4 - White Dress and Annoying Groom

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"Oh honey..."

Eunji's eyes diverted from the mirror that she sat across from, her hairdresser moving from one side of her to the other as she added the final finishing touches to the bride's beautifully done low bun.

"You look gorgeous, baby." The voice continued as the elder woman neared her one and only daughter that looked more gorgeous than ever with her makeup and hair now fully finished, and her wedding dress to be put on.

Eunji smiled at her mother's compliment, her heart warming as her mother now stood next to her, gazing at her with a soft gaze and her hands placed on her chest.

"Thanks mom."

With crescented eyes, the bride noticed her father showing up at the door that her mom had walked through only moments ago. She watched him sigh, admiring her with a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"So the day has come, my little baby's getting married."

Eunji's eyes softened as she witnessed the growing tears in her father's eyes, causing a weight to fall onto her.

"No... dad, don't cry."

The bride's pink lips pouted into a frown, it deeping once seeing her mother's tears and reddening eyes. Her heart was constricting now, a lump forming in her throat.

Eunji was now fanning her face while tilting her head up, trying to dry the tears that threatened to escape.

"My makeup... is gonna get ruined." She whined, as her parents chuckled.

"I still haven't recovered from you and Jungkook wanting to get married." Her father added, "It was really unexpected, but as long as you're both happy, honey."

Eunji nodded with a soft smile.

Youngsoo, Jungkook's father, and her father were friends from high school that continued their close relationship over the years. The moment that she and Jungkook announced their wedding, her father was surprised and delighted to become family with his best friend, encouraging their wedding all the more as her mom remained skeptical, especially with Mrs.Jeon now becoming her mother-in-law. Either way she remained supportive of their marriage and didn't object.

After talking with her parents a bit more, Eunji noticed another figure walking in.

"Am I interrupting?"

Shaking her head no, Eunji gave Yuna a warm smile although her tears were still visible.

"You look beautiful sis." Yuna grinned at the bride, receiving a thanks in return. The hairdresser had begun packing her stuff, moments later saying goodbye to the four and congratulating the bride once more.

"How's everything going on Jungkook's end?" Eunji asked, giving her hair and makeup a last look in the mirror before spinning her chair to face her parents and sister-in-law.

Yuna hesitated for a moment before finally replying.

"Everything is okay now. Other than my mom's complaints and a few things here and there, everything else is going smoothly."

"Ah okay."

"Well," Eunji's mother glanced up at the clock, noticing the time of the ceremony coming close. "Let's get you into your dress."


Eunji had witnessed many weddings throughout her lifetime. Whether it was one of a family member, one in a movie, or even one in books she read. But never had she ever felt what she was feeling then and there, at the end of the aisle with rows and rows of people and camera's staring right at her.

She was more than under the spotlight that moment, and the spotlight was something that she never liked to be under, and rather tried to avoid. But it was her wedding, and she never got a say in how many people Mrs.Jeon had invited, especially when she much rather preferred a smaller wedding.

With a breath that she didn't know she was holding, Eunji took a forward step with her arm linked with her father's. She held her posture straight and met eyes with her partner for the first time that day.

She didn't want to say he looked stunning, because that made it sound like she was in love with him, but in a way, for a moment she felt lucky to be marrying the quite annoying fiance of hers.

She couldn't lie to herself, Jungkook looked handsome.

He stood at the altar, his hands held at his front in his black suit and matching bow tie. His dark hair was parted in the middle, allowing her to clearly see his ebony eyes staring right at her. She caught the small trace of his smirk before it disappeared.

Who said grooms cry at their weddings, because hers certainly didn't.

Not that she expected him to. Now if he had, she would've held that against him for the rest of their lives just to embarrass him. Too bad she couldn't.

Not long after, the bride found herself only a few feet away from her awaiting groom, their eyes locking once more before she turned her attention to the hand that he held out.

"Take good care of her, son." Eunji's father spoke as he placed her hand in Jungkook's awaiting one.

With a rare lip smile of his, Jungkook bowed his head, accepting his partner's hand.

"I will."

Watching her father leave the both of them at the front of the altar, Eunji noticed the increase of her heart rate and her held breath.

Jungkook held her hand delicately as the priest began his speech, and both their attention had turned to him.

"We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other. The essence of this commitment is the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lover, companion, and friend..."

For a moment Eunji glanced at her partner, who noticed her stares and returned her gaze. With his dark eyes on her and the priest's voice drowning out into the background, she didn't know what to do but gave him a tight lipped smile that he surprisingly also returned.

He probably just did want to look bad in front of the cameras. That sounded just like him.

She focused her attention back on the priest

"...one in which neither person is possessive of the other, one in which both give their love freely and without jealousy. Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams. It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish."

The priest took a pause and cleared his throat.

Eunji knew exactly what was coming up next, and it only made her heart race.

"Now, for the bride and groom's vows."

For a moment the entire room went silent, excluding the quiet shutter of cameras in the background. Everyone's eyes had shifted to the groom who had turned his gaze to Eunji.

"Five years ago, we made a promise to each other." Jungkook's voice rang across the room, his voice calm and smooth as he began his vow. "One we both kept, and are here today to fulfil and pledge another. I promise you to not only listen, but to hear and not only be honest, but to trust. I promise faithfulness and patience, respect and support. I promise to stay by your side along this journey, and to remind you that you're not alone."

