Ch.16.Promise Me.

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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}

{I rewrote this chapter again so if anyone is confused I am quite sorry I was unhappy with the outcome}

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"I call to order the first meeting of The Cinnamon Roll Protection Squad Club" Uraraka Ochaco stated standing at her make shift podium which was made from boxes that they taped together, and stuck a banner on the front of, she was standing on a crate to make herself seem a bit taller, she stared at all the ones she got to join the club she put together in secret.

Well A secret club from the cinnamon roll known as Izuku he was just so precious that he needed a protection squad, and thus this little club had been formed and today was their first ever meeting, and since she had founded the club she was of course the president of said club, thus the reason she got to be at the make-shift podium speaking instead of the others.

Denki Kaminari rose a hand up and the brown haired female gave him permission to speak, "Dear Leader I thank you for giving me the permission to speak" he stated giving her a wink "What will we be learning today as Cinnamon Roll Protection Squad members, also whose our vice President?".

"Vice President of the C.R.P.S club shall be decided by a vote later on Kaminari-San, and today's topic is the fact our sweet little cinnamon bun is dating the Icy-Hot boy with a knife" Ochaco nodded pointing a stick at the board behind her that had writing on it, the stick was a stick she had picked up from outside, she was being careful so her quirk wouldn't activate, and the drawing on the board was very poorly drawn yet she didn't seem to care, "We all have noticed how dangerous Todoroki can be with his ability to summon knifes, I am quite convinced he has another Quirk that allows him to do this", she pointed her stick at a frog like female, "Tsu-Chan you may speak".

"I Believe his knifes might actually be hidden on his body Kero" the frog like female stated quite bluntly, she like everyone here had their opinions on how the boy was able to pull knifes out at any given moment, and she was a bit afraid of him as well, "With this threat in mind shouldn't we learn how to defend ourselves against someone with a knife Kero?".

"Your right we should learn but I wonder who would teach a bunch of fifteen year old's to defend against a person with a knife" Ochaco tapped her chin, and as if the gods themselves heard her blessing someone tumbled through the door of their meeting room, everyone's heads snapped towards the door and focused on the person.

"Sorry to crash your party kids but I got a little lost" The {H/C} woman giggled she was going to leave but her {E/C} eyes wondered to the words on the make shift podium than to the board, and her eyes sparkled, "Oh my I wasn't aware my little Izu-Chan had a fan club, would it be alright if I joined, though I am supposed to be meeting Nezu but that bear rat dog man Principal can wait another thirty minutes".

"Y-Your Shifter!" the brown haired female stated excitedly, the others in the club were in shock as well of the beautiful woman whom was the number 3 hero, they were surprised to hear she wasn't number two yet, but anyway her being in their club room was the greatest thing to ever happen, the gods have blessed them today, a pro hero could teach them how to defend against a knife! or even fight with one, "O-Of course you can join our club your Izu-Chan's mom right?".

"Of course I am dear I'm betting he told you, now that I mention it he did say something about meeting a brown haired cutie you must be the self proclaimed big sister I've heard about" the pro hero smiled entering the room fully and shutting the door making her way towards the brown haired female, and without warning pulled the younger female into a hug and probably suffocating her with her breasts, and her classmates were a bit jealous that the number three pro hero was giving the brown haired female a hug, "I am so glad my little baby is making such good friends, you know I'm always open to adopt some cuties, though don't go telling my grumpy husband that because he's already getting another kid soon" she giggled letting go of the younger female whom took in breaths of air her face a bright pink.

"Y-You smell like {S/O/C} it smells so nice" Ochaco giggled a bit dazed from lack of air before stumbling and fainting because she had just met her favorite hero, the brown haired female looked up to the number three hero so much and she had just been hugged by her into her breasts she may have almost died but she would have died happy.

The older woman caught the younger female before she hit the ground the others in the room finally got out of their shock and went to go check on their friend, only one had enough courage to ask the older female and that happened to be a girl with short purple hair, "So we need a self defense teacher would you be willing to teach our club so we can protect the cinnamon roll?" she asked the older woman.

"Oh my I would gladly teach you cuties if it's to protect my dear little Cinnamon roll, though be warned Sho-Chan has my blessing so don't try hurting the little Yandere boy he's my future son in law" the {H/C} woman nodded a bright smile on her face she would gladly train a club to be feared fighters, oh my she wouldn't be surprised if they all became the most feared heroes when they graduated heck she wouldn't be surprised if their little club became a criminal organization because of her help, neither did she care.

Because to her children were just so precious even more so when they were feared by society.

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{Last time I'm rewriting chapter 16 hopefully}

{Rule Number I don't Remember: Children are even more Precious if feared by society}    

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