4: Convince Me

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I rubbed my eyes as I entered the kitchen. My head throbbed from not having enough sleep and my body wanted nothing but to go back to sleep. I felt almost sick.

"There's the blushing bride to be, good morning sunshine want some coffee?" Emily smiled brightly at me.

"First off, that's not funny and second oh god yes please" I sat at the table and took the coffee she had just poured.

I took a few sips of coffee and let it wake me up before I looked over at Emily who was staring at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked confused, my coffee still in my hand.

"Are you going to tell me what happened last night and why you have the most beautiful diamond ring I've ever seen on your left ring finger?"

Oh, that's right, we didn't talk about it last night.

"When Tyler and I were seven, we made this promise to each other that we would get married after I turned 28" I started explaining.

"Why 28?" She asked confused.

"Because we were seven Em, why not?" I laughed.

"Fair point, go on" she motioned for me to continue.

"Anyways...he found the promise we wrote out to each other and he reached out to me" I took another drink of my coffee.

"And...?" She pushed for me to continue.

"And what? That's it" I looked at her confused.

"What? Hell no girl how did you end up with a ring?!" She half yelled leaning across the table.

"It's my birthday present from Tyler" I smiled looking at it again. "Or my engagement ring, that part wasn't so clear in the end" I said more to myself.

"Does he actually want to marry you? Like really want to marry you. House, kids, together forever kind of scenario?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.

"That's what he says" I shrugged. "And he seemed so sincere and so...fragile I don't know, I just don't know if I should believe it" I trailed off staring at the ring.

"Madison, look at me" she got serious as I brought my eyes back up. "Do you want to marry him?"

"I don't know, if you would have asked me that yesterday I would have told you absolutely not but spending time with him last night was great. It made me feel comfortable it made me feel..." I trailed off not finding the right words to describe it.

"Like you're home?" She questioned grabbing her own coffee.

"Yeah" I finally admitted with a breath.

"Marry him" she took a sip of her coffee.

"What?" I almost yelled in shock.

"Or at least give him the chance to show you if he's worth marrying. That feeling, you can't ignore that. You can't buy it, you can't wish it and you can't force it. Just think about it" she patted my hand getting up from the table and walking to her room.

Now I definitely felt sick.

I fought about it in my head for a few minutes before pulling out my phone and dialing.

"Hey it's me, Madison" I said to the person on the other end. "Yeah you know, I'm feeling kind of under the weather today. I'm thinking it's best I take the day off to make sure I'm not coming down with something" I explained.

Once I had called off work I gathered my blankets and pillow and made a comfy spot for myself on the couch. I waved a goodbye to an amused Emily as she left for work and grabbed snacks I knew I would want.

I was a couple episodes deep into my One Tree Hill binge when my phone went off telling me I had a text. Assuming it was someone from work asking where I was, I let it go. When it went off a second time, I decided to check it.

'Hey beautiful. Can I take you to lunch today? When do you get your lunch at work?' I read Tyler's text in my head.

'Actually didn't go into work today, wasn't feeling very good' I texted back with a slight smile.

A good amount of time passed and Tyler hadn't texted back. I figured he wouldn't and tossed my phone to the side again getting back to my show.

I was starting to get another wave of tired when there was a knock at the door. I looked around curiously wondering who the heck would be at the door in the middle of the day when Emily and I were both supposed to be at work.

I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me before making my way to the door. I was shocked when I opened it to Tyler's smiling face.

"You said you weren't feeling well, I decided to bring lunch to you if that's ok" he held up a bag.

"Depends...what's in the bag" I half laughed.

"Chicken tenders and grilled cheese" he smiled.

"You remembered my comfort food" I said in disbelief.

"How could I forget" he chuckled a little before I moved out of the way for him to come inside. He planted a kiss to the top of my head as he passed.

"So what's wrong? Do I need to go get some medicine or something?" He asked placing the back of his hand to my forehead.

"No" I giggled pulling his hand away. "It's nothing like that it's..." I trailed off, again failing to find the right word.

"Emotional?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, I guess that's the best way to describe it" I shrugged.

"I can leave" he motioned to the door before I stopped him,

"No, stay. Someone has to help me eat this food" I giggled taking the bag from him.

We settled on the couch as he took a glance at the tv.

"Again?" He breathed a laugh realizing what was on the tv.

"You know it" I laughed taking a bite of my food.

Tyler asked questions all throughout watching the show, just like he always did. He always asked questions when we would watch the show together but never bothered to actually watch the show.

"You're still wearing the ring" Tyler pointed out lightly taking my hand.

"I am" I smiled at him.

"I'll take that as a good sign" he smiled running his thumb over the ring.

"Take it as a I haven't made my decision yet" I lightly laughed.

"I'll still take it...I love that you're still wearing it" he kept his gaze on the ring. "Hopefully soon I can take it as a you're mine forever" he still didn't look away from the ring.

"You're doing a very good job at convincing me" I barely spoke as he finally lifted up his eyes to look at me with a smile.

I gave a weak smile back before I set my focus back on my food and the show on the tv. I was only able to make it through half my food before the urge to sleep became too strong. I set my food down and tried my best to stay awake since Tyler was over.

My head fell to Tyler's shoulder and when he didn't push me off of him or move his shoulder away, I closed my eyes. As he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me to a more comfortable position, I couldn't help but think how familiar it felt, how comforting and inviting being back in his arms was.

I didn't even remember fully falling asleep. The last thing I remember was Tyler throwing a blanket over me and rubbing my head softly.

I was a goner.

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