Chapter 33

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The trek to the old dock was fairly uneventful,  which surprised me. I kept expecting something or someone to jump out of the shadows at us. When nothing like that happened, it made me more wary instead of relaxed.
I carefully instructed the group across the dock one at a time, before going on to the yacht.
I was the last to get on. While everyone found a place to sit, I went to the cabin, searching for the keys. I just found them taped under the console, when I heard a voi e behind me, "Going somewhere, Belladonna?"
Turning, I found Alex standing there,  the gun in his hand, trained on me.
"Alex." I said softly, "Come on. You know me. You would never hurt me. We used to work together.  We ment something to each other."
"Ment something? I doubt you even know what that means. " Alex scoffed, "Stone showed me the truth. How you're always standing in his way. In the way of science. All you want, is to use his achievements for your own gain."
My eyes widened at his words, "How can you say that? Alex, whatever he's told you, it's a lie. Project Shadow has always been there to protect the city. We've never used anything people like Stone created. Please, Alex. You were my fiance."
"Shug up and stop talking!" He snapped at me, "Stone showed me proof. Showed me that Project Shadow is just as corrupt as any organization. " he leveled the gun on me, "And you're the worst of them all. I never loved you, and I'm going to enjoy putting an end to you."
His words sliced through my heart like a knife through butter. Like ripping the scap off a wound. I knew it was a lie. My own memories were proof of that. And yet, it didn't make the pain go away. Especially when I could see the anger in his eyes. Anger that boarded on the lines of hatred.
There would be no talking to him. Not anymore. The best I could do was figure out how to incapacitate him. Easier said then done when his gun was trained on me and I had no weapon.
I gauged the distance between us, my eyes glancing at his face as I mentally prepared to act. Before I could talk myself out of it, I shot my foot out in a half moon kick, the heel of my foot connecting with the gun, knocking it out of Alex's hand.
Alex looked taken by surprise by my action. I used that moment to lunge forward, tackling him into the wall behind. I heard a whoosh as Alex lost his breath. I took that moment again, and aimed a fist into his kidneys,  trying to stun him.
I was able to get three punches in before I felt a blow to my back that sent me sprawling on the floor. It was quickly followed by a kick to the gut that sent me back into the ship's console.
A groan escaped my lips as I slowly pushed myself up. A pair of boots came into my field of vision, before I heard Alex, "You know, Stone told me you would be a tough adversary.  Yet now, looming at you, I think he overestimated you, because all I see is a pathetic woman who doesknow when to stay down."
Another kick hit me ehen he said that,  followed swiftly by two more. Air left my lungs and all I could do, was curl into a ball and try and protect my torso from anymore abuse.
I was expecting more abuse to come,  either physical or verbal. When non did, I cautiously cracked one eye open, looking up to see Alex standing there ramrod straight,  his whole body twitching, before he collapsed into a heap on the floor beside me.
What just happened? Confused, I slowly pushed myself into a sitting position,  my gaze looking beyond Alex's unconscious form, to the cabin door. Marisa stood there, stunner in hand.
"I leave you for five minutes and you go and get yourself in trouble." She said with a shake of her head.
The relief at seeing her was to much to put into words. Instead I leaned against the console and said, "What took you so long?"

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