19 - Just Stay

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Eunji feels a light tap on her arm, followed by the call of her name. And it takes her a moment to register it all as she’s disrupted from her slumber. 

She feels the tap again, and this time realizes that it’s Jungkook who’s saying her name with his rough morning voice. 

She’s tempted to ignore it and continue her sleep from where it was left off, only to feel a sharp pain pinch her pelvic. The cramp that shot up her body causes her to naturally groan and curl, squeezing her eyes tight. 

“Eunji,” Jungkook repeats once more, clearly tired. “You’re bleeding.” 

This time Eunji’s eyes flutter open and she twists her head to look at him. 

“What?” she mutters sleepily, confused and wondering whether she heard him right. 

“You’re bleeding.” Jungkook repeats from where he sat up next to her on the bed, pointing at a spot behind her. She finally finds the power to sit up this time, noticing the blood stained on the bed sheet right under her. 

She gasps and is quickly jumping to her feet. 

“I’m so sorry!” 

One of her biggest fears had officially come true. 

This just had to be a nightmare. 

“I’m so sorry, I-I’ll make sure to clean it-”

Pain shoots up her abdomen, and it has her bending over as her face scrunches from the pain. 

Jungkook gets out of bed, rounding around their bed to get to her side. 


"I'm sorry, just…" she attempts to ignore the pain and grabs the corner of the bedsheet, stripping it from the mattress "I'll clean it all, I promise," but then she finds herself curling into herself again, cramps clawing her abdomen. 

Jungkook watches as she curls to the floor this time, sympathy flooding his eyes. 

"Sorry, just give me a second, it hurts." 

He caught onto the sniff that she let out, watching as she attempted to wipe a tear while hugging her knees. 

She felt so embarrassed. She could feel her pj pants sticking to her skin, and the pain making her insides curl as she could feel the beginning of her cold sweat. 

She felt gross inside and out, and for Jungkook to be witnessing this, it made her burn with embarrassment and want to bury herself. 

She doesn't notice the sigh that he let out before stepping towards her. 

Then suddenly she's in his arms. 

"What are you doing?!" Eunji exclaims out of surprise, clutching onto him "You're going to get blood on yourself!" 

"I don't care if I do." Jungkook answers, walking them towards the bathroom. 

He sets her down carefully inside next to the counter.  

"You can stay here as long as you want. I'll change the sheets, and bring you a new pair of underwear and pants, okay?" 

Eunji blinks up at him, stunned.

"You don't mind?"

He almost smiles. 

"No, I don't." 

And suddenly she's tempted to cry. 


The bedroom door clicks open, revealing Jungkook with a steaming mug and a hot water bag walking into the room. Eunji watches him near her from where she was curled under the new bed sheets. He stops next to the bed and extends the mug towards her.

Eunji just stares for a moment before uncurling and sitting up. 

“What’s this?” she asks, taking the warm mug from him. 

“A mixture of chamomile and raspberry tea.” 

She stares at him. 

“What? It’s good for cramps, you should know this.” 

“Oh, I know. I’m just surprised you know.” she answers. 

“I think you forget that I have a sister.” Jungkook says, extending the hot water bottle towards her this time. “Put this on your stomach, it should help.” 

“Since when do we even have one of these?” Eunji asks, taking it from him. 

“I use it for my sore muscles once in a while.” 


Silence settles in for a moment as Eunji places the hot water bottle over her stomach under the hoodie she wore and takes a sip of her tea. She then glances at Jungkook who was still standing next to her, briefly looking at something on his phone. 

“Aren’t you late for work?” she finally asks and he doesn’t bother to look away from his phone, texting something now. 

“I’m taking the day off.” 


Jungkook sighs, finally looking at her. 

“I didn’t feel like going.” 

She raises her brow, not quite believing his words, but lets it be. 

The cramps in her abdomen suddenly make themselves known, and she’s once again scrunching her face, attempting to breathe through them. She takes another, and several more sips of the tea, letting the warmth flood her insides and possibly soothe the pain. And once the pain eases a bit, she asks her husband to pass her phone over to her. 

Jungkook slips his phone into his sweatpants pocket and finds Eunji’s phone charging on the nightstand next to him. He plugs out the charger and picks up her phone, feeling it buzz with a new notification. 

Challenge of the day, he reads on the screen before handing it over to his wife. 

“Thanks,” she mutters, taking another sip of her tea and asking him to place it on the nightstand for her, which he does. She then takes her phone, and curls up on her side, beginning to scroll through her phone as she feels a dip in the mattress. Eunji freezes in place as she feels his body come closer, his arm draping over her to hold his phone and look through his emails. 

“What are you doing?” Eunji practically squeaks as he casually continues to scroll, staring at the screen from behind her with his head propped up on his elbow. 

“Completing the challenge of the day.” 

“How do you-”

“I saw the notification pop up on your phone” he answers, cutting her off. “So what better time to cuddle than when we’re both in bed.” 

She says nothing in return this time, not even knowing how to respond. He wasn't wrong, but the fact that he acted upon it first was completely unexpected. 

And nice. 

Feeling the warmth of his body close to hers was nice, and feeling his soft breath close to her ear was nice. 

It made her feel in a type of way that just hoped that this isn't where he would stop and draw the line. 

Especially after the kiss they shared. 

Sorry, kisses. 

Suddenly she was reminded of the way his mouth engulfed hers in such a way that screamed that he knew what he was doing. 

That he had experience, and yet, five years later, he still accepts to marry her. 

A part of the equation seemed to be missing, and it felt like nothing was making sense. 

But he was still here, his arm still draped over her as he silently continues looking through his phone, clearly not bothered by the proximity of their bodies, nor the task at hand. 

Pain shoots through her pelvis for the nth time that day, and once again, she finds herself curling up unconsciously, bringing her knees to her chest. 

"Are the painkillers not working?" Jungkook asks, slightly sitting up with concern evident in his voice as he watches her wince in pain. Eunji shakes her head. 

"It might take a bit longer." 

He shifts slightly. 

"I'll bring you another one—" he begins before he feels her grab hold of him. 

"Just stay…for now." 

He doesn't object and reclines back into his previous position, letting his larger body engulf hers and hesitantly laying his hand over her stomach to possibly help sooth the pain in some type of way. 

A few moments pass by and he watches her body slowly ease from its previous tension, assuming that the cramp had passed away for now. 

Eunji sighs, exhausted. 

"Is it better now?" he quietly asks, and she nods in return, trying to ignore the burn in her cheeks from the idea that he continued to hold her close through her pain. 

Eunji purses her lips, her thoughts from before her moment of pain rushing back to her, catching him off guard when she's turning to face him so suddenly. 

There's only inches between them, but she stares with confliction written along her features. 

“Why are you doing this, Jungkook?” she asks, searching his eyes as if they would give away an answer. And for what felt like the first time, she notices the absence of the usual hardness in his eyes. She was certain that he knew what she was talking about.  

I just want to make you happy

“You're in pain, I just wanted to help.” 

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