16 - Flowers

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Day 8

It was nearing seven in the evening, and Jungkook had just gotten back from work, taking the path leading to their front door from the driveway. He stops, shifts his phone and keys into his left arm that clutched a vibrant bouquet to his chest, and punches in the code for the door to unlock. 

The door beeped and within seconds he was walking into his home of one week. It was quiet inside, not to his surprise and he continues to take off his shoes and hang his keys. He begins his walk further into the home only to be interrupted by the sound of footsteps that only grew more intense once Eunji had spotted her husband in the corridor, holding a bouquet of flowers. 

She practically ran down the steps. 

"How did you know?!" She grins, snatching the colourful bunch of flowers out of his hold just as his brows meet in the middle due to confusion. 

"Know what?" He asks and watches as she sniffs the bouquet, her lips curved and eyes shut, savouring their delicate smell. 

Her smile widens. 

"That you were supposed to get flowers for me,"

"For the challenge?" 

She nods her head and takes another whiff.

"Um, they aren't—" 

He watches his wife turn on her heel walking towards the living room. 

"I have the perfect vase for these." 

And he continues to watch her walk away with the flowers meant for his mother, oddly satisfied and pleased with how easy the task turned out to be. 


"By the way, we have an event hosted tomorrow to celebrate the anniversary of the company," Jungkook spoke while Eunji seemed to be reading a book, nestled in the corner of their couch. She glances at him from over the pages. 

"You didn't tell me earlier," she frowned slightly, caught off guard by the news. 

"I forgot," 

"Is it fancy?" 

Her husband nodded, putting his phone down to look at her. 

"We'll be going together and everyone else will be there." 

Eunji nodded this time and Jungkook stood up, walking away. 

"I'm going to visit my parents." 

"At this time? It's already late." 

"I won't be gone for long," his voice can be heard from down the corridor this time as he nears the front door. 

This time she doesn't respond but sighs, listening to the door shut and click behind him. Eunji flips the page and immerses herself back into reading. 

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