Ch.13.Promise Me.

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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

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Izuku walked next to Shoto back to class after All-Might dismissed them, they were back in their uniforms instead of their hero costumes, and now they were going back to class , today was slightly tiring with two tests but they had a few minutes left of school till they had to head home.

"Today was fun, even though you kept pulling out a knife Sho-Chan" Izuku told his best friend, with a bright smile, "Though my favorite part of today was when you froze that kicked the grape haired boy like a football and he went flying , it was so funny".

"Yes I enjoyed kicking him as well, I was told to dispose of him and I did" Shoto stated bluntly, he would have done more but there were to many witnesses , he didn't need anyone to know , he would soon actually dispose of the boy, he was certain Mineta landed somewhere in a trash-can, hopefully he could find him and properly dispose of the boy that his lover disliked.

Well his best friend, but that didn't matter Shoto would do anything to please Izu-Chan he would also always protect his soon to be lover, he had the boys moms blessing which meant everything to him, now he just needed Aizawa's blessing, that would be the hardest, he was certain the black haired male despised him, than again Aizawa seemed to hate everyone except for his children and wife, but the red and white haired male wouldn't give up.

He'd make the grumpy lazy man like him no matter what, he would get both and Izuku's parents blessing rather one likes it or not.

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"You guy's were so cool today" a pink haired female stated, excited beyond anything when the two entered the classroom, Katsuki had already left not wanting to run into his insane friends that could kill him at any given moment, "you were just so fast, I'm Ashido Mina by the way!"

"Kirishima Eijiro" A male with red hair grinned at them "Your costume was killing it Midoriya" he nodded and didn't even flinch at the glare the red and white haired boy gave him.

"I'm Sero" A male with short black hair nodded grinning.

"Aoyama Yuga" a blonde that was a fake french male stated, he tried to hard faking being french.


"Nice meeting you all but please call me Izu-Chan K?" The green haired male giving a bright smile that made their hearts melt, he was such a cute cinnamon roll, their thoughts were all the same 'Must Protect' the ones that just formally met the boy thought.

"Z is picking you up correct?" Shoto asked , glaring at the ones that were trying to take his Izu-Chan away, no he shouldn't think such thoughts, and he already had a knife again without realizing it.

"Yep, also Sho-Chan put away the knife"

"I apologize , it's a reflex"

"I forgive you Sho-Chan"

"Let us get married than"

"Were to young Sho-Chan"

"I Have your mothers blessing I do not see why we can't get married"

"Were not even dating Sho-Chan"

"Than let us date"

"This sounds like how my mom and dad started dating"

"It is a yes or no question Izu-Chan, will you go on a date with me"

"S-Sure Sho-Chan , it could be fun!"

~ ~ ~

"My Babies going on a date!" {Y/N} shouted in glee, while hugging Izuku to her chest, she was so proud of him, and she was happy the one he was going on a date with was the only boy she'll ever give her blessings to, she trusted Todoroki to protect her son, she also very much liked how cute they were together.

"He can't breath with being squished to your breasts {N/N}" Aizawa told his wife , while yawning, he was a bit annoyed, that boy had slipped under his nose and asked his son out, he'd have to remind Todoroki whom had the erasing quirk.

"Oops sorry Izu-Chan" She  released the boy from her grasp with a sheepish smile , she than remembered something , "You know how I've been wanting another kid?" a look of horror went across Aizawa's face, he loved his kids in all but Usagi and Kari were little troublemakers as babies and he barely got any damn sleep because of them, "Turns out I'm pregnant again, Hopefully it's not twins again~"

Aizawa wasn't sure what to say, he was happy he'd be having more kids but the other side of him knew damn well he wasn't going to be able to get any sleep, "Stay away from hero work" he told her "Your taking a break again, till the little monster is born".

"But I wanted to kick some villain's a**"

"No it would be bad for the little monster"


"But's are for sitting on {N/N}"

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{Rule 8?: But's are for sitting on}

{Next Chapter: In Which a Class Rep is chosen, and Shoto and Izuku have a date}   

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