Eunji would be lying if she said she didn't feel her insides melt. Those were probably by far the nicest things that Jeon Jungkook had said throughout their 28.5 years of knowing each other. And although his voice remained his usual calm, she felt the small squeeze of his hand after he finished off his part.
It made it seem like he meant it, and for a moment she felt herself going into a crisis. Was he possibly actually being sincere? Could this actually be a new chapter for them?

"Ahem," Eunji'w eyes snapped to the priest. "Miss Han? Your vow?"

The bride's eyes widened as she noticed that she had completely zoned out amid her internal crisis in front of hundreds of people. She caught Jungkook trying to hide his snicker which was soon replaced by a smug grin instead.

Would it be too late to run away? Because Eunji didn't know how she would be able to face anyone anymore.

And oh God, he would never let this go and embarrass her every chance he got from that moment on.

Muttering a small apology, she turned to her partner and gave him a tight-lipped smile while plotting his murder. He was really ready to laugh at her infront of everyone.

Pushing her thoughts away, Eunji cleared her throat and began her own vow.

"We have experienced a lot of things together, and us being here together was another meant to be. I promise to grow with you and support you, I promise to be patient, understanding, and kind, I promise to listen and share. In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, I promise to stay committed and hold your hand as we enter this new chapter together."

It was how the priests turn to speak, and both bride and groom repeated the pledges they were told to make. It was when Jungkook's best man, aka Kim Namjoon, his partner at his company Jeon Tech, and close friend had stepped in while holding the rings that made Eunji grow nervous once more.

This was it. They were going to be official.

"Jungkook, please repeat after me." The priest spoke as Jungkook had taken the diamond ring out of the two and held it between his fingers. He had stepped forward to have her hand held nearer.

"I Jeon Jungkook, promise to love and support you Han Eunji and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humour, and passion. With this
ring I thee wed." His calm voice repeated after the priest, and slipped the delicate ring onto Eunji's waiting finger.

It was her turn now.

With his golden ring now between her newly manicured fingers, Eunji spoke her part.

"I Han Eunji, promise to love and support you Jeon Jungkook and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humour, and passion. With this ring I thee wed."

With the ring now on his finger, Eunji let out a breath she was holding because she hadn't messed up and somehow dropped his ring. But of course, momentarily forgetting what was coming up next.

"Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have- the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

And there it was again, her nerves rising to 100, and her heart working tenfold as Jungkook took another step closer, a small grin spread across his lips. He tilted her chin up to meet his eyes as there were only inches between them now. Too nervous to look anymore, Eunji shut her eyes, waiting for the moment he would kiss her-

She felt a peck on her forehead and him withdrawing. Eyes now fluttered open she stood there confused as the entire audience applauded her and her grinning husband.


"I hate how everyone is staring at us." Eunji mumbled and peaked over her partner's shoulder who accompanied her for the bride and groom's first dance.

Jungkook stepped to the side, his hands on the small of her back guiding Eunji with him as he also glanced at the many eyes and cameras on them both.

"It's our dance, what do you expect?"

Eunji nibbled on her bottom lip, a habit of hers when she got nervous.

The worst thing that could happen that moment would be for her to lose her balance and miss her footing in front of everyone, which consisted of 210 people that happened to be staring right at her.

Now that would be embarrassing. And she would never hear the end of it from her mother-in-law.

"I don't know, maybe less people can stare at us."

"Just ignore them." Jungkook's voice was neutral as always. He clearly couldn't be less bothered.

"It's not that easy." Eunji muttered.
It was either she stared at the audience or her now husband. And she definitely preferred the first, less awkward option.

Eunji listened to Jungkook sigh, noticing a smile spread across his lips while they parted to speak.

"Then look at me, and forget about them,"

Eunji's eyes snapped up to look at him, her brow creasing in confusion.

What did he just say?

"Is what I would've said if this was another romcom that you binge watch." Jungkook's grin turned sly, making Eunji scoff in annoyance.

That was very much expected from him. She should've known better.

"You're so annoying." the bride grumbled.

"Yet you chose to marry me, kinda suspicious don't you think?"

Eunji chose to ignore his comment, gazing at the audience and the couples that had started to join their dance. She shot a smile at Iseul who gave her a thumbs up.

"I can't wait to go home to take this dress off." Eunji broke the silence among them once more, choosing to speak her mind rather than have things get awkward.

"Is that so? I'm surprised, I didn't think we'd be doing it tonight."

Eunji's mouth fell agap, her cheeks flushing a red hue as she glanced up at him grinning, knowing very well what he was implying.

"T-that's not what I meant." she stammered.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, we are married after all. As a great husband, as long as my wife asks, I am willing to serve."

Eunji didn't think her cheeks could possibly get any more heated as Jungkook was enjoying her reaction.

Noticing that the song had ended, she forced a smile to her lips to cover her embarrassment and shock.

"I will keep note of that. And now that the song has ended," she smiled sweetly as she stepped closer to him, making him furrow his brows before hissing and grabbing his right foot while Eunji stepped back. "I'll be taking my leave."

She turned on her heel, celebrating internally and didn't look back at her husband who glared her down from behind.

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