Ch31 Is It a Rejection?

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The tension of finding a prom date was higher than that of the exams. We were sure that it would be the best prom since we had been studying hard from the start of this term to eventually enjoy our prom and graduation in peace. But then again when have our lives ever been peaceful?

When we came from the examination room, our first question wasn't 'What have you written in question four?' but was 'Who could we even ask as our date?'

We walked in the corridors looking at people to find any girl whom we could ask. We also realized that people pay a lot of attention to us even if we are just walking in the corridor.

"Can't these girls ever walk alone? Why do they always have to walk in groups?" complained Nathan.

"Look there is a girl who is alone go and ask her." Luke said pointing in the direction of a girl sitting alone reading. Nathan took a deep breath, exhaled, ran a hand in his hair, and started going in the said direction only to run back at us.

"Ok, I admit, asking is difficult too. I don't think I can do that." he said miserably. "I am too nervous, if any one of you asks first then I'll ask too." 

"I am even more nervous, and I admit it." said Ben clearly scared.

"I'm not going first either." I said hiding behind Luke and Luke too shook his head when Nathan questioned.

That left only one person, we all looked at Noah, he too looked nervous with sweat ticking down the side of his face but he took a deep breath and said, " No big deal, just see you guys I'll ask her right now."

With slow steps he reached her as we stalked, hiding behind the pillar. He cleared his throat to get her attention and she stood up abruptly seeing him, he whispered something we couldn't hear but the girl turned red and shouted "I have a boyfriend." before running away even leaving her book on the ground.

Noah looked stunned for a whole minute so we approached him, the whole school looking at us shell shocked. We took Noah's hand and dragged his frozen self away.

"Didn't see that coming." I said as we took our bicycles out. 

"You sure you can drive?" Nathan asked Noah who just nodded sighing.

"We should make some different strategy." Noah said in a deep thought.

"How about we make a banner with 'whoever is dateless please go with us.'" suggested Ben.

"And lose every remaining piece of our reputation? No thanx." I replied.

"How about asking Jackson if he knows someone without a date?" suggested Luke. It won't be that bad, Jackson knows about our situation with asking someone out and he sure can help us with it.

"Yeah I think it's a pretty good idea, I'll talk to him about it." I said agreeing.

 We tried to keep prom out of our thoughts as we sat down to study because the stress of both things combined would surely end with us failing and dateless in the very near future.

"What if we don't get a date?" Ben asked suddenly as we were taking Luke's quiz.

"Then we won't go, simple." answered Noah.

"But there would be food, dance, music, and hopefully spiked drinks." he said sulking.

"I would rather not eat and drink than go dateless and sell my pride." Noah replied.

"Yeah, we won't be able to live that down." I agreed.

"Are you guys cheating?" came Luke's voice as he barged into the room, we all immediately pretended to write, prom talk has to wait till after the exam I guess.


When we came out of the exam room only Luke was going through his question paper as the rest of us scanned through the crowd looking for potential people and Jackson. To our surprise not only people were gawking at us, but also whispering with each other while looking at us. 

Maybe it's normal, I never really paid any attention to it before. I saw Jackson far in the crowd and waved him over. He looked like he wanted to talk to me too.

"What is going on with you guys now? I heard you are looking for prom dates." He said as soon as he came.

"How did you know that? " I asked surprised.

"Well after you nearly gave Lucy a heart attack, the news became the hot subject." he replied like it was obvious.

"Who is Lucy?" asked Noah confused.

"The one you asked out, seriously what were you thinking? She and Holland have been dating for like six years or something. Now the whole school thinks you have a crush on a taken girl." he explained

"But we didn't know that, we didn't even know her name." I defended.

"Yeah, I know that but the school doesn't. But don't worry I have sent my damage control forces, just ask some single girl out and show some interest in her and never, never ever look at Lucy again then you'll be fine." he explained. "That poor girl always had a little crush on Noah, when he asked her she nearly died, thank god she is loyal or the school would have hated you guys, they are a very famous couple."

"I am sorry, can you please help us get dates?" I asked

"I can see who is available and to be honest every girl who is not really dating her prom partner will say yes, just wait till the next exam I'll see what I can do." he said.

"But how would you know if someone is dating their prom partner or not?" asked Luke confused.

"You guys don't know anything do you?" he sighed as he took out his phone and showed an Instagram page. 

We looked at each other in shock, the page had our faces plastered all over and there were so many shots that looked like taken in secret.

"What the heck, who is stalking us?"

"You don't know? It's the Insta sisters."



Hello, thank you for reading yet another chapter!!

I am really grateful to everyone showing support for this book, I really never expected it.

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