just seemed to leave me in a whoosh as I gasped for breath.

I barely noticed the man walk past me as I fell to the floor, cradling my stomach. There were a few minutes where I probably sounded like a dying whale as I tried to regain my ability to breath.

Let me just say, having the air knocked out of you did not feel good.

Letting out a groan, I slowly got to my feet, one arm still wrapped around my stomach. I needed to get back upstairs, back to Damian. Make sure he was alright and had apprehended the men.

Taking a step forward, I felt my foot kick against something small. Looking down, a small black flash drive met my gaze. Did that man drop this?

Reaching down, I picked it up, quickly stuffing it in my pocket. Maybe this might give us some information on why those two had been here and what they were after.

Stepping out, back on the main floor, I was greeted by Damian, who had subdued the younger gunman.

"Where'd the other gunman go to?" I asked as I walked up to him.

Looking at me, he shook his head, "Don't know. He never came back up after you followed him downstairs. "
I frowned. That didn't sound right. There was only one way back from the vault room, and that was the stairs.

"Maybe you missed him. I know he went up those stairs."

"I didn't miss him, Nightshade. I kept watching those stairs. No one came up before you."

That just didn't make any sense. Where else could he have gone? Surely Damian was mistaken and just didn't want to fess up to it. I was about to say this when the front doors of the bank swung open and police flooded in.

"Police! No one move!"
"Sir, I brought what you asked for."

Stone stood on the deck of his yacht, hands clasped behind his back. At the sound the his voice, Stone smirked, before turning towards him, "Good. Hand it over."

The man dropped the item in Stone's outstretched hand and watched as the device was plugged into a tablet.
A moment of silence filled the air as Stone looked at the screen.

"What the hell?! This is only half of the fotmula!" Stone exclaimed, anger lacing his words. Pulling out the flash drive, he glared at the offending item, frowning as he noticed something.
Looking at the man, he glared, "There was another drive. What happened to it?!"

The man was silent for a moment, "... It must have fallen out during the fight."

"Fight? What fight?"

"... With her."

More silence, then Stone took a deep breath, "Get it back. My creation will be incomplete without the other half of the formula. "

"Yes sir. Right away, sir"

"Oh, and I would suggest not failing. Not if you value your life."

Stone's chilling threat followed after him.

